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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Discussion and Rules - SCORES ARE TALLIED RESULTS COUNTDOWN IN PROGRESS!!!

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Results for week 14: (Grim gets 1000 bonus points for being less than 3k away on Bonus 2)



Name Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 25000 0 6000 31000
Avi  0 0 0 0
Darkelf 25000 5000 4000 34000
Grim 25000 6000 6000 37000
Iceroll 23000 0 6000 29000
Empire 0 0 0 0
Bcf26 25000 0 4000 29000
Laguy 27000 0 6000 33000
Geraldino 21000 0 4000 25000
Jajang 21000 0 6000 27000
Wrath 16000 0 2000 18000
Blankments 21,000 5000 4000 30000
Dajk 18000 0 4000 22000
Grey Ghost 21000 0 4000 25000
Chasmmi 16000 0 2000 18000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0 0
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 0 0 0 0
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Week 15:


1. Will taken open to more than $30M?  3000 YES

2. Will Taken break the January OW record? NO

3. Will Selma finish ahead of Hobbit 3? YES

4. Will Inherent Vice finish in the top 15?  YES

5. Will Woman in Black finish ahead of NATM?  NO

6. Will Hunger Games pass 330M total gross by the end of Sunday? 3000  NO

7. Will Annie have a PTA above $2500?  NO

8. Will The imitation Game stay in the top 8?  YES


9. Will Exodus stay above Penguins?  3000  NO

10. Will at least 11 of the top 12 increase on Saturday?  YES

11. Will Into the woods drop more than 36% on Sunday?  YES

12. Will Unbroken gross more than $10M for the weekend?  NO

13. Will Big Hero's total gross by the end of the weekend be closer to the total gross of Unbroken or Mockingjay (in dollars not %)? 3000  UNBROKEN

14.  Which film in the top 20 will have the biggest weekend drop?  EXODUS

15. Will people realise by the end of the weekend that they need to stop fucking with Liam Neeson?  NOT AFTER THAT OW


Bonus points:


10/15 2000 points

11/15 3000 points

12/15 4000 points

13/15 6000 points

14/15 8000 points

15/15 10000 points


Bonus Questions:


1. What will Tak3n gross on Saturday?  15.615M

2. What will Selma gross on Sunday? 2.837M

3. What will Woman in Black's weekend drop be?  69.1%







7. NATM3

12. WILD



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Results for week 15:



Name Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 0 0 0 0
Avi  0 0 0 0
Darkelf 18000 0 4000 22000
Grim 16000 5000 4000 25000
Iceroll 0 0 0 0
Empire 0 0 0 0
Bcf26 22,000 0 6,000 28,000
Laguy 20,000 0 4,000 24,000
Geraldino 14000 5000 6000 25000
Jajang 22000 5000 4000 31000
Wrath 18000 0 2000 20000
Blankments 16,000 0 4000 20000
Dajk 20000 0 2000 22000
Grey Ghost 0 0 0 0
Chasmmi 14000 0 6000 20000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0 0
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 11000 0 0 11000
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Weekly Makeups answers:


all usual deadlines, scores and so forth apply...


1. Will Selma open to over $20M?  3000  NO

2. Will Taken's Friday be higher than Unbroken's Weekend?  YES

3. Will Hobbit fall less than 48%?  NO

4. Will Inherent Vice gross more than $1.8M?  YES

5. Will Woman in Black increase on Saturday? YES

6. Will Hunger Games have a PTA above $2,220?  NO

7. Will Annie stay above Imitation Game?  3000  NO

8. Will The Wild stay in the top 12?  YES


9. Will Exodus have a bigger weekend drop than top five?  NO

10. Will Selma have a Friday increase above 10,000%?  NO

11. Will Into the Woods have a $4m day at any point over the weekend?  YES

12. Will Unbroken drop more than 37% on Sunday?  YES

13. Will Horrible Bosses' total gross by the end of the weekend be closer to the total gross of John Wick or Exodus (in dollars not %)? 2000  EXODUS

14.  Which film in the top 20 will have the lowest weekend drop (without increasing?  IMITATION GAME

15.  Will anybody have found General Tso's chicken by the end of the weekend?  THE SEARCH IS STILL A FOOT


Bonus points:


10/15 2000 points

11/15 3000 points

12/15 4000 points

13/15 6000 points

14/15 8000 points

15/15 10000 points








11. VICE 



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Never added the SOTM 8 scores:



Name SOTM 8
Dajk 6000
Geraldino 9000
The Panda 0
Grim 4000
Wrath 2000
Laguy 11000
Bcf26 13000
Jajang 11000
Darkelf 25000
Grey Ghost 9000
Blankments 9000
Iceroll 25000
Films 0
Chasmmi -1000
Telemachos 9000
Baumer 0
Punishment 0
Filmovie 0
Mahnamahna 0
CmasterClay 0
Spaghetti 25000
Alpha 0
Snoopy 0
Empire 11000
Avi  0
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Also wish to add that La Guy and Tele each score 1000 points for make up SOTM, I'll add that to their SOTM 8 scores for my table (but its not added to the one above)


so SOTM total scores now look like:



Geraldino 3000 4000 10000 -1000 9000 25000
Dajk 8000 4000 13000 -8000 6000 23000
Darkelf -7000 4000 24000 -24000 25000 22000
Iceroll -15000 4000 6000 -2000 25000 18000
Laguy 2000 -10000 16000 -2000 11000 17000
The Panda 8000 8000 0 0 0 16000
Grim 8000 4000 1000 -1000 4000 16000
Bcf26 -7000 6000 4000 -4000 13000 12000
Wrath -10000 3000 16000 0 2000 11000
Jajang 2000 5000 7000 -16000 11000 9000
Grey Ghost -15000 6000 10000 -4000 9000 6000
Blankments -10000 6000 10000 -12000 9000 3000
Spaghetti -7000 -12000 0 -8000 25000 -2000
Telemachos -15000 4000 0 -4000 9000 -6000
Films 3000 -10000 0 0 0 -7000
Chasmmi -10000 5000 7000 -12000 -1000 -11000
Baumer -15000 -10000 0 0 0 -25000
Punishment -15000 -10000 0 0 0 -25000
Filmovie -15000 -10000 0 0 0 -25000
Mahnamahna -15000 -10000 0 0 0 -25000
CmasterClay -15000 -10000 0 0 0 -25000
Alpha -25000 -40000 0 0 0 -65000
Snoopy -15000 4000 -2000 -64000 0 -77000
Empire -25000 -12000 5000 -64000 11000 -85000
Avi  -25000 4000 -30000 -64000 0 -115000
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Current weekly scores:



Name Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Total
Grim 37000 27000 15000 32000 49000 17000 37000 25000 389000
Laguy 25000 10000 14000 29000 40000 0 33000 41000 359000
Darkelf 32000 21000 18000 24000 40000 23000 34000 22000 353000
Spaghetti 25000 15000 26000 24000 41000 22000 31000 0 336000
Iceroll 31000 26000 15000 18000 36000 22000 29000 0 335000
Dajk 25000 12000 15000 15000 27000 33000 22000 22000 320000
Jajang 23000 15000 14000 10000 36000 29000 27000 31000 320000
Bcf26 31000 14000 24000 13000 26000 0 29000 53000 312000
Wrath 32000 17000 15000 24000 26000 21000 18000 20000 310000
Geraldino 18000 7000 11000 17000 30000 20000 25000 25000 299000
Blankments 20000 12000 16000 13000 38000 20000 30000 20000 296000
Chasmmi 20000 17000 12000 17000 28000 22000 18000 20000 295000
Grey Ghost 0 21000 14000 15000 44000 22000 25000 0 282000
Empire 26000 13000 14000 12000 26000 0 0 0 232000
Avi  16000 10000 14000 0 30000 0 0 0 202000
Snoopy 21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142000
Telemachos 0 0 0 0 15000 14000 0 25000 87000
Alpha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52000
The Panda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50000
Filmovie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23000
Baumer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Punishment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
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And the current total standings (this time actually including the before mentioned SOTM 1000k for tell and la)



Position Name Weekly Scores SOTM Pre-Season Total
1 Grim 389000 16000 65000 470000
3 Laguy 359000 18000 56000 433000
2 Iceroll 335000 18000 62000 415000
7 Darkelf 353000 22000 35000 410000
5 Dajk 320000 23000 53000 396000
4 Grey Ghost 282000 6000 95000 383000
6 Chasmmi 295000 -11000 95000 379000
12 Bcf26 312000 12000 23000 347000
8 Spaghetti 336000 -2000 10000 344000
9 Geraldino 299000 25000 20000 344000
11 Blankments 296000 3000 35000 334000
10 Wrath 310000 11000 0 321000
13 Jajang 320000 9000 -60000 269000
14 Empire 232000 -85000 -10000 137000
15 Avi  202000 -115000 35000 122000
16 The Panda 50000 16000 45000 111000
18 Telemachos 87000 -5000 30000 112000
17 Filmovie 23000 -25000 80000 78000
19 Punishment 21000 -25000 80000 76000
20 Films  0 -7000 80000 73000
21 Snoopy 142000 -77000 -15000 50000
22 Alpha 52000 -65000 50000 37000
23 Mahnamahna 10000 -25000 20000 5000
24 Baumer 21000 -25000 -130000 -134000
25 CmasterClay 10000 -25000 -130000 -145000
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IMHO AS's WE should be counted as OW.

If someone asks you what Frozen OW is, what would you answer? 243k or 67M? I think you would answer 67M.

When they ask you what Frozen's multiplier was, would you answer x1646,1 or x6,0? I think you would answer x6,0.

BOM has both the limited opening WE and the Wide OPENING WE. Go to Frozen's page.

In fact, Frozen is in the November Top OPENING Chart:


The same for Lone Survivor:


I know that this isn't AS's first Weekend in theatres but this is the first Weekend that it will be in a remotely considerable number of theatres. This is the WE of the NationWide Release. This is its real OW.

And to this question " Will any month’s OW record be broken by the end of the game? (This is 3 day only)", I answered NO, at the time.

So I will lose points if it's Nationwide Opening is considered. But IMHO it should be considered in this question and in the Top 7 OW (as only Nationwide BH's release would have been considered in top 7 if there had been a limited release)

If this was the case then the top ow chart should have indicated the top 7 'wide' ow normal 3 day.

The rules were clear here. The top 7 ow chart reflected to the "FIRST" Sunday. Only exception was BH6 which was made clear pre game.

No controversies here. It's pretty clear which means we count the first weekend in theaters. Hence AS for game purposes made around 600k OW.

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And the frozen analogy not so good as it would have been treated the same as Bh6.

The BH6 rule was made due to Frozen, but safe to say that American Sniper potentially breaking the January OW and yet not being counted as one of the top 7 opening weekends just sounds wrong logically. Just saying that it needs to be treated the same way at both places, either it is a 600k weekend and the January OW record will not stand, or it is a 45M OW and it goes into the top 7 OWs. Last year there was no issue as Lone Survivor  which did similar to AS didn't reach the top 7 OWs as the movies were much stronger on opening. It is just illogical to treat it as 600k for one question and 45M for a different question.

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The BH6 rule was made due to Frozen, but safe to say that American Sniper potentially breaking the January OW and yet not being counted as one of the top 7 opening weekends just sounds wrong logically. Just saying that it needs to be treated the same way at both places, either it is a 600k weekend and the January OW record will not stand, or it is a 45M OW and it goes into the top 7 OWs. Last year there was no issue as Lone Survivor which did similar to AS didn't reach the top 7 OWs as the movies were much stronger on opening. It is just illogical to treat it as 600k for one question and 45M for a different question.

Except bh6 was identified before game started as the exception. The only excetption. I am pretty sure someone even queried the ruling and chas saying it's the first Sunday wether or not it's wide. I have a vague recollection of it...

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Except bh6 was identified before game started as the exception. The only excetption. I am pretty sure someone even queried the ruling and chas saying it's the first Sunday wether or not it's wide. I have a vague recollection of it...


Then it should be considered as 600k even for the January OW question as there has been no clarification made there. Considering it 600k in one place and 50M in another when talking about the same movie is ridiculous. I am all for considering it as 50M in both places. The BH6 exception was the only one because no one saw this coming. I feel that a 50M wide opening weekend should be considered for the OW record and the top 7 OWs.


This rule should be made clearer next year for sure, but 2 different figures for the same movie in the same year feels wrong.

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I do agree that it feels weird and I also agree that if given the responsibility to do this again next year, I will remember this weekend and alter the rules accordingly.


However for this year and this game I need to follow the rules of each question separately (even if they contradict themselves over the grand scheme of things)


The rule for OW was that its until the first Friday with the exception of any potential Disneyworld BH6 previews and as such AS has an opening weekend in the thousands.


The preseason question states if it breaks the record then its a yes and so if the weekend is reported as an offficial record breaking weekend, then that satisfies the criteria for this questions.



It's the same as how Hobbit has an opening weekend of 89M for this game, but yet did not break the December record of 84M as there are different criteria as to what constitutes an OW regarding each separate question.



I do promise though that this particular eventuality will not happen again if I run the winter game again :)  (I will also add a North Korea caveat rule too.)

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well i don't think i remember a film opening in limited first and then pulling off such a massive weekend... while the rules are clear , i think next year we will need to account for situations like this.


(if we went on straight 3 day OW it's heading outright 2nd place (easily) for the season... who saw that coming ? )

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well i don't think i remember a film opening in limited first and then pulling off such a massive weekend... while the rules are clear , i think next year we will need to account for situations like this.


(if we went on straight 3 day OW it's heading outright 2nd place (easily) for the season... who saw that coming ? )


Yup, somewhat hilarious that a 90M opener is being completely ignored by the game.

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