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The Box Office Mojo issues thread. Brad Brevet is the new editor, the Simanton reign is over.

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Time to riot.



You know what sucks is I have my IMDB bookmark right below my BOM one, so when I got redirected I merely thought I had accidentally hit IMDB's bookmark. Then I tried again, this time making sure I was clicking BOM's. And then I was like...WHAT...THE...FUCK...and rushed here immediately to see what was going on. :unsure:

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The silence on this one is more troubling than anything.

Yeah, but it does at least leave a sliver of hope. I mean you'd think IMDB deciding to absorb a huge site like BOM would at least warrant an official announcement on their part? Right? They have to do that at least. Right???? :unsure:


Unless this is only temporary! :D


Yay denial, everyone come on in!

Edited by MovieMan89
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The silence on this one is more troubling than anything.

Yeah, that is what worries me the most. You would think if they were just do updates/maintenance to the site, they would send a quick tweet or something saying so. The silence makes me think they are no ready yet to tell people it is gong away.

I really hope I am wrong though and BOM is back up and running soon.

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I agree fuck IMDB. But you know what, this very site took us in into its home when our people wandered the internet desert. And for too long at least for me I never explored the rest of house. So I need to rectify that and poke around what this site has to offer.

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Dear god this is absolutely awful as any kind of box office tracking fan. BOM was the place to keep up on the box office. Sorry, but nowhere else can remotely compare. Think of all the stats and data we no longer have access to without it! :( I can't even find freakin dailies on IMDB! Seriously this sucks so hard it's beyond expression. :angry: It simply will not be fun to track box office anymore without BOM or a new site very similar to it. If it doesn't come back I may honestly lose my interest in box office tracking, and I never thought I'd say that.

I completely agree. I'm not even joking around, but if Mojo is really gone, I might try for a few weeks, but I may end up giving up on full BO tracking. It may come down to me just checking every few weeks when a big movie opens :(
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wow... i go away for a day and the box office data world collapses in on itself...  :ph34r:


We should have all seen this coming... (still holding out hope it's just having short holiday while some errors are fixed - but my gut tells me we will get some kind of announcement on imdb soon telling us it's all over)


I've only ever popped on IMDB to check a release date (international mainly) ... otherwise i hated the layout and it's quite confusing.... certainly none of the data thats on bom.. (or was)... bad bad bad amazon!


:blink:  :sadno:  :censored:  :wtf:

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Yeah, but it does at least leave a sliver of hope. I mean you'd think IMDB deciding to absorb a huge site like BOM would at least warrant an official announcement on their part? Right? They have to do that at least. Right???? :unsure:


Unless this is only temporary! :D


Yay denial, everyone come on in!


I happened to get the error message yesterday before it started redirecting to IMDb. That still gives me the feeling that this is some sort of adjustment to the BOM site (although in what way is yet to be seen). My optimistic side is hoping that they're making it more IMDb-ified, with newer design and compatible menus and search queries, while retaining the overall efficiency to the BOM database. (Hope remains, while the company remains true.)


My thought process was that, if I'm IMDb, I would rather people to be redirected to a functioning url for the time being, until BOM is restored. Error messages look sloppy.


We'll see how this all turns out, though.

Edited by Beleg Strongbow
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Anyone wonder if perhaps some Hollywood studios didn't like so much financial information being out there and public too? They may have "encouraged" amazon/imdb to make some data less available. It's one thing for analysts or even journalists to have access to data, but it's another thing for the entire world to be able to see it.

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Okay, here is the deal.  This really fucking sucks.  


I first visited Mojo back in either '99 or 2000 and I was enthralled.  I love numbers and stats and movies, so that site was like crack.  I amazed my friends that I knew what the highest grossing movies ever were.  I checked it all the time.  


I remember before boxoffice.com it was boxofficereport.com and the site was black and kinda dull. Boxofficeguru was(and still is, I guess)okay, but there was nothing like Mojo!  


It was simple and clean and you could spend hours clicking on one thing to take you to another and then you keep on clicking going further and further down the rabbit hole!  


Remember the Hangman game?  I do!  


I never attempted the Derby because my predictions were(and still are)shit.  


I still don't know why I never noticed the forums until Avatar!  I would have made friends so much sooner and learned a lot more.


Now, this is what I'm wondering.  There are thousands of users that are registered to this forum.  I am willing to bet that not a single legit user came here without knowledge of BOM.  Obviously this was impossible when they were together, but that has been a few years now.  I still bet that everyone that would register on a forum about box office, visited BOM regularly beforehand.


That's thousands of users that will be missing out on that daily fix.  Thousands of users that will need something to take it's place.  


I don't know dick about what it takes to start something up like that.  I imagine it would be a helluva lot more than what Shawn did to get us this new(and improved)home.  But I have to believe there are many, many people that would be willing to help out in some way, no matter how big or small.  


I wasn't really in a place to help out the last time we got kicked to the curb, but I am now.  


So, I say fuck IMDb.  We didn't need them when they shut down the forums.  We won't need them when the either close Mojo or move it all behind a subscription.

Edited by Boner Omega
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Honestly from 2008 till like 2011, the site ran fine under IMDB. Then, all of a sudden, a bunch of new guys (Tom K and Ray) came along as admins. And it still ran mostly well but there were a few issues. And then, just randomly it went down one day, and boom, they fucked us all over.


The new admins were a blessing at first since they cleaned up bits of the site and banned members that should've been banned a long time ago.


Of course just two years later the forum was killed off but it probably wasn't their decision.

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There are a lot of people willing to help, but we're going to need to find someone/some place that will actually organize the information and then manage/update it. That's a very hard task to do. We could do like a Wikipedia thing where anyone can update it, but then the accuracy of the information gets lost.

Anyway, I think we're jumping to conclusions right now. The site could still come back up or IMDB could make all the info open to the public, so for now, we should wait and see.


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The new admins were a blessing at first since they cleaned up bits of the site and banned members that should've been banned a long time ago.


Of course just two years later the forum was killed off but it probably wasn't their decision.

Yeah, I never thought Tom K or Ray wanted the forums to be killed. Honestly, I'm not fully sure IMDB even wanted to do so. I think after a while, it became too big of a cost to keep updating the forums, so they killed it off, but IDK if they wanted to do so. That still doesn't excuse how they killed it off (without warning anyone and then erasing it from all memories, including archives).


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Anyone wonder if perhaps some Hollywood studios didn't like so much financial information being out there and public too? They may have "encouraged" amazon/imdb to make some data less available. It's one thing for analysts or even journalists to have access to data, but it's another thing for the entire world to be able to see it.

hmm .. I suspect a much simpler approach. They want to sell more IMDBpro accounts. At 150$ a year that's a sizeable bit if, say, 5% of regular BOM users get one.

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There are a lot of people willing to help, but we're going to need to find someone/some place that will actually organize the information and then manage/update it. That's a very hard task to do. We could do like a Wikipedia thing where anyone can update it, but then the accuracy of the information gets lost.

Anyway, I think we're jumping to conclusions right now. The site could still come back up or IMDB could make all the info open to the public, so for now, we should wait and see.



I know.  I just can't help but think this will be something that is going to loom over Mojo even if it does come back.  IMDb will always be in control unless someone else takes it off their hands, and that isn't very likely.  

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