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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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FYI, Dujardin has stated that he didn't want to make a carreer in Hollywood, because he knows his english is terrible and also because he loves french cinema and he is probably the biggest star in France right now so he gets the best parts in France and can work with the best directors.

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Knowing Baumer Star Wars in any iteration won't be here



He'll have HBP. The bitch...



How about, all 8 Harry Potters? ;)



Let's be real... we know THE ARTIST and KANE will be really high up. :)



Not all 8. I'm a Harry Potter fan and I'm honest when I'm saying that only Prisoner of Azkaban, Chamber of Secrets, Goblet of Fire and arguably Order of the Phoenix belong on this list. Although I love Order of the Phoenix.


As for the previous comment, I really can't see what people like in Lord of the Rings. I consider that movie to be one of those movies that is unique at the time it came out and blew everybody's minds away, which brainwashes them into believing the movies are masterpieces even today, which they are not. They are extremely boring and dull.



And Pixar films because Baumer doesn't have a heart. ;)


Amazing how well some of you know me.

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I absolutely agree with the first place. The rest is hit or miss. 


I was expecting to see Godzilla in your list. I thought the hate was stronger with you about that one. 


Shocked about Jump Street (didn't knew you didn't liked those), the first JJ Abrams Star Trek (I know you don't like the 2nd, but the first? Didn't knew), the inclusion of ALL Harry Potters (I was sure you thought some of them were good), The Dark Knight Rises (didn't you loved this movie now?) and all the Hobbits (pretty sure you said the last one was good?). 

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  • The Hunger Games (Just the first one)
  • The Artist
  • Citizen Kane
  • Several Harry Potter films
  • Several Pixar films (Most likely WALL-E and Toy Story 3)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Magnolia
  • The Hobbit (Primarily AUJ and DOS)


I got all of these, including the top 5 right in here, and you didn't quote me, b. I'm quite offended. Hmmph.



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Oooh, you so edgy, baumer!


Well, that s Baumer for you.

When he loves something he can write walls of text that are like love letters to the films he liked.


But when he really dislikes something, it s like the movie did something to him personally and he trashes it like the movie has AIDS or something. He can find 89 reasons why he thought the movie was bad.


He deals in absolute like the the Siths.

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Final mini-rant:

Today I learned that Baumer...

- Doesn't understand animation

- Doesn't understand subtletly

- Doesn't know what "brainwash" means


Thank you for reading the thread.

Thank you for commenting.

Thank you for your words of wisdom.

Don't give up on me Alpha.

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Basically I said that the list is in fun

These are just opinions.

I like a lot of the films on the list but I just don't understand the LOVE for them.


Some people need to lighten up.

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