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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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15) A lot of Marvel Avengers films (Iron Man 2-3, both Thors, GOTG, Captain America, Ang Lee's Hulk)





Agree about GotG but would have applauded you if you had included Avengers itself.


I will refuse to understand why this movie was/is such a phenonemon and how Avengers 2 became such a highly anticipated movie.




Kind of agree about the Potters... though I have grown more fond of them. Maybe that is the brainwashing? SOmehow they have become part of my youth although I didn't like them at the time.


Also agree about THG - though the first one was my personal favourite. I laugh hysterically every time someone tries to tell me that these will be classics in 20 years and perfectly capture the political spirit of our time. Lolz.



Big applause for Interstellar... if this movie becomes a classic among movie geeks it should be in the Top 10 though.



One of my biggest agreements with you is Kill Bill (however, I could replace it with most other Tarantino movies. I vomit every time I read a "best of the year" list by QT).


Would love to see SW on this... but as you spared LotR, I can live with that ;)

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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Agree about GotG but would have applauded you if you had included Avengers itself.


I will refuse to understand why this movie was/is such a phenonemon and how Avengers 2 became such a highly anticipated movie.




Kind of agree about the Potters... though I have grown more fond of them. Maybe that is the brainwashing? SOmehow they have become part of my youth although I didn't like them at the time.


Also agree about THG - though the first one was my personal favourite. I laugh hysterically every time someone tries to tell me that these will be classics in 20 years and perfectly capture the political spirit of our time. Lolz.



Big applause for Interstellar... if this movie becomes a classic among movie geeks it should be in the Top 10 though.



One of my biggest agreements with you is Kill Bill (however, I could replace it with most other Tarantino movies. I vomit every time I read a "best of the year" list by QT).


Would love to see SW on this... but as you spared LotR, I can live with that ;)


I don't see how anyone would be brainwashed into liking GOTG, it was simply just a funny and entertaining movie, its not like anyone thought of it as some sort of masterpiece.


also interstellar was well liked among the GA who don't care for Nolan, hence why its the 4th biggest ticket seller of the year and had great legs.

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I don't see how anyone would be brainwashed into liking GOTG, it was simply just a funny and entertaining movie, its not like anyone thought of it as some sort of masterpiece.


also interstellar was well liked among the GA who don't care for Nolan, hence why its the 4th biggest ticket seller of the year and had great legs.



What are you trying to say? This is a list of movies that "are so loved and I can't understand it".


And I said I agreed with baumer on the movies I listed.

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What are you trying to say? This is a list of movies that "are so loved and I can't understand it".


And I said I agreed with baumer on the movies I listed.


No its a thread about movies that have 'brainwashed' people into liking them. the way you say it is a lot more polite, but in reality Baumers list is implying that people have simply been tricked into loving films that don't actually deserve the praise. Naturally people like me will debate certain films which makes it a great list. that is the purpose of this thread, for all of us to debate baumers awesome unpopular opinions. Some films he's mentioned imo truly do feel like movies people love because they feel they have to. Godfather was a great example on his list, its a good film but its not the greatest like many claim.


Others like Interstellar I will personally disagree with because it had great WOM among people that have never heard of Nolan therefore have no reason to let their fanboysim get in the way of their personal opinion of the film. And GOTG was just seen by many as pure entertainment and nothing more. Its one of my favourite movies of the year and I know its not a masterpiece, it just left me smiling, like many others..... damn maybe I have been brainwashed

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I certainly did feel a brainwash-wipe going for Interstellar. The movie, imho, tries to look incredibly smart and tries to trick people into actually believing there is a philosophy behind it. And it had a lot of people admiring it just for that (not saying all people like it because of that). Heck, even myself who mainly disliked it agreed that it deserves a certain level of respect... at least for trying.


GOTG - I see what you are saying here. But sicne what I quoted above is from baumer's opening post and his reasoning behind this list, I thing it deserves its place. It got a lot of love from people which I simply cannot understand. It is not about whether it is a masterpiece or not... it is wondering of why so many people perceive this to be great entertainment. At least for me, and this is what I thought baumer's reasoning was as well.

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I certainly did feel a brainwash-wipe going for Interstellar. The movie, imho, tries to look incredibly smart and tries to trick people into actually believing there is a philosophy behind it. And it had a lot of people admiring it just for that (not saying all people like it because of that). Heck, even myself who mainly disliked it agreed that it deserves a certain level of respect... at least for trying.

GOTG - I see what you are saying here. But sicne what I quoted above is from baumer's opening post and his reasoning behind this list, I thing it deserves its place. It got a lot of love from people which I simply cannot understand. It is not about whether it is a masterpiece or not... it is wondering of why so many people perceive this to be great entertainment. At least for me, and this is what I thought baumer's reasoning was as well.

You seriously can't look at GOTG and understand why so many kids would love it? It has great colourful action set pieces and funny one liners, kids eat that shit up.

Interstellar I liked because ive always had a hard on for black holes, worm holes etc and for once we have a movie about them. It's story I also pretty unique, I dint think I've ever seen a film like it so for that it deserves praise imo. We are always moaning about Hollywood giving us the same old shit so when we finally get something different, we still nit pick and moan lol.

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I never liked kill bill, thought it was boring as fuck. Only part I liked in that series was the end when she finally met bill, from then it turned into a mature heart felt conversation rather than a quick shoot off, was a nice surprise to an otherwise shit movie.

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You seriously can't look at GOTG and understand why so many kids would love it? It has great colourful action set pieces and funny one liners, kids eat that shit up.

Interstellar I liked because ive always had a hard on for black holes, worm holes etc and for once we have a movie about them. It's story I also pretty unique, I dint think I've ever seen a film like it so for that it deserves praise imo. We are always moaning about Hollywood giving us the same old shit so when we finally get something different, we still nit pick and moan lol.


GOTG obviously appealed to more than "kids" to make its numbers. It is also not that I expected people to hate this movie... but the love that some seem to have for it and the charm some find in it just surprised me and I can't share those feelings.


Why should there be any automatism: new -> don't moan about it. If it doesn't work for you, it just doesn't no matter how "unique and fresh" it is (which it wasn't that much to begin with imho).

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GOTG obviously appealed to more than "kids" to make its numbers. It is also not that I expected people to hate this movie... but the love that some seem to have for it and the charm some find in it just surprised me and I can't share those feelings.


Why should there be any automatism: new -> don't moan about it. If it doesn't work for you, it just doesn't no matter how "unique and fresh" it is (which it wasn't that much to begin with imho).


lol but come on lets face it, now I mean no offence by this but germans aren't exactly known to have a great sense of humour :)


as for Interstellar, fair enough if it didn't work for you but personally I cant think of many films that were similar, I thought it was original.


what was your favourite film this year?

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Guns, machines, bugging gadgets all fail to work in the wizarding world.

I'm guessing this is some dumb arbitrary rule that was invented after too many people asked why no one used guns? It reminds me of that joke about Xena in The Simpsons, whenever you can't explain something just say "errr... a wizard did it." 

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lol but come on lets face it, now I mean no offence by this but germans aren't exactly known to have a great sense of humour :)



Oh dear.





(Btw, GOTG is Germany's #5 grossing movie of 2014 and had good to great reviews & WoM.)

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and it makes for great entertainment


Whether you think I'm an idiot, a fool, arrogant, moronic or that I make good points, this list is pretty light-hearted and shockingly it has generated a lot more conversation than I thought it would,  That's why I'm liking every post in here, even alpha's silly posts directed at me.  I'm glad you all took the time to read and comment, even if you disagree emphatically.  :)

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Whether you think I'm an idiot, a fool, arrogant, moronic or that I make good points, this list is pretty light-hearted and shockingly it has generated a lot more conversation than I thought it would,  That's why I'm liking every post in here, even alpha's silly posts directed at me.  I'm glad you all took the time to read and comment, even if you disagree emphatically.  :)

So you're going Blankments on our ass?

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4) Magnolia:  Rarely has there been a more pretentious, more self indulgent, more manipulative, more idiotic, plotless film disguised as high art than this one.  



Exodus 8:2 But if you refuse to let them go ( the people ) behold I will plague all your country with frogs.

Okay, so the film is heavy on the subliminal message side. So it has great reference in it to the Bible and comeuppance and an eye for an eye and retribution and all that Old Testament stuff. Here is my question. SO WHAT? How does that make a film good? Why is it that just because there is more than meets the eye to a film that all of a sudden brilliance is associated with it? Whatever happened to a finely tuned script? Whatever happened to actors that don't overact? And how about an editor? These are just several thoughts that trouble me about Magnolia. Films are an expression of ones thoughts but please don't sit there and tell me that Magnolia was the best film of the year just because Exodus 8:2 pops up everywhere. That does not make it brilliant. What I will say positively about Magnolia is that there is a good idea behind the film. But the execution of it is terrible. This to me is not a film that screams classic, it is more of an abomination. The first time I saw this film I was angry. I sat in the theater and waited for something to happen. I waited for the pace to pick up. I waited for the script to get better. But nothing happened. I saw it second time out of morbid curiosity. You know, to see if now because I knew all of the secrets of the film, that maybe I would enjoy it a bit better and understand it a little more. Well the definitive answer to that theory was a resounding NO. I still hated it, only now I could understand why I hated it. Before it was like an annoying throbbing pain in my head, the second time, I felt like Malcolm MacDowell's character did when he was forced to watch all those disgusting movies/images on screen in A Clockwork Orange.

The worst thing about this film is the script. I have never seen the word FUCK used so liberally and in places that it doesn't belong. I like the word fuck. I love Kevin Smith films, I loved Eddie Murphy's Delirious and I am not opposed to profanity as long as it has a place in the story and it makes sense. In here, it is overkill. There is one scene where Rose ( who is the cocained addicted daughter ) and her dad, Stanley, the gameshow host, are in the same room and her last few words to her dad are all F-words in some variation. Get the F out of here, F you, F you, F you, F you, F you, F you, what the F are you doing in my house, what the F do you want? etc. etc. The idea here is to show pain between the two. Well her screaming and swearing maybe once would have done it, but it is just overkill the way she carries on. 

Then there is the Linda and Earl characters ( Julianne Moore and Jason Robards ). Next to Linda, she is the most overacted character in the film and perhaps one of the most overacted characters that I have ever seen. Bette Midler bugs me sometimes with her overacting but she is Hepburn compared to what Moore does in here. Her favourite way to show emotion is to say fuck as well. I don't even think she knows how to talk calmly in the film. Every scene she is in she is either crying, screaming, swearing or shaking. There is one particular scene in the pharmacy when she explodes at the pharmacist that is so poorly done, so embarrassing that I cringed in my seat. There is no substance to her, no reason, no rhyme. She is just a very, very bad person and one that we can't care about.

Then there is Donnie played by William H Macy. His character could have been completely eliminated and no one would have noticed. He is not necessary and I think he was in here simply so there could be some sort of gay theme in the film. And did you happen to see Tom Cruise's bulge in his underwear when he was undressing? It looked like he had boulders where his sack should have been. Does P.T. Anderson have an obsession with the penis? Just a thought? I'm not sure if he is gay.  I don't keep on this stuff in Hollywood.  But according to our banned member FISH, every guy in Hollywood is closet gay, so there you go.

Okay, now to Cruise. He was good in a bad film. But all that was put to waste in his last scene with his father as he cries and tells him not to F***in die, you son of a bitch. Enough said about that.

Robards. He is a dying old man that is comatose most of the film. But then when he does wake up up long enough, what does he tell us? What great big secret does he tell us that is supposed to make us ooooh and aaaaaaaah? He cheated on his wife. Just like almost every other character, he cheated on his spouse. When this came out, I wanted to yell at the screen, BIG F****N DEAL!!! It was an old theme. There was no shock left now. After Stanley divulged that information and so did Linda and with Cruise's character being the way he was, it was just a nothing speech. But it was done with close ups as if he is cleansing his sould and awaiting a trip to heaven. What trash!! What utter trash.

Magnolia is a film that has nothing to say, has some of the worst performances of the year and absolutely some of the worst directing and editing. Just because you have Exodus 8:2 in your film and that is what your great finale is all about, does not mean that you have a great film. This is without a doubt, one of the dumbest films I have ever seen. And I really mean that. The praise that has been heaped on this film over the years is completely unjust. I would tell you to stay away from this film but in some strange way I want people to see it. For two reasons. One to show you how bad it really is and two, to show you that no matter how void of talent you are, if you get really lucky then you can still get a screenplay produced. P.T Anderson has a really bad screenplay here and it worked for him. See how wonderfully twisted Hollywood is?

 In the trailer for the film, one of the final things you hear from the narrator is this " And somehow this will all make sense in the end."What a fuckin load of fucking shit (this is said in Julianne Moore's character's voice).





Edited by baumer
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