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The Baumer loves and hates movie thread

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And you that makes it great? There are three reasons why its horrible.1st its a snorefest. Theres nothing interesting about it.2nd the acting is horrible. That falls on direction3rd Rosebud is his sleigh is a horrible plot piece.you can like it if you want because of what it invented what movie is a horrible piece of art in my opinion and i do not understand the appreciation of it.

Edited by baumer
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Saying Citizen Kane is one of the worst films ever made isn't an opinion, it's an incorrect statement.Saying Citizen Kane is one of my least favorite films would be an opinion (albeit a fairly eye rolling one).I believe we even came to the consensus in my "what makes a film good" thread that there is a major difference between what you enjoy and what you'd consider a good movie.For example, you can state Citizen Kane has bad acting, actually anyone can. However, I highly doubt you can give an actual analysis of the acting and how the performances were so bad without revealing the flaws in your argument that it is one of the worst films ever made.However, you saying you dislike the film wouldn't invoke the same failure because then it simply is just your opinion on the movie and not your statement on what the movie is.

What a horribly pretentious post. You have proven to be a horribly biased and myopic poster and I cant talk to someone who posts the ridiculous way that you do.
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And you that makes it great? There are three reasons why its horrible.

1st its a snorefest. Theres nothing interesting about it.

2nd the acting is horrible. That falls on direction

3rd Roses is his sleigh is a horrible plot piece.

you can like it if you want because of what it invented what movie is a horrible piece of art in my opinion and i do not understand the appreciation of it.

This is full and through an opinion. The 3rd one is also mostly an opinion.

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What a horribly pretentious post. You have proven to be a horribly biased and myopic poster and I cant talk to someone who posts the ridiculous way that you do.

It's not pretentious, it just irks me when people go around saying universally acclaimed and immortal classics as bad movies because they can.It is truth that there is a difference between liking something and saying something is good or bad.For example, I like hamburgers yet I am not a fan of sushi. I would much rather eat a poorly made hamburger than the best made sushi, but that is my personal preference. I can tell the difference between a bad hamburger even if I still enjoy eating it and a well-prepared one, and I would never say a McDonald's hamburger was better made than well-made sushi from a 5 star chef, even if I would prefer to eat the McDonald's over the sushi.The fact that you go to the lengths to say you won't even associate yourself with somebody who would "speak like this" says more on the insecurity of your statements than what I actually posted.I have not insulted you, and if for some reason I have offended you than I apologize. But one of my pet peeves is when people claim a classic is a bad movie because they didn't enjoy watching it completely misunderstanding that there's a difference between disliking something and going on about how something is bad.
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I don't 100% agree with all of baumer's stuff, maybe about 99% :P


But so what, he likes what he likes, just as I like what I like.  We have a few movies we disagree on, but I don't think he loses sleep over it, nor do I :P

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This is full and through an opinion. The 3rd one is also mostly an opinion.

Plus, Citizen Kane has already been thoroughly defended and analyzed as an all-time great. Am person can't simply say, "the acting in it is bad" and leave it at that.If you think you can prove anyone in citizen Kane gave a poor performance go for it, but anyone who has spent any time doing (or studying) even a basic level of theater would laugh at that notion.
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OMG. baumer likes stuff, baumer hates stuff. Why is it such a big deal?


I like I Spy and despise Fight Club. U mad bro? :P


I don't have any problems with baumer's tastes. He's entitled to hate CK if he wants to. He's also entitled to say that he hates it and thinks it's one of the worst films ever made. Because the only real prerequisite to expressing your opinion of a film is that you have seen it.


If you don't like his opinions, you have every right to disagree. But the only prerequisite to disagreeing(at least on this forum) is that you do so with respect. ;)

Edited by Accursed Arachnid!™
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As I said in the first post....these are my opinions. Theres nothing empirical when it comes to film. All we have is our opinion. Apparently Panda doesnt subscribe to that notion.

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Just curious, Baumer, have you seen any of the recent Disney films besides Frozen (which I know you loved? You may really like Wreck-It Ralph and Tangled.)



I'd be shocked if B wouldn't like Wreck-It-Ralph. I loved it. (Then again, I was sure he'd like GOTG, so ...yeah).

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My question is why has this thread stayed open? There's a "film you love but everyone else hates" thread and a "film you hate but everyone loves" thread.So...lock this.



I'm sure this is only a temp thread to respond to what was going on in the numbers thread earlier. Better here than in the numbers thread. Be patient...or go somewhere else. ;)

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  • Community Manager

My question is why has this thread stayed open? There's a "film you love but everyone else hates" thread and a "film you hate but everyone loves" thread.So...lock this.


I must agree.

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Automatic generated messageThis topic has been closed by a moderator.Reason: You can use existing threads to express films you love and films you hate.If you disagree with this action, please report this post and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.Kind regards,BoxOffice® Forums Staff
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