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The Baumer loves and hates movie thread

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This is obviously going to, at first glance, look like a thread based on ego.  But this is a thread that was asked of me.  And frankly, I do find it strange that so many members here are angered when I don't likes a popular film or that I like other films that the populace here doesn't.  


So this thread is not for those who could care less what my opinions are, but for those who are interested in my taste in film.  


I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just name some random films  I like and then some random films I dislike.  


I realize this could very heated, so mind your tongue and understand that my taste is my own, i am not you and you are not me.


This is the post, btw, that inspired this thread


Baumer, you should really make a list of every movie you seem the only one to hate/dislike but almost everybody else seems to love.You throw knives at popular/beloved movies here and there but we really want to know how your movie DNA taste is made of.

Here's my top 25 films of all time, first of all:
1) Jaws
2) ET
3) JFK
4) Raiders of the Lost Ark
5) American Beauty
6) Aliens
7) Halloween
8) The Matrix
9) Fellowship of the Ring
10) Pulp Fiction
11) First Blood
12) Angel Heart
13) Goodfellas
14) The Wolf of Wall Street
15) The Dark Knight
16) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
17) Mississippi Burning
18) Back to the Future
19) Empire Strikes Back
20) Terminator 2
21) Titanic
22) Swingers
23) The Bourne Ultimatum
24) Rocky 
25) Scream
This list's order changes depending on my mood, but the top 3 don't.
Films I really enjoy.
Most horror films before the 2000's, because they emphasized suspense over CGI.  Horror is just my thing.  I love being scared and some horror, like the first Nightmare on Elm Street, the first Halloween and the 4th Friday the 13th, make my top 50 films of all time.
Twilight...because I can relate to the story of young romance
All Michael Bay films (except BB2) because his style of film making is incredible.
Most Disney animated films from my childhood because they are simple but enjoyable stories.
Stuff I don't like:
Most Pixar films especially Toy Story 3.
Most musicals especially Chicago
Most Potters especially HBP
Citizen Kane is one of the worst acted, most boring film and it gets high praise because it had the balls to take on a controversial subject in its day.  But it is a horrible horrible film.
The Hobbits are everything that is wrong with film today.
I'm half and half on Marvel.  Some are genre defining, like Iron Man 1 and Avengers, some are silly but harmless like GOTG and the first Captain America and some are just awful like IM2 and 3 and the two Thors.
I have to go to work now...wish i had more time.  I'll be by to read your comments later and answer any questions.
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ET being #2 is probably the only kids movie....what made it so special...and did you cry...and what scenes?




What movies do you like from this group....


Stuff I don't like:
Most Pixar films especially Toy Story 3.
Most musicals especially Chicago
Most Potters especially HBP


You pick alot of franchise movies but only have one movie listed, maybe you can rank the franchise films,???


1) Jaws
4) Raiders of the Lost Ark
6) Aliens
7) Halloween
8) The Matrix
9) Fellowship of the Ring
11) First Blood
15) The Dark Knight
16) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
18) Back to the Future
19) Empire Strikes Back
20) Terminator 2
23) The Bourne Ultimatum
24) Rocky 
25) Scream
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How can Michael Bay fan hate Bad Boys 2? I think the movie is Bay's one of the most fascinating works. Not only fabulously choreographed action movie, but also daring fuck you to PC & his detractors.

Edited by bartonfink
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How can Michael Bay fan hate Bad Boys 2? I think the movie is Bay's one of the most fascinating works. Not only fabulously choreographed action movie, but also daring fuck you to PC & his detractors.


I haven't seen it in a while.  I found it to be bloated where as the first one was lean and to the point.

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Even though i find some of your opinions really odd, i respect you for standing by your opinions even when it has been very unpopular for you to do so. Interestingly there a lot of films we agree on like Knowing, Count of Monte Cristo and dances with wolves that i feel are very underated amongst people.

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Nice and eclectic list :)

I couldn't really define what I don't like because frankly I don't watch that many movies nowadays and rarely watch something I suspect I wouldn't like. So, as an example, I agree with your dislike of musicals as a genre - but that's maybe based on prejudice because I just don't watch many musicals. (I liked Tangled but disliked Frozen - don't know if they really count. Moulin Rouge made me want to leave the theater and that was the last "real" musical I saw ...)

I also don't like horror as a whole but "Alien" and "The Thing" are among my only 13 10/10 movies on imdb so maybe I should delve a little deeper there :)

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I agree with you 100% on IM3, HBP, and Thor, but I am very interested in your opinion on Goblet of Fire, considering it is perhaps the most "mainstream" Potter.Also, which do you think was worse, Wall E or Toy Story 3?

Edited by Captain Jack Sparrow
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I think it is odd people care so much whether you like a movie or not. You should be able to like what like and not get so criticized about it. With that said, I think it is cool you took the time to make this thread to show what movies you like to the people that do find your movie opinions odd. :)

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Really the only person who leaves me puzzled about their film tastes is Lisa. But again she likes what she likes or doesn't like. But it comes from a feeling that movies are a chore to watch instead of a joy

Edited by DAR
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Thx Baumer, please list more universally beloved films that hou dislike.Also, in reverse, you could tell us about movies that are despised or people don t care about that you loved.I don t think you could find such a glowing review of Into the Storm than your review.Anyway, it s all good fun.Where do you stand on TDKR, your change of heart on this movie was one of the most epic review of this board ?Maybe you ll fall in love with Groot & co when you see the movie a second time.

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Really the only person who leaves me puzzled about their film tastes is Lisa. But again she likes what she likes or doesn't like. But it comes from a feeling that movies are a chore to watch instead of a joy

 I'm still half-convinced that she just makes up her scores. 

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I think it's understandable and perfectly fine to like and dislike any movie.However it's another thing to call something like Citizen Kane a horrible movie and expect your opinion to be taken seriously.

Its one of the worst films ever made. And I dont care if anyone takes my opinion seriously.
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Its one of the worst films ever made. And I dont care if anyone takes my opinion seriously.




A movie that is the first to pull off the multiple unreliable narrators all the way through dressing the portrait of a dead man in fragmented flashbacks never seen before at that level of complexity (when the on-going trend then was pretty much straight-forward stories with one flashback at most) can't be that horrible.


All the movies you love salvaged its legacy as a blatant inspiration by copying its technique and groundbreaking storytelling innovation up to this day (Memento and Usual Suspects owe a lot to Citizen Kane), it can't be that horrible for that sheer fact only. It opened so much in terms of creativity and using editing as a way to bring audience into an exploring journey through time and space, confronting subjectivities. Even if you're finding it boring, it's not "bad".


It paved the way for one of the most influential movie as well in terms of playing with different POVs through editing technique: Rashomon.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Its one of the worst films ever made. And I dont care if anyone takes my opinion seriously.

Saying Citizen Kane is one of the worst films ever made isn't an opinion, it's an incorrect statement.Saying Citizen Kane is one of my least favorite films would be an opinion (albeit a fairly eye rolling one).I believe we even came to the consensus in my "what makes a film good" thread that there is a major difference between what you enjoy and what you'd consider a good movie.For example, you can state Citizen Kane has bad acting, actually anyone can. However, I highly doubt you can give an actual analysis of the acting and how the performances were so bad without revealing the flaws in your argument that it is one of the worst films ever made.However, you saying you dislike the film wouldn't invoke the same failure because then it simply is just your opinion on the movie and not your statement on what the movie is.
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