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Baumer's top 50 films of 2014/Panda's top 20 of 2014 pg 8/Numbers pg 14

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Number 20

The Interview



"Kim must die.  It's the American Way."


My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: Randall Park as Kim Jong Un

Box Office: 3.1 million

Tomatometer: 52%

Reasoning: The Interview was the funniest straight comedy of the year for me, I streamed this movie alone and I laughed more than when I watched 22 Jump Street or Neighbors (22 Jump Street I streamed and Neighbors I saw in theaters).  What saddens me is the controversy surrounding this movie really killed it both financially and critically, had that controversy not exist I believe this could have been a decent hit at the Box Office and it would have been looked more kindly upon by critics.  The other thing that helped The Interview crack my top 20 was for the pure fact it managed to piss Kim Jong-Un off enough to have his country hack Sony Pictures, anything that pisses off a tyrannical dictator is A O.K. in my books.

Fun Fact: On June 25th of this year the Korean Central News Agency promised a "merciless" retaliation if this film was released.  It looks like for the first time in history North Korea actually (sort of) backed up one of their threats.  To bad after they realized they pissed the U.S. off they tossed the blame of the attacks elsewhere.



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Number 19

How to Train Your Dragon 2



"Good dragons under the control of bad people do bad things."


My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: John Powell for composing, For the Dancing and Dreaming

Box Office: 177 million

Tomatometer: 92%

Reasoning: How to Train Your Dragon 2 is the first of many 2014 Summer Blockbusters to make this list.  What this summer lacked in big box office numbers it made up for in quality, and How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a testament to that.  While, How to Train Your Dragon 2, doesn't reach the heights of the first one, it is still an incredibly engaging and emotional animated movie.  I really have to give the movie props for being one of the ballsiest animated movies to come out in a while with how far it went with certain plot points and themes.  Despite being, arguably, more ambitious it still doesn't have quite the emotional pull as the first one which ranks it a bit below it in my opinion (However, For the Dancing and Dreaming was one of the strongest emotional scenes of the year, big props to John Powell).  Nevertheless, How to Train Your Dragon 2 delivered as one of the strongest animated movies in the past few years.

Fun Fact: Kit Harington's character's line, "Don't you know anything," is a nod to the line she delivered with her Game of Thrones character which was, "You know nothing, Jon Snow."


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Number 18

The Imitation Game



"Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine."


My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing

Box Office: 14.6 million

Tomatormeter: 89%

Reasoning: The Imitation Game was one of the movie's I was originally skeptical about going into because it was Harvey Weinstein's new Oscar bait, and his campaign of, 'a vote for The Imitation Game is a vote for Turing!', was really irking.  However, after seeing it, it would not be fair of me to discredit this film because I dislike Weinstein's politics, because the Imitation Game is some very excellent craft that keeps your eyes glued to the screen the entire way through.  The ensemble in The Imitation Game is impeccable and it does a great job at making a true story from the 1940s still relevant to our time period today.  My only big gripe was that it was unable to impact me emotionally as much as I felt like it should have, however The Imitation Game is one of (if not) the smartest bio-pics of the year.

Fun Fact: In 2011 the movie's topped the black list for the best unproduced script of 2011.


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Number 20

The Interview



"Kim must die.  It's the American Way."

My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: Randall Park as Kim Jong Un

Box Office: 3.1 million

Tomatometer: 52%

Reasoning: The Interview was the funniest straight comedy of the year for me, I streamed this movie alone and I laughed more than when I watched 22 Jump Street or Neighbors (22 Jump Street I streamed and Neighbors I saw in theaters).  What saddens me is the controversy surrounding this movie really killed it both financially and critically, had that controversy not exist I believe this could have been a decent hit at the Box Office and it would have been looked more kindly upon by critics.  The other thing that helped The Interview crack my top 20 was for the pure fact it managed to piss Kim Jong-Un off enough to have his country hack Sony Pictures, anything that pisses off a tyrannical dictator is A O.K. in my books.

Fun Fact: On June 25th of this year the Korean Central News Agency promised a "merciless" retaliation if this film was released.  It looks like for the first time in history North Korea actually (sort of) backed up one of their threats.  To bad after they realized they pissed the U.S. off they tossed the blame of the attacks elsewhere.




You pretty much took the words out of my mouth for this one.

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Number 17

Only Lovers Left Alive



"How can you've lived for so long and still not get it?  This self-obsession is a waste of living."


My Original Grade: B-

Most Valuable Player: Anja Fromm for her Art Direction

Box Office: 1.9 million

Tomatometer: 85%

Reasoning: This is the first instance on my list of a movie I gave a lower grade to winding up higher than films I gave higher grades to.  My reasoning in this case is, Only Lovers Left Alive, has slowly grown on me since I saw it.  The film leaves you in a delirious trance-like state while watching it and for a period of time after leaving it.  The film was like a mind-numbing hypnotic drug, and while at first I found it unsettling, I have grown to appreciate it and near love the somber, under-city tone of it all.  The entire movie moves at a slow pace and manages to be a darker, more horror-vibed version of Linklater's Before Sunrise.   Only Lovers Left Alive is profound and wickedly entertaining in one of the most odd ways.

Fun Fact: There was originally some action in the film, however when Jarmusch was asked to add more he removed all of it.


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Number 16

Into the Woods



"I was raised to be charming, not sincere."


My Original Grade: A-/B+ (I was conflicted)

Most Valuable Player: Chris Pine as Prince Charming

Box Office: 52.3 million

Tomatometer: 71%

Reasoning: I was originally very worried about how Into the Woods would be handled on screen, as it is one of my favorite Broadway musicals from the mastermind of Sondheim.  While, I did find Rob Marshall's direction to be rather uninspiring, the cast was very strong and had great ensemble together, and it still managed to capture the heart of what Into the Woods is all about.  Chris Pine gave a great and hilarious performance as Prince Charming, Emily Blunt killed it as the Baker's Wife, and Meryl Streep proved that she actually can do musicals after the atrocity called Mamma Mia.  The film was very fun, and it kept all the dark undertones I love about the broadway play, had a decent director been at the helm of this and it would have been a shoe-in for my top 10.  Also on a side note, watch out for Lilla Crawford and Daniel Huttlestone, as child actors they did exceptional.

Fun Fact: Anna Kendrick claimed that because the set pieces were so large and realistic, she and Chris Pine actually got lost on the set and needed a production assistant to rescue them.


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Number 15

X-Men: Days of Future Past



"I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then: fuck off!"


My Original Grade: A-

Most Valuable Player: Bryan Singer for Directing

Box Office: 233.9 million

Tomatometer: 92%

Reasoning: As somebody who only liked First Class and hadn't been a fan of the X-Men franchise since X2, X-Men: Days of Future Past really impressed me and reinvigorated a new liking to the franchise.  Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy prove to be worthy additions to the X-Men cast and even usurp Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart in their mastery of their roles.  This return to form however has to be to the credit of the director, Bryan Singer.  Singer brings back his distinct style to the X-Men movies and in the process renders all of the bad X-Men movies, we had been previously, void.  Days of Future Past is a comic book movie with brains and a sense of artistic direction, and I hope future comic book movie directors look to this one to understand how it should be done.

Fun Fact: Bryan Singer was inspired to cast Peter Dinklage in the movie because of his role as Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones


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Agreed with Mike, presentation is nice. Poster/image, favourite quote, favourite part/character, box office/RT as well as the explanation - how any good list should be presented. :)


I'm looking forward to Into the Woods which comes out next Friday. I thought The Imitation Game was garbage. How to Train Your Dragon 2 was great, one of my favourites of the year too. 

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Number 14

Blue Ruin



"That's how it works, man.  The one with the gun gets to tell the truth."


My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: Macon Blair as Dwight

Box Office: 258 thousand

Tomatometer: 96%

Reasoning: Blue Ruin is one of the best revenge flicks of the past decade, so good I think even Quentin Tarantino might end up a little jealous.  The film takes a man who is in way over is head, somebody like me or you, and you watch as he makes mistake after mistake in this suspenseful thriller.  The movie leaves you fully engaged from the beginning to the end, revealing bits of Dwight's motives at a time as he works to get his ultimate payoff.  Macon Blair delivers a breakthrough performance that centers on him, and even in the long moments of silence you can tell everything going through his head just looking at his scared eyes.  Blue Ruin is a film that most people probably missed, but they most definitely shouldn't have.

Fun Fact: Benny mentions a man named Duce who got hit by a train, in the film.  This is a reference to 'El Duce' the lead singer of a band called, 'The Mentors', who was actually hit by a train.



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Number 13




"Ideals are peaceful.  History is violent."


My Original Grade: A-

Most Valuable Player: Roman Vasyanov for the Direction of Photography

Box Office: 84.7 million

Tomatometer: 78%

Reasoning: The only other film that has gotten this close to capturing the violent realities of World War 2 was Saving Private Ryan, and the influence is quite notable.  Fury is a very grim and bleak film, but it sticks with you as a harrowing trip the moral greys that aren't often brought up when looking at World War 2 and humanity in general.  The cinematography is stunning and it brings the inside of the tank to full life and entrances you with invigorating action sequences.  Had the script as a whole been a little stronger (the second act compared to the third act seem like two completely different writers) and had the third act not gone as over the top as it did, this would have easily been in my top 10, if not top 5.  Fury is a very powerful movie with a lot more to say than some people have given it credit for.

Fun Fact: All of the actors in the film went through a rigorous boot camp and it ended with them actually manning a real tank in a combat exercise.


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Number 12

The Fault in Our Stars



"Funerals, I decided, are not for the dead.  They are for the living."


My Original Grade: B+

Most Valuable Player: Shailene Woodley as Hazel Grace

Box Office: 124.9 million

Tomatometer: 80%

Reasoning: The Fault in Our Stars manages to buck the trend set by many romance movies before it by, shockingly, actually being good.  While of course the movie was the hit it was because of the romantic aspect, there is so much more depth the movie provides besides that.  The Fault in Our Stars never falls into the Nicholas Sparks sentiment, but it doesn't deny the corniness that sometimes comes out of romantic situations either.  It doesn't exploit on the tragic aspects, but rather utilizes the joyous moments beforehand the make the tragedy feel like it truly is one.  Not to mention Shailene Woodley absolutely kills it in her role, sadly because this is based off a young adult novel she won't be getting any of the awards consideration that she deserves from her performance.  If the new trend in young adult movies becomes more like this and Catching Fire, then I am completely on board for more of these.

Fun Fact: A replica of the Anne Frank house had to be built because the crew was denied the rights to use the real Anne Frank house for filming.


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Number 11

Gone Girl



"You think you'd be happy with a nice Midwestern girl?  No way, baby!  I'm it."


My Original Grade: A-

Most Valuable Player: David Fincher for Directing

Box Office: 166 million

Tomatometer: 88%

Reasoning: Gone Girl is one of the most mind-twisting, sick films of the year in the most satisfactory sort of way.  The movie plays on so many strong ideas revolving around the media, news stories, and gender roles.  The movie leaves you in suspense the entire way through waiting for each moment to unravel into something new and unexpected.  David Fincher brings out the best of all of the actors, even managing to make Tyler Perry good in a role.  Rosamund Pike (who I almost gave MVP to, except her performance is just as much a credit to Fincher as to herself) gives her career defining performance by bringing the Amazing Amy character to life as the most bone-chilling villain of the year.  Gone Girl is sick in all of the right ways.

Fun Fact: Ben Affleck's weight fluctuations in the film are due to him being cast as Batman during the shooting.


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Number 10

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes



"War has begun."


My Original Grade: A-

Most Valuable Player: Andy Serkis and WETA Digital as Caesar

Box Office: 208.5 million

Tomatometer: 91%

Reasoning: Everything that Rise of the Planet of the Apes did right Dawn took and made it twice as strong.  Matt Reeves smartly focused the story even more on Caesar and the Apes, and risk of it pays off highly through the thrill and suspense this movie brings to the table.  Scripting wise, Dawn is the smartest blockbuster of the year and transcends just having a high summer entertainment value.  The action sequences are brilliantly shot, and Dawn brings out its messages and warnings through subtle imagery within each frame.  Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a definitive example of how sequels should be done.

Fun Fact: Koba was used as a nickname by Joseph Stalin, and their personalities and ascents to power are strikingly similar.


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Number 9

The Theory of Everything



"However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.  While there's life, there's hope."


My Original Grade: A

Most Valuable Player: Johann Johannsson for Composing

Box Office: 22.6 million

Tomatometer: 80%

Reasoning: This is probably the addition that I am going to get the most flack for, for some reason I seem to be the only one who overly loves this movie on this forum, but that isn't going to stop me from putting it in my top 10.  The Theory of Everything had me more emotional than The Fault in Our Stars did, and it did that through the pure honesty put into the two lead performances, the beautiful score, and a sentimental to a fault script.  The Theory of Everything gives you brief moments throughout the marriage of Jane and Steven Hawking and then ends in a very wonderful collapse of time.  When I first went to see this movie I went in wanting to dislike it, but I left that theater as a major fan.

Fun Fact: Stephen Hawking said there were certain points in the film where he thought he was watching himself.


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Number 8

The LEGO Movie



"A house divided against itself...  Would be better than this!"


My Original Grade: A+

Most Valuable Player: Phil Lord and Chris Miller for Screenwriting (and Directing)

Box Office: 257.8 million

Tomatometer: 96%

Reasoning: I gave this movie an A+ and I stand by that grade because the LEGO Movie is absolutely perfect for what it is, and that is one fantastic time that kids can enjoy too.  Everything the LEGO Movie does is a prime example of what other animators should do, it doesn't target kids and throw in a few jokes for adults, it simply goes out of its way to be a good movie that can appeal to children and adults.  The screenplay is hilarious and it is incredibly inventive in its animated style.  And even with all of the hilarity, the LEGO Movie still manages to pack a very strong emotional punch at the end, setting itself up as the Toy Story of the new generation.

Fun Fact: The word LEGO is never spoken in the movie.


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Number 7




"You've seen what people do without leadership.  They devour one another."


My Original Grade: A+

Most Valuable Player: Stefan Kovacik for Direction of Art

Box Office: 4.6 million

Tomatometer: 95%

Reasoning: Snowpiercer was a small little film this Summer that absolutely floored me.  It is different, it is unique, and it is quite a masterful piece of sci-fi action.  Snowpiercer proves the term, "they don't make them like they used to," wrong with its ingenious script, direction, and performances (most notable Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton).  The sets are elaborate and leave you in total immersion and believability of this  seemingly never-ending train.  Snowpiercer manages to do what most sci-fi movies can't do anymore, and that is being profound entertainment.

Fun Fact: During the torchlight scene the torches were literally the only light on set.


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