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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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82. Citizen Kane (1941) 16 points- 6 votes

"I can remember everything. That's my curse, young man. It's the greatest curse that's ever been inflicted on the human race: memory."




A group of reporters who are trying to decipher the last word ever spoke by Charles Foster Kane, the millionaire newspaper tycoon: "Rosebud." The film begins with a news reel detailing Kane's life for the masses, and then from there, we are shown flashbacks from Kane's life. As the reporters investigate further, the viewers see a display of a fascinating man's rise to fame, and how he eventually fell off the "top of the world."


Trivia: On the night the movie opened in San Francisco, Orson Welles found himself alone withWilliam Randolph Hearst in an elevator at the city's Fairmont Hotel. Aware that his father and Hearst were friends, Welles extended an invitation to the magnate to attend the film's premiere. Hearst turned down the offer and, as he was about to exit the elevator at his floor, Welles remarked, "Charles Foster Kane would have accepted."


Ruk's Comments


"Often considered to be the greatest film of all time, Citizen Kane only scored 82nd here. Is it because this forum knows better than the film critics of the world? Of course not. We nearly voted Space Chimps 2 onto this list, remember?


Anyway, shameful admission here, I’ve still yet to watch this film. So instead I'm just going to post Baumer's review from the review thread."



I'm 27 years old. I first saw this film in first year film studies at Carleton University. It was required viewing for the course. I hated the film then. I thought that maybe because I've had five years to grow and mature that I would give this film another chance and watch it for the third time in my lifetime. Guess what? My opinion has changed. I hated it then and now I just dislike it quite a bit. And the question that I have is why? Why is this film the masterpiece that people say it is? Is it really because it revolutionized film back in the 40's? Okay, so it invented the wipe and it had lots of different styles of lighting. That may make it brilliant on a technical level, but come on people, you cannot tell me that this is not one of the most boring films ever made on the face of this planet or any other planet that has theaters to watch movies in. How can you get excited about a film that creeps along like a snail moving across a highway in the middle of nowhere?


I really feel like Welles is taking all of you for suckers. Because I think he set out to make a boring film just to see if audiences would have an orgasm over it because of its technical brilliance. I still think he is laughing. I know I would be.There was really nothing to like in this film except for one thing. I can honestly admit that Welles' acting will stand up well today. He does play Kanewith energy and he is believable. Almost all older films have cardboard actors that speak to fast, have little emotion, overact or are just plain bad actors. Kanes's second wife in the movie was so laughable that I eventually fast forwarded most of her lines in the film. She whined and cried and moaned and she was boring. You ever seen Aliens? Remember Newt, the little girl that Ripley takes care of, well that is Dorothy Corningmore's character as a little girl. What a joke.Citizen Kane has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes for six decades!!!


Critics, well I can understand them liking this piece of garbage, they have to or they look like they are incompetent fools. That is their job. But the general public? Are you people on a really bad acid trip? I welcome any emails that would please try to explain to me the greatness in this film. Please, contact me. I really am dying to know. Why is this a tragic film? Why is this an American masterpiece? I am begging for some insight, because I haven't heard anything or read anything that says how great it is. All I have read is a bunch of people conforming to popular opinion that this is THE MOVIE to see.I can name about 500 films that I have seen in my life time that are better than this and some of them I probably don't even like that much. I would even go so far as to say that a really good Friday the 13th film is better than this joke of a film.


Well, I guess diplomacy is not one of my strong points, but I really don't understand the beauty, importance, tragedy, wonder or any other compliment that has been bestowed on Citizen Kane. It just doesn't do it for me. You want to watch a great film that has everything that this film apparently has? Watch Jaws, JFK, Apocalypse Now, Aliens, Mississippi Burning. That is just a handfull of films that are what I consider to be the best films ever made. I don't think that this is on my list of worst films ever made anymore ( it used to be ), but it easily tops my list of most overhyped, ridiculous boring films to ever disgrace our screens. 2/10


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81. Trainspotting (1996) 16 points- 7 votes

"Begbie didn't do drugs either. He just did people."




A wild, freeform, Rabelaisian trip through the darkest recesses of Edinburgh low-life, focusing on Mark Renton and his attempt to give up his heroin habit, and how the latter affects his relationship with family and friends: Sean Connery wannabe Sick Boy, dimbulb Spud, psycho Begbie, 14-year-old girlfriend Diane, and clean-cut athlete Tommy, who's never touched drugs but can't help being curious about them...


Trivia: Although it looks thoroughly off putting, the feces in the Worst Toilet in Scotland scene was actually made from chocolate and smelled quite pleasant.


Ruk's Comments


"Um… haven’t seen this one either."

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Why was Baumer's review posted? I mean, his opinion on it is fun to read (even if wrong :P ) but shouldn't you post a favorable review since the film did make the Top 100.



(Seriously though, I had to put the 'Baumer hates Citizen Kane' joke in there somewhere and, quite frankly, it was a more entertaining read than any positive reviews I could find.) 

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I'm a little appalled Citizen Kane isnt higher, but given the forum folks and how old the movie is and whatnot I actually get it.

But Trainspotting... If you havent seen it, drop what you're doing and go watch it right now. Its smart, its hilarious, its moving, its disgusting and its almost sociopathic at times. It is right up the alley of the folks here and is a great, great movie. Im actually more offended at this being this low than I am over Citizen Kane.

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  1. Citizen Kane (just saw it for Film Appreciation - unlike baumer, I actually loved it. Probably since everyone calls it overrated)
  2. Trainspotting
  3. The Terminator
  4. The Bourne Ultimatum
  5. Planet of the Apes 
  6. Life of Pi
  7. Frozen
  8. To Kill a Mockingbird 
  9. Iron Man
  10. Reservoir Dogs
  11. Children of Men
  12. Airplane!
  13. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 
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the comparison is an interesting one, because I think Citizen Kane is one of those homework movies where film buffs try to make other, maybe younger film buffs see it as compulsory viewing that you MUST watch and love to prove you love movies or some bullshit, and tbh if it's not your thing or your just not interested in seeing it or you didn't like it I don't think that makes you any less of a film buff. I like it, but too many people get a bit snobby about it.

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the comparison is an interesting one, because I think Citizen Kane is one of those homework movies where film buffs try to make other, maybe younger film buffs see it as compulsory viewing that you MUST watch and love to prove you love movies or some bullshit, and tbh if it's not your thing or your just not interested in seeing it or you didn't like it I don't think that makes you any less of a film buff. I like it, but too many people get a bit snobby about it.

I'm not going to read Beowulf on a daily basis (in fact I don't like reading much given I am fairly ADD and so it's a chore to get myself to sit down and read) nor do I particularly enjoy it, but I'm not going to call it bad literature because I couldn't get enjoyment out of it.

I also don't enjoy Mexican food, however when I eat quality Mexican food I'm not going to say it was badly made because I don't like Mexican food. It was well-made Mexican food I just don't enjoy that style, but it doesn't make it bad or overrated.

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I'm not going to read Beowulf on a daily basis (in fact I don't like reading much given I am fairly ADD and so it's a chore to get myself to sit down and read) nor do I particularly enjoy it, but I'm not going to call it bad literature because I couldn't get enjoyment out of it.

I also don't enjoy Mexican food, however when I eat quality Mexican food I'm not going to say it was badly made because I don't like Mexican food. It was well-made Mexican food I just don't enjoy that style, but it doesn't make it bad or overrated.

This isn't really what I was getting at. my overall point didn't have much to do with your post.


BUT if someone doesn't like something then I think they're entitled to call it bad. y'know the art of subjectivity and all that.

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This isn't really what I was getting at. my overall point didn't have much to do with your post.

BUT if someone doesn't like something then I think they're entitled to call it bad. y'know the art of subjectivity and all that.

Except liking something doesn't equate to thinking something is good. Big misconception.

You can not enjoy Citizen Kane but calling it a poorly made film is blasphemy.

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I think for a lot of people those things go hand in hand of course. you mustn't try to be too constrictive in regards of criticism. Someone can think it poorly made if it fails to resonate with them, I believe that's a legitimate grievance, so long as they can explain why, even if you don't.  Let them speak their piece, shouting them down with ludicrous exaggerations like "blasphemy" adds nothing to the discourse.

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I think for a lot of people those things go hand in hand of course. you mustn't try to be too constrictive in regards of criticism. Someone can think it poorly made if it fails to resonate with them, I believe that's a legitimate grievance, so long as they can explain why, even if you don't.  Let them speak their piece, shouting them down with ludicrous exaggerations like "blasphemy" adds nothing to the discourse.


Except there is literally no logical argument you could make about Citizen Kane being a poorly made film except that you just didnt like it and at that point it's a personal problem.


Whenever I have gone to contests for any type of art mediums a good judge doesn't equate preference to quality, because they aren't the same thing.

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There's a difference between being a poorly made film technically, and being a poorly made film.


The former is a matter of below-the-line craft like cinematography, editing, sound, etc. The latter includes acting, staging/direction, writing, etc. If you feel the writing for Citizen Kane does not pass muster, you can make a logical and rational argument that it's not a well-made film. And the writing for the dialogue, the story, and the character progression (in addition to simple stage directions) plays a major role in whether or not you enjoy a film.


So you're wrong Panda, because writing, after a certain point and generally accepted criteria, becomes wholly of a personal opinion, making it reasonable for a person to argue Citizen Kane is not a good movie. Is it a strong argument? Personally I don't think so, but it's one that can be made so long as it's supported with rationale behind it.

Edited by 4815162342
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There's a difference between being a poorly made film technically, and being a poorly made film.


The former is a matter of below-the-line craft like cinematography, editing, sound, etc. The latter includes acting, staging/direction, writing, etc. If you feel the writing for Citizen Kane does not pass muster, you can make a logical and rational argument that it's not a well-made film. And the writing for the dialogue, the story, and the character progression (in addition to simple stage directions) plays a major role in whether or not you enjoy a film.


So you're wrong Panda, because writing, after a certain point and generally accepted criteria, becomes wholly of a personal opinion, making it reasonable for a person to argue Citizen Kane is not a good movie. Is it a strong argument? Personally I don't think so, but it's one that can be made so long as it's supported with rationale behind it.


You said yourself after a general point.  Now obviously when it comes to filmmaking there is a fair amount of subjectivity to it, but you can objectively determine good acting, good writing, etc.  Writing is not wholly personal opinion, neither is acting, etc.


There is a reason there are general accepted criteria when it comes to what is considered good or not good in all of those aspects.  The quote, "It's all a matter of opinion," is one of the biggest lies that's told to people.

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