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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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21. Iron Man 3

Ah... the lack of Jon Favreau in the direction of this film is noticable and pleasent. Instead he is replaced with Shane Black who creates a tone that is very different from thy typical super hero movie and it feels fresh. RDJ is fantastic in the role again, but I feel like he has the most to work with this time around. I REALLY REALLY love the second act of this movie when he's in that little town, and that kid. I like seeing him interacting with the kid. Of course there is the twist which is absolutly killer, and amazing. This could've been an A+ film had the final act not been a letdown.

With the exception of the Favreau bag, I actually complete agree with you on this film. (However I found the last act very weak and it brought it down to a B for me). Not going to make my top 50 but I do think Iron Man 3 is horrible underrated.

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21. Iron Man 3

Ah... the lack of Jon Favreau in the direction of this film is noticable and pleasent. Instead he is replaced with Shane Black who creates a tone that is very different from thy typical super hero movie and it feels fresh. RDJ is fantastic in the role again, but I feel like he has the most to work with this time around. I REALLY REALLY love the second act of this movie when he's in that little town, and that kid. I like seeing him interacting with the kid. Of course there is the twist which is absolutly killer, and amazing. This could've been an A+ film had the final act not been a letdown.

The twist almost killed the movie for me.
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With the exception of the Favreau bag, I actually complete agree with you on this film. (However I found the last act very weak and it brought it down to a B for me). Not going to make my top 50 but I do think Iron Man 3 is horrible underrated.

I was entertained by the third act of the films, it just felt like it was a step down from the rest of the film.

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The twist bus pure brilliance, I don't see what there is complain about unless you're some super comic nerd.

I was expecting an awesome fight between Tony Stark and the Mandarin and instead, we find out he's a drunken actor which is funny I guess but it was a huge letdown. I'm not even a fan of the comics but the way the trailers were building it up, I was really expecting something grand. I would've much rather prefer Iron Man vs. The Mandarin than Iron Man vs. A Bunch of generic fire-breathing people
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I was expecting an awesome fight between Tony Stark and the Mandarin and instead, we find out he's a drunken actor which is funny I guess but it was a huge letdown. I'm not even a fan of the comics but the way the trailers were building it up, I was really expecting something grand. I would've much rather prefer Iron Man vs. The Mandarin than Iron Man vs. A Bunch of generic fire-breathing people

I agree with the second notion. But the twist was so unexpected and it just, I don't know it's more than just the fact that it was funny, I wanna say it had guys to make that twist, upset the fanboys and everything. It just felt fitting as the film continued it's tone of not feeling like a superhero movie ( at least not until the final battle)

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I agree with the second notion. But the twist was so unexpected and it just, I don't know it's more than just the fact that it was funny, I wanna say it had guys to make that twist, upset the fanboys and everything. It just felt fitting as the film continued it's tone of not feeling like a superhero movie ( at least not until the final battle)

The way the trailers were building it up made it seem like it was going to go a darker path, tone-wise which I was uber excited for. But it turned out tobe rather...funny. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but still, it was kind of a letdown.

Also, don't you have a list to continue ;)

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25. Edge of Tomorrow

In case you guys haven't figured it out by now I'm a really big fan of Tom Cruise. This film is beautiful. The action scenes are top notch and a couple of them are really ADHD( in a good way) The mimics design is really cool. Oh, and Emily Blunt... :wub:  


Not high enough.

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Do you want me to add you to the list?

Definitely, yeah, sounds like fun.


How is this thread working? Is it that after you get to #1 you want the second person to do a top 50 countdown, then the third person etc.?




21. Iron Man 3


The last part was awful but overall it's a great superhero film. I absolutely loved the twist in particular. IM3 is criminally underrated, though I would never put it on top 50 of the past 5 years as I don't think it's that amazing.

Edited by treeroy
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20. Gaurdians of the Galexy

This movie is a hella lot of fun. The Music from this movie just adds to the fun and energy. This movie is hysterical at moments. I like all the members of the main crew, I like them a lot but let's get to the one who steals the show; Chris Pratt as Starlord. He is just the heart and soul of this movie. ANd of course his singing and dancing distraction at the end of the movie is the best scene in the movie.

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I'd better see Deathly Hallows 1 on the list, Ethan!



19. Harry Potter an the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Of course it's on my list Noctis. The main three actors are stronger then they've ever been in their respective roles. This film is filled with emotion everwhere. IT creates a strong atmosphere for the film at hand. This film spends a lot of time focusing on the conflict between the group and how it effects them. For example Ron leaving leads directly into the (beautiful, wonderful) dance between Harry and Herminoe scene. Of course I've always loved Ron so the position he is in this film effects me. Another character in this serise I've always loved is Dobby... :(  

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18. Kung Fu Panda 2

I love the first film, like it's an A+ movie, just putting that out there. That being said I love the crew here. I love the Furious 5, I love Po, I love Sheifu. This film delivers once again with those characters. This film delves into Poe's backstory, which causes the character confusion. Gary Oldman is excelent as the peacock. This film has some intesne action sequences. Now the ending of this movie is just something wonderful. So even this isn't as good as the first one I will say that I really, really love it.

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