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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Discussion and Rules - SCORES ARE TALLIED RESULTS COUNTDOWN IN PROGRESS!!!

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Answrers to week 11:


1. Will Exodus gross more than 30M? 3000  NO

2. Will Top 5 finish above Hunger Games?   NO

3. Will Top 5 have a higher PTA than Exodus? 2000   YES

4. Will Horrible Bosses finish above Big Hero 6?   NO

5. Will the Penguins gross more than 2M on Saturday?  YES

6. Will Birdman stay in the top 12?   YES

7. Will Imitation Game Finish in the top 15?  YES

8. What will have the higher PTA Free the Nipple or Inherent Vice?   INHERENT VICE


9. Name any film in the top 20 that decreases less than 23% WITHOUT INCREASING (or select none if none will)?  3000   THEORY OF EVERYTHING / THE HOMESMAN

10. Will Hunger Games pass $275M total Domestic gross by SATURDAY3000 NO

11. Will Dumb and Dumber drop more than 51%?  NO

12. Name any film with a total gross more than $1M that drops more than 70% this weekend (outside top 12 is fine) or choose none?  HECTOR, UNDER THE SEA,

13. Will Interstellar overtake Gone Girl's Total Gross by the end of FridayNO

14. Will any film increase or decrease more than $1M from the BOM official Weekend estimates?   NO

15. Will Fury fall more than 38% on Sunday?   YES



12/15 3000 points

13/15 4000 points

14/15 5000 points

15/15 7000 points


Bonus 1: What will Exodus' Weekend Gross be?  24.116m

Bonus 2:What will be the difference in gross between Hunger Games and Top 5 (order irrelevent)?  5.79M

Bonus 3: What will the Imitation Game's PTA be?   $34,010








10.  WILD



2000 points each, all 6 is a bonus of 8000.

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Results of week 11:



Name Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 16000 0 8000 24000
Avi  0 0 0 0
Darkelf 20000 0 4000 24000
Grim 22000 6000 4000 32000
Iceroll 14000 0 4000 18000
Empire 10000 0 2000 12000
Bcf26 11000 0 2000 13000
Laguy 17000 10000 2000 29000
Geraldino 13000 0 4000 17000
Jajang 8000 0 2000 10000
Wrath 14000 0 10000 24000
Blankments 11,000 0 2000 13000
Dajk 11000 0 4000 15000
Grey Ghost 11000 0 4000 15000
Chasmmi 13000 0 4000 17000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0 0
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 0 0 0 0




(Grim got a 1k bonus for only missing Exodus gross by 35k)

Edited by chasmmi
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Week 12 answers:  (oh dear lord I forgot how big this week was :o )



1. Will Hobbit Gross more than $70M by Sunday?  YES

2. Will Hobbit Gross more than $80M by Sunday? 3000  YES

3. Will Hobbit Gross more than $90M by Sunday?  NO

4. Will Night at the Museum gross more than $25M?   NO

5. Will NATM3 gross more than $32M? 3000 NO

6. Will NATM3 gross more than $37M?  NO

7. Will Annie Gross more than $15M?    YES

8. Will Annie Gross more than $20M?  NO

9. Will Hobbit's 3 day total be more than NATM and Annie's combined?   YES


10. Will Penguins finish the weekend above Top 5?  2000   NO

11. Will Big Hero drop less than 40%  YES (39,9!)

12. Will Horrible Bosses stay in the top 10?   NO

13. Will Wild gross more than Interstellar?  3000  YES

14. Will Hunger Games increase more than 150% on Friday?   NO

15. Will theory of Everything have a $2M+ weekend?   NO

16. Will Gone Girl or Foxcatcher have a higher pecentage drop?  GONE GIRL (BUT ONLY BY 200.8%)

17. Will inherent Vice's PTA stay above $30,000 this weekend?   NO


18. Will any new opener increase more than 12% on Saturday?   YES  

19. Will Dumb and Dumber pass $85M total gross by the end of the weekend?   NO

20. Will Exodus drop less than 45% this weekend?   NO

21. How many films will Fox (including Fox Searchlight) have in the top 15 this weekend?  3000  5

22. Will The Imitation Game increase again this weekend?  YES (BY 1%)

23. Will Mockingjay decrease less than 42% on Sunday?   YES

24. Will The Pyramid drop more than 60%?   YES (90% LOL)

25. Will Peter Jackson announce a truly horrifying Middle Earth Live Christmas Special to hit our TV screens next year?    BANANAS


Bonus points:


17/25 2000

18/25 3000

19/25 4000

20/25 5000

21/25 6000

22/25 8000

23/25 10000

24/25 12000

25/25 15000



Bonus Questions


1. What will be the combined total gross of the 3 main new openers by the end of Sunday?  $122.09m

2. What will be Interstellar's PTA for the weekend?   $1743

3. What will be the combined Friday gross of all films in the top 12 with numbers in their title?  21.42M





2. NATM3

6.  WILD

8.  TOP 5





2000 each. 8000 bonus for all 6.


Good luck and have fun

Edited by chasmmi
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Week 12 results:




Name Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 34000 5000 2000 41000
Avi  24,000 0 6000 30,000
Darkelf 36000 0 4000 40000
Grim 40000 5000 4000 49000
Iceroll 34000 0 2000 36000
Empire 24000 0 2000 26000
Bcf26 24000 0 2000 26000
Laguy 36000 0 4000 40000
Geraldino 26000 0 4000 30000
Jajang 32000 0 4000 36000
Wrath 24000 0 2000 26000
Blankments 34,000 0 4000 38000
Dajk 25000 0 2000 27000
Grey Ghost 40000 0 4000 44000
Chasmmi 19000 5000 4000 28000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0 0
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 13000 0 2000 15000
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Week 13 answers:



1. Will The Hobbit Stay number 1 (for the 3 day) this weekend? 3000  YES

2. Will The Gambler Open ahead of Annie?  NO

3. Will Into the Woods outgross Unbroken OW? 2000   YES

4. Will Exodus stay above 5M for the 3 day weekend?  YES

5. Will at least 4 films decrease on Friday? YES

6. Will Hobbit pass 150M by Saturday?   YES

7. Will P.K stay in the top 10?   NO

8. Will any film decrease for than 30% on Sunday?  YES


9. Will top 5 finish above Penguins? 3000  YES

10. Will BH6's PTA stay above $1000?  YES

11. Will American Sniper have a PTA above $35K? YES

12. Will the Hunger games increase more than 15%?  YES

13. Will any of last weekend's 3 Wide openers, increase this weekend?   YES

14. Will Interstellar finish ahead of P.K this weekend?   YES

15. Will The Interview still overshadow everything else happening in the world of box office?   ZOMBIES!!!


Bonus points for XMAS!!!


9/15 2000

10/15 3000

11/15 4000

12/15 5000

13/15 6000

14/15 8000

15/15 10000



Bonus questions:


1. What will be the difference in Sunday total grosses of Unbroken and Into the Woods?   $85,800

2. What will Hobbit's total be be Sunday?  $168.022M

3. What will be the biggest increase of the 3 day weekend (not including expansions) in the top 12?  37.5%











Edited by chasmmi
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Week 13 results:



Name Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 16000 0 6000 22000
Avi  0 0 0 0
Darkelf 12000 5000 6000 23000
Grim 11000 0 6000 17000
Iceroll 16000 0 6000 22000
Empire 0 0 0 0
Bcf26 0 0 0 0
Laguy 0 0 0 0
Geraldino 14000 0 6000 20000
Jajang 20000 5000 4000 29000
Wrath 15000 0 6000 21000
Blankments 14,000 0 6000 20000
Dajk 22000 5000 6000 33000
Grey Ghost 16000 0 6000 22000
Chasmmi 16000 0 6000 22000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0 0
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 10000 0 4000 14000
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Some preseason answers:


3.  Tell me which of these will be the lowest grossing film of the winter:

1) The Interview
2) Dracula Untold

3) Ouija
4) Addicted
Answer correctly: 10,000 points
Answer incorrectly: -5,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points
Correctly predict the films gross to within 10M and receive a 10,000 point bonus.



Answer: 1 (I think this can be done now as the gross bit is probably not going to come into play like it will with Hobbit for Q2.
4.  Will at least 3 films make more than 275M by the end of the game?
Answer correctly: 15,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points

Answer: No

5.   Will at least 2 animated films make more than 150M by the end of the game?
Answer correctly: 15,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points


Answer: No



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And the scores for questions 3-5 (including special kudos to the one hero on the ground in Korea who was the... ahem Seoul correct predicter on that question :ph34r:  )




Name Q3 Q4 Q5
Grim -5000 -10000 -10000
The Panda -5000 -10000 15000
Mahnamahna -5000 -10000 -10000
Dajk -5000 -10000 -10000
Iceroll -5000 3000 -10000
Alpha -5000 -10000 15000
Wrath 3000 -10000 -10000
Chasmmi 10000 15000 3000
Spaghetti -5000 -10000 15000
Darkelf -5000 15000 -10000
Empire -5000 -10000 15000
Filmovie -5000 15000 15000
Laguy -5000 3000 3000
Geraldino -5000 15000 -10000
Bcf26 -5000 -10000 -10000
Blankments -5000 -10000 15000
Avi  -5000 15000 15000
Jajang -5000 -10000 15000
Snoopy -5000 15000 -10000
Punishment -5000 15000 15000
Telemachos -5000 15000 -10000
Grey Ghost -5000 15000 15000
Baumer -5000 -10000 -10000
CmasterClay -5000 -10000 -10000
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More preseason answers...


7.   Will at least 2 films make more than 95M OW? (Remember OW means gross up until first Sunday)
Answer correctly: 15,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points



8.    Will at least 2 films make more than 800M WW by the end of the game?
Answer correctly: 15,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points

ANSWER: NO (Even if Hobbit makes it, neither MJ not IS are making 150M in 3 weeks) 

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ANd the scores for those questions:



Name Q7 Q8
Grim -10000 -10000
The Panda -10000 -10000
Mahnamahna -10000 -10000
Dajk -10000 -10000
Iceroll -10000 -10000
Alpha 15000 -10000
Wrath -10000 -10000
Chasmmi 15000 15000
Spaghetti -10000 -10000
Darkelf -10000 -10000
Empire 15000 -10000
Filmovie -10000 -10000
Laguy 3000 -10000
Geraldino -10000 -10000
Bcf26 3000 -10000
Blankments -10000 -10000
Avi  15000 -10000
Jajang -10000 -10000
Snoopy -10000 -10000
Punishment 15000 -10000
Telemachos -10000 -10000
Grey Ghost 15000 15000
Baumer -10000 -10000
CmasterClay -10000 -10000
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Final scoring I'll do tonight:


14.   Which combination of films will gross the most amount of money during the game?

  • The Hobbit, Hot tub Time Machine, Annabelle, John Wick
  • Hunger Games, Horrible Bosses, Dracula Untold, Annie
  • Interstellar, Dumb and Dumber, Alexander’s Very Bad Day, Paddington
  • Big Hero 6, Penguins, The Judge, Exodus,

    Answer correctly: 25,000 points
    Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points
    State that you abstain: 5,000 points
     ANSWER: Hunger Games, Horrible Bosses, Dracula Untold, Annie  (Currently ahead of D by about 85M so unless Paddington has a 170M+ OW...) 

  • 15   Which combination of films will gross the smallest amount of money during the game?
  • The Interview, Annabelle, Unbroken, Ouija
  • Night at the Museum, The Best of Me, Blackhat, Laggies
  • Into the Woods, Addicted, Kitchen Sink, Left Behind
  • The Pyramid, Night Crawler, Beyond the Lights, St Vincent

    Answer correctly: 25,000 points
    Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points
    State that you abstain: 5,000 points

 Answer: The Pyramid, Night Crawler, Beyond the Lights, St Vincent  (NATM and Blackhat only need to make about 15M to win the question)

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ANd the scores for those questions:



Name Q14 Q15
Grim 25000 25000
The Panda -20000 25000
Mahnamahna -20000 25000
Dajk 25000 25000
Iceroll 25000 25000
Alpha -20000 25000
Wrath -20000 25000
Chasmmi -20000 25000
Spaghetti -20000 25000
Darkelf 5000 25000
Empire -20000 -20000
Filmovie 25000 25000
Laguy 25000 25000
Geraldino 3000 25000
Bcf26 25000 25000
Blankments 25000 25000
Avi  -20000 25000
Jajang -20000 -20000
Snoopy -20000 25000
Punishment 25000 25000
Telemachos 25000 25000
Grey Ghost 25000 25000
Baumer -20000 -20000
CmasterClay -20000 -20000
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So the currently Weekly Score standings are:



Name Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Total
Grim 37000 27000 15000 32000 49000 17000 327000
Iceroll 31000 26000 15000 18000 36000 22000 306000
Spaghetti 25000 15000 26000 24000 41000 22000 305000
Darkelf 32000 21000 18000 24000 40000 23000 297000
Laguy 25000 10000 14000 29000 40000 0 285000
Dajk 25000 12000 15000 15000 27000 33000 276000
Wrath 32000 17000 15000 24000 26000 21000 272000
Jajang 23000 15000 14000 10000 36000 29000 262000
Chasmmi 20000 17000 12000 17000 28000 22000 257000
Grey Ghost 0 21000 14000 15000 44000 22000 257000
Geraldino 18000 7000 11000 17000 30000 20000 249000
Blankments 20000 12000 16000 13000 38000 20000 246000
Empire 26000 13000 14000 12000 26000 0 232000
Bcf26 31000 14000 24000 13000 26000 0 230000
Avi  16000 10000 14000 0 30000 0 202000
Snoopy 21000 0 0 0 0 0 142000
Telemachos 0 0 0 0 15000 14000 62000
Alpha 0 0 0 0 0 0 52000
The Panda 0 0 0 0 0 0 50000
Filmovie 0 0 0 0 0 0 23000
Baumer 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Punishment 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000




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And the current Preseason Question scores:



Name Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q11 Q13 Q14 Q15 TOTAL
Chasmmi 10000 15000 3000 3000 15000 15000 4000 25000 -20000 25000 95000
Grey Ghost -5000 15000 15000 -10000 15000 15000 20000 -20000 25000 25000 95000
Filmovie -5000 15000 15000 15000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 25000 25000 80000
Punishment -5000 15000 15000 -10000 15000 -10000 -15000 25000 25000 25000 80000
Grim -5000 -10000 -10000 15000 -10000 -10000 20000 25000 25000 25000 65000
Iceroll -5000 3000 -10000 15000 -10000 -10000 4000 25000 25000 25000 62000
Laguy -5000 3000 3000 3000 3000 -10000 4000 5000 25000 25000 56000
Dajk -5000 -10000 -10000 3000 -10000 -10000 20000 25000 25000 25000 53000
Alpha -5000 -10000 15000 15000 15000 -10000 20000 5000 -20000 25000 50000
The Panda -5000 -10000 15000 15000 -10000 -10000 20000 25000 -20000 25000 45000
Darkelf -5000 15000 -10000 15000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 5000 25000 35000
Blankments -5000 -10000 15000 15000 -10000 -10000 -15000 5000 25000 25000 35000
Avi  -5000 15000 15000 -10000 15000 -10000 -15000 25000 -20000 25000 35000
Telemachos -5000 15000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 25000 25000 30000
Bcf26 -5000 -10000 -10000 15000 3000 -10000 -15000 5000 25000 25000 23000
Mahnamahna -5000 -10000 -10000 15000 -10000 -10000 20000 25000 -20000 25000 20000
Geraldino -5000 15000 -10000 3000 -10000 -10000 4000 5000 3000 25000 20000
Spaghetti -5000 -10000 15000 15000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 -20000 25000 10000
Wrath 3000 -10000 -10000 3000 -10000 -10000 4000 25000 -20000 25000 0
Empire -5000 -10000 15000 15000 15000 -10000 -15000 25000 -20000 -20000 -10000
Snoopy -5000 15000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 -20000 25000 -15000
Jajang -5000 -10000 15000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -15000 25000 -20000 -20000 -60000
Baumer -5000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -15000 -20000 -20000 -20000 -130000
CmasterClay -5000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -10000 -15000 -20000 -20000 -20000 -130000
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And so onto the official overall standings:



Position Name Weekly Scores SOTM Pre-Season Total
1 Grim 327000 12000 65000 404000
2 Iceroll 306000 -7000 62000 361000
3 Laguy 285000 8000 56000 349000
4 Grey Ghost 257000 -3000 95000 349000
5 Dajk 276000 17000 53000 346000
6 Chasmmi 257000 -10000 95000 342000
7 Darkelf 297000 -3000 35000 329000
8 Spaghetti 305000 -27000 10000 288000
9 Geraldino 249000 16000 20000 285000
10 Wrath 272000 6000 0 278000
11 Blankments 246000 -6000 35000 275000
12 Bcf26 230000 -1000 23000 252000
13 Jajang 262000 -2000 -60000 200000
14 Empire 232000 -96000 -10000 126000
15 Avi  202000 -115000 35000 122000
16 The Panda 50000 16000 45000 111000
17 Filmovie 23000 -25000 80000 78000
18 Telemachos 62000 -15000 30000 77000
19 Punishment 21000 -25000 80000 76000
20 Films  0 -7000 80000 73000
21 Snoopy 142000 -77000 -15000 50000
22 Alpha 52000 -65000 50000 37000
23 Mahnamahna 10000 -25000 20000 5000
24 Baumer 21000 -25000 -130000 -134000
25 CmasterClay 10000 -25000 -130000 -145000



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And so onto the official overall standings:



Position Name Weekly Scores SOTM Pre-Season Total
1 Grim 327000 12000 65000 404000
2 Iceroll 306000 -7000 62000 361000
3 Laguy 285000 8000 56000 349000
4 Grey Ghost 257000 -3000 95000 349000
5 Dajk 276000 17000 53000 346000
6 Chasmmi 257000 -10000 95000 342000
7 Darkelf 297000 -3000 35000 329000
8 Spaghetti 305000 -27000 10000 288000
9 Geraldino 249000 16000 20000 285000
10 Wrath 272000 6000 0 278000
11 Blankments 246000 -6000 35000 275000
12 Bcf26 230000 -1000 23000 252000
13 Jajang 262000 -2000 -60000 200000
14 Empire 232000 -96000 -10000 126000
15 Avi  202000 -115000 35000 122000
16 The Panda 50000 16000 45000 111000
17 Filmovie 23000 -25000 80000 78000
18 Telemachos 62000 -15000 30000 77000
19 Punishment 21000 -25000 80000 76000
20 Films  0 -7000 80000 73000
21 Snoopy 142000 -77000 -15000 50000
22 Alpha 52000 -65000 50000 37000
23 Mahnamahna 10000 -25000 20000 5000
24 Baumer 21000 -25000 -130000 -134000
25 CmasterClay 10000 -25000 -130000 -145000



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I am going to fall behind so much on the top 15 domestic and Top 10 WW and Opening weekends it won't even be funny. It is like a minefield.


I think this question can be scored as well now


10.  Will at least 2 of the 5 top grossing sequels become the top grossing film of their franchise by the end of the game? (For the purposes of this question Hobbit and LOTR are 2 Separate Franchises) 
Answer correctly: 20,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points
State that you abstain: 4,000 points

The top 5 grossing sequels will most likely include 5 of MJ1, Hobbit 3, DADT, NATM3, Taken 3 and Horrible Bosses 2. None of them are going to be the top grossing of their franchises.

Edited by grim22
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I am going to fall behind so much on the top 15 domestic and Top 10 WW and Opening weekends it won't even be funny. It is like a minefield.


I think this question can be scored as well now


10.  Will at least 2 of the 5 top grossing sequels become the top grossing film of their franchise by the end of the game? (For the purposes of this question Hobbit and LOTR are 2 Separate Franchises) 


Answer correctly: 20,000 points

Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points

State that you abstain: 4,000 points


The top 5 grossing sequels will most likely include 5 of MJ1, Hobbit 3, DADT, NATM3, Taken 3 and Horrible Bosses 2. None of them are going to be the top grossing of their franchises.


I do agree, but I wanted to keep some unanswered right now (and hey, if Taken opens to over 100M... (oh wait that would screw over som many already Answered questions)

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