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Baumer's top 50 films of 2014/Panda's top 20 of 2014 pg 8/Numbers pg 14

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I can start my list tomorrow if possible, but I can also wait until Ethan is done. New thread for this one too?

I would say make a new thread so it doesn't get lost. Also, Ethan might take awhile so I would ho ahead and start.

That is just my opinion on this. :P

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Guardians of the Galaxy is overrated. 


Somehow, all of its humour missed with me. It's an incredible achievement to be so out of sync with the apparent public.


I've been wanting to see Wild and Birdman.


Will check out Blue Ruin. 


Snowpiercer is another overrated film. 

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We're now into early February and while there's still a bunch of films from 2014 I would like to see, better to strike while the iron is hot (I waited until mid-March last year and interest was kinda tepid by that point).


So, I will be counting down the Top 50 films I have seen from 2014. None of these are bad films, the lowest bunch would get a flat "B" grade (a proper B, not a Jay Hollywood B).


Here is a non-exhaustive list of films I was not able to get to so far:


The Babadook

Big Eyes

The Drop

The Equalizer

Force Majeure

The Interview

John Wick

Jodorowsky's Dune

The Judge

A Walk Among the Tombstones





I will begin the countdown in a short bit

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I figure we'll start the list off with a bang:



50. The Amazing Spider-Man 2




^ Which is the perfect way to sum up my feelings about this movie. It is a film that simultaneously course-corrects a lot of the problems that were in the first offering, while at the same time taking several of those problems and making them far far worse. It's like Schrodinger's Movie. It is both a complete mess and an underappreciated gem at the same. Take for example the signature musical piece for the film:




It's a complete tonal sore thumb in the entire movie, throwing in dubstep and odd electronica and Michael Caine-level whispering all over the place for something that is totally jarring. It got a lot of ridicule pre and post release and it does deserve some for just being completely out of place. And yet, there's something to admire and like about such a weird addition to the movie as well. Another example is Dr. Kafka, played by the incomparable Marton Csokas. The character is pulled out of a Burton or Schumacher Batman movie set in Arkham Asylum and just dropped in and while so goofy and out of place, it's also a quite enjoyable performance for how campy it is.


One place where the film works on almost all levels is the acting. Whatever problems there are with the story and character decisions, the film nails the Peter-Gwen relationship in a way the Raimi films could never quite manage with Peter-Mary Jane. Dane DeHaan also adds in a strong performance as Harry Osborne, giving a fairly different spin on the character from James Franco's iteration. His acting does go a bit off the rails in the final act along with the character, but it's not fatal.


The most enduring thing about the film though is that a lot of it cut hacked onto the editing room floor, such as one of BOF's favorite 2014 memes. The first film punted a lot of the answers to its big origin story questions to this film, and then they cut a lot of those answers out of the film! The production was a mess and a half and it shows throughout the film. And yet the film still tries to give it its all, even when it goes down some fairly misguided roads. The result is a film that, while having a number of faults, manages to be entertaining and occasionally emotionally strong.

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