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Blockbusters should be nominated more

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Adding a blockbuster category is utterly moronic when we still don't have Best Stunts, Best Vocal Performance, or Best Ensemble categories


Personally I'd support a "Best Soundtrack" category, to recognize films that don't necessarily have an original score but still use music well.

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Adding a blockbuster category is utterly moronic when we still don't have Best Stunts, Best Vocal Performance, or Best Ensemble categories

OK, those all sound like fine things to add as well,

Who wants to contact someone with authority over this stuff?

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RT means nothing. And there's nothing wrong wih giving 12 SLAVES Best Picture, it was an excellent movie. All you're doing is revealing *your* biases.

Well, RT has gone a long way toward fueling the fire for these kinds of debates. When big films get extremely glowing reviews, that encourages an expectation of "official" recognition, as you no longer feel like you're in the minority if you think a blockbuster is a true work of art.


That being said, people ought to pay more attention to the average rating than the Tomatometer. That gives you an idea into whether critics thought a film was truly "great" as a whole rather than just an entertaining diversion. Though Guardians and Apes both have Tomatometers over 90, their average ratings are below 8.0, which is typically what most BP noms need to warrant a consideration. Pixar's best films and The Dark Knight had ratings in the mid-high 8s, for example.

Edited by tribefan695
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That being said, people ought to pay more attention to the average rating than the Tomatometer. That gives you an idea into whether critics thought a film was truly "great" as a whole rather than just an entertaining diversion. Though Guardians and Apes both have Tomatometers over 90, their average ratings are below 8.0, which is typically what most BP noms need to warrant a consideration. Pixar's best films and The Dark Knight had ratings in the mid-high 8s, for example.

To support this, the only two wide releases (3000+ theaters) with 8s this year are The LEGO Movie and Gone Girl

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OK, I propose that if Blockbusters aren't gonna recie the credit they deserve in the BP category than they should get their own category. I'd there an issue with that

Are nominees for this year could be:

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


Guardians for the Galaxy

X-Men Days of Future Past/Captain America: The Winter Soldier/The Hobbit 3/Godzills ( pick 2 of the four)

With a tight battle for who would win ( Apes or Interstellar)


oh my god why on earth would someone consider Godzilla one of the best movie of the year


you just wanna see your favorite movies getting prizes, blockbusters are just movies that appeal to the general audience, how exactly do they differ from the other movies in order to get their own category?

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More blockbusters as in big fictional universe that makes big bucks?  There is only one Lord of the Academy, only one can bend the voters to its will... and it does not share power.




One blockbuster to rule them all. emot-smug.gif

Edited by Ozymandias
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oh my god why on earth would someone consider Godzilla one of the best movie of the year


you just wanna see your favorite movies getting prizes, blockbusters are just movies that appeal to the general audience, how exactly do they differ from the other movies in order to get their own category?

I haven't even seen Godzilla.

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Ethan, first of all, blockbusters get nominated pretty regularly. Secondly, most tentpoles aren't remotely aimed at appealing to anyone outside of their 20s and (beyond that) aren't trying to do anything but get the most money in as short a time as possible. Quality above and beyond basic competency in non-tech categories isn't their goal.

This isn't youth-league soccer. You don't get awards just for participating.

Pretty sure all of those mediocre Oscar/GG-bait dramas and musicals get one just for participating ... nods or wins (August - Osage County, The Reader, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Les Miz, Nine, Crash, Shakespeare in Love, English Patient, etc). 


I would say LEGO Movie is good enough for a BP nod. Certainly more worthy than Unbroken (which some people stlll think is a shoo-in) 


When people say they want a blockbuster nominated, they mean critically acclaimed ones.


2014 - LEGO, GotG or Interstellar (any one of those)

2013 - Frozen (partly Disney's fault for campaigning Banks instead... with Gravity nominated, this is more of a qualm) 

2012 - Skyfall (deserved a nod over Les Miz) 

2011 - Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 or Rango (easily higher quality than most nominees that year) 

2010 - no complaints

2009 - Star Trek in place of Avatar (Avatar's horridly mediocre... Star Trek was the higher-quality story)

2008 - TDK and WALL-E (better than all of the 2008 nominees... especially The Reader) 

2007 - Ratatouille and The Bourne Ultimatum

2006 - no complaints

2005 - Batman Begins (better than Crash) 

2004 - The Incredibles and Spider-Man 2 

2003 - Finding Nemo, Elf and POTC 1 (even though LOTR 3 is the most populist BP winner of this century, Nemo and POTC 1 were better than Seabiscuit IMO) 

2002 - no complaints

2001 - Shrek 

2000 - no complaints 

1999 - The Matrix and Toy Story 2

1998 - The Truman Show 

1997 - no complaints 

1996 - Scream

1995 - Toy Story 

1994 - The Lion King

1993 - Jurassic Park and Groundhog Day 

1992 - Aladdin

1991 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

1990 - No complaints 

1989 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & The Little Mermaid 

1988 - Die Hard and Who Framed Roger Rabbit

1987 - no complaints

1986 - Aliens 

1985 - Back to the Future

1984 - Beverly Hills Cop and Ghostbusters

1983 - Return of the Jedi 

1982 - no complaints (except that E.T. lost) 

1981 - no complaints (except that Raiders of the Lost Ark lost) 

1980 - Airplane! 


Just over the last 35 years, it's blatantly obvious looking back that there's usually at least one blockbuster/populist film worthy of a BP nod each year.


No one should want Transformers 4 or TMNT to get a BP nod... but are Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar and The LEGO Movie that much worse than Unbroken or other Oscar bait films? 


With 10 nominees per year, there should be at least one high quality blockbuster in the running. I don't see how it's wrong to say that each year generally has one brilliant blockbuster (2014 has 3, depending on who you talk to). 


No one wants just blockbusters nominated (not People's Choice)... but when a tentpole not related to LOTR, Pixar or James Cameron proves itself to be worthy - give it a nod. 


And don't get me started on all of the quirky dramas taking over the Best Comedy/Musical category... I already know 22 Jump Street, The LEGO Movie, The Interview and Top Five likely will not be nominated even though they're all fairly humorous.

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If the academy wanted to do and equal love between blockbuster and non blockbuster last year list would have looked like this



12 Years a Slave


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 

American Hustle

Iron Man 3


Frozen and Iron Man 3 where nowhere near best picture caliber, now Catching Fire maybe. 

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Pretty sure all of those mediocre Oscar/GG-bait dramas and musicals get one just for participating ... nods or wins (August - Osage County, The Reader, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Les Miz, Nine, Crash, Shakespeare in Love, English Patient, etc). 


I would say LEGO Movie is good enough for a BP nod. Certainly more worthy than Unbroken (which some people stlll think is a shoo-in) 


When people say they want a blockbuster nominated, they mean critically acclaimed ones.


2014 - LEGO, GotG or Interstellar (any one of those)

2013 - Frozen (partly Disney's fault for campaigning Banks instead... with Gravity nominated, this is more of a qualm) 

2012 - Skyfall (deserved a nod over Les Miz) 

2011 - Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 or Rango (easily higher quality than most nominees that year) 

2010 - no complaints

2009 - Star Trek in place of Avatar (Avatar's horridly mediocre... Star Trek was the higher-quality story)

2008 - TDK and WALL-E (better than all of the 2008 nominees... especially The Reader) 

2007 - Ratatouille and The Bourne Ultimatum

2006 - no complaints

2005 - Batman Begins (better than Crash) 

2004 - The Incredibles and Spider-Man 2 

2003 - Finding Nemo, Elf and POTC 1 (even though LOTR 3 is the most populist BP winner of this century, Nemo and POTC 1 were better than Seabiscuit IMO) 

2002 - no complaints

2001 - Shrek 

2000 - no complaints 

1999 - The Matrix and Toy Story 2

1998 - The Truman Show 

1997 - no complaints 

1996 - Scream

1995 - Toy Story 

1994 - The Lion King

1993 - Jurassic Park and Groundhog Day 

1992 - Aladdin

1991 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

1990 - No complaints 

1989 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & The Little Mermaid 

1988 - Die Hard and Who Framed Roger Rabbit

1987 - no complaints

1986 - Aliens 

1985 - Back to the Future

1984 - Beverly Hills Cop and Ghostbusters

1983 - Return of the Jedi 

1982 - no complaints (except that E.T. lost) 

1981 - no complaints (except that Raiders of the Lost Ark lost) 

1980 - Airplane! 


Just over the last 35 years, it's blatantly obvious looking back that there's usually at least one blockbuster/populist film worthy of a BP nod each year.


No one should want Transformers 4 or TMNT to get a BP nod... but are Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar and The LEGO Movie that much worse than Unbroken or other Oscar bait films? 


With 10 nominees per year, there should be at least one high quality blockbuster in the running. I don't see how it's wrong to say that each year generally has one brilliant blockbuster (2014 has 3, depending on who you talk to). 


No one wants just blockbusters nominated (not People's Choice)... but when a tentpole not related to LOTR, Pixar or James Cameron proves itself to be worthy - give it a nod. 


And don't get me started on all of the quirky dramas taking over the Best Comedy/Musical category... I already know 22 Jump Street, The LEGO Movie, The Interview and Top Five likely will not be nominated even though they're all fairly humorous.

this year especially it had unusually high quality blockbusters this year, I honestly feel this movies or at least a couple deserve a best pic nom.



Dawn of the Planet of Apes

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

X-Men Days of Future Past 

Edge of Tomorrow

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I don't get mad when blockbusters aren't nominated, but I do get mad when deserving ones are snubbed because they aren't seem artsy enough.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Andy Serkis are definitely deserving nods by academy standards, yet they won't even be considered because it's a franchise.

The LEGO Movie is deserving of a nod but it won't be considered because it's animated and not Disney.

I also get mad when smaller films like Snowpiercer or The Grand Budapest Hotel get snubbed because of release dates and them not being studio films.

But in the end it doesn't matter. I don't care in the end what the academy picks through politics. Even if my favorite wins I don't really care too much, my favorite is still my favorite with or without a gold statue.

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The LEGO Movie is deserving of a nod but it won't be considered because it's animated and not Disney.


They're not the only ones guilty of this. Notice how 90% of the blockbuster consideration talk on this forum is for the live action ones.

Edited by tribefan695
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I LOVE BLOCKBUSTERS they got me into movies as a child. Who doesn't love going to another world? But they do not need to be nominated more. 


I've seen every "blockbuster" released this year (expect Turtles) the only movie I find deserving is Interstellar. Last year I thought Catching Fire was the best blockbuster along with Pacific Rim but neither deserved to be nominated. Gravity which I liked less, did however. This isn't a favorite movie competition. 


The Oscars are always controversial and always will be because everyone has a different opinion. The people voting for Oscars aren't 21 years old.


Gardians of the Galaxy was good but did it have the best original score of the year? No. Did it have the best acting? No. The best Script no? But guess what it did have maybe the best VFX which is why it may (probably will) get a nom.


While watching the Hobbit again I thought to myself this isn't the best movie ever made or even close for the year but its VFX, PD and Makeup were Oscar worthy. It got a 68% on RT but it still got those Noms. It deserved it. 

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