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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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19. The Dark Knight




Oh boy.


This is another one -- a movie that I really enjoy, has some strengths and moments of greatness, but is also held up as the absolute pinnacle of film-making, as one of the greatest films ever made. And.... it isn't. For all the scope and grandeur and Nolan's (mostly successful) efforts at paying homage to a Michael Mann-esque crime saga, this is the first of his movies that starts to show the seams of trying to pack too much story into a fairly fixed length of time. As a result, it feels like a great film that ends about 2 hours in, and an awkward sort-of coda that runs another 30 minutes and quickly tries to fully introduce another major villain, Batman's fall from grace (in the eyes of the public) and a complete resolution in a really sort amount of time. Nolan manages to end on a high note, which is why I think most people tend to forget, ignore, or forgive the awkwardness.


A great movie. Just not an all-time great forevermore.

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19. The Dark Knight




Oh boy.


This is another one -- a movie that I really enjoy, has some strengths and moments of greatness, but is also held up as the absolute pinnacle of film-making, as one of the greatest films ever made. And.... it isn't. For all the scope and grandeur and Nolan's (mostly successful) efforts at paying homage to a Michael Mann-esque crime saga, this is the first of his movies that starts to show the seams of trying to pack too much story into a fairly fixed length of time. As a result, it feels like a great film that ends about 2 hours in, and an awkward sort-of coda that runs another 30 minutes and quickly tries to fully introduce another major villain, Batman's fall from grace (in the eyes of the public) and a complete resolution in a really sort amount of time. Nolan manages to end on a high note, which is why I think most people tend to forget, ignore, or forgive the awkwardness.


A great movie. Just not an all-time great forevermore.


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19. The Dark Knight




Oh boy.


This is another one -- a movie that I really enjoy, has some strengths and moments of greatness, but is also held up as the absolute pinnacle of film-making, as one of the greatest films ever made. And.... it isn't. For all the scope and grandeur and Nolan's (mostly successful) efforts at paying homage to a Michael Mann-esque crime saga, this is the first of his movies that starts to show the seams of trying to pack too much story into a fairly fixed length of time. As a result, it feels like a great film that ends about 2 hours in, and an awkward sort-of coda that runs another 30 minutes and quickly tries to fully introduce another major villain, Batman's fall from grace (in the eyes of the public) and a complete resolution in a really sort amount of time. Nolan manages to end on a high note, which is why I think most people tend to forget, ignore, or forgive the awkwardness.


A great movie. Just not an all-time great forevermore.


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This is very much a spur-of-the-moment list and it's almost certain that if I were to do it again at a different time, the order might be somewhat different and even some other films might make an appearance. Here are a couple more that were under heavy consideration and didn't quite make the cut this time:


A Beautiful Mind

Star Trek (2009)

The Sound of Music

Men in Black

Independence Day

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7.9 on IMDB, 46th WW Box Office, 9th All Time Domestic, 4th Adjusted.

9 Oscar Nominations, 4 wins, 2 Golden Globes, 1 BAFTA




 You know what's a good alien/space type film for kids? Flight of the Navigator, that's what. It's a thousand times the film E.T is. Hell I remember 7 year old me even preferred Mac and Me to this (not saying it's a good film, just that I liked even that more than E.T).


E.T fell into the usual reasons for why i put many of my films on this list: I found it immensly boring. It feels like you have aged a year getting through the opening hour of this film, it just doesn't gel for me at all and considering I watched E.T (multiple times infuriatingly) when at the target age demographic and older for this film I can't for the life of me see the appeal.


I love Spielberg's films. On any given day Jurassic Park and Schindler's List can easily make a top 10 of all time list for me, even a top 5. But sometimes he makes something that everybody loves and I just don't see it (Tele made a great call with the Goonies as another example of this).   

Edited by chasmmi
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You only say that because you were 31 when it was released. I was 5 when it made it to VHS in the UK so the perfect age to love it :)


So you're admitting it brainwashed you when you were young and impressionable? ;)


I was a kid when I saw it too.

Edited by Telemachos
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A tease before the next batch: movies that are "honorable mentions" but didn't quite make the top 25, for any number of reasons.


(in no particular order)


The Green Mile



Because you realised you had it confused with the Longest Yard right and that Green Mile is actually that awesome Tom Hanks film where the big scary looking man is actually a big softie who cries :)

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First Inception, now TDK? Somewhere in New York, Ed is plotting Tele's demise...

Way ahead of #ED. The Pinky and the Brain have put a halt to world domination and will plot to do what millions of years could not: Kill the Tele.

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26th on IMDB top 250 all time list, 1 Oscar Nomination, 1 Golden Globe win.




So in my last post I revealed the little known secret that Flight of the Navigator is superior to E.T. and now I'm gonna drop some more little known knowledge: Family Man is so much better than this pile of sewage it isn't even a race. Another occasion when the original cinema goers of the time got things so so right, only for home video and TV to screw it all up so we have to sit through this mess every year, this is a pretentious, cheese filled orgy of corn that really needed to be pronounced dead on arrival to cinemas.


The concept is a good one (hence why Cage pulled it off so much better 50 years later) , but this film is a grade A example as to why younger audiences will never give Black and White films a chance as this is likely one of the first ones that will be thrust upon them (especially at Xmas time when it lines up against about 35 other superior xmas-themed films) and so the intense mediocrity of it will mean that true classics (Casablanca take a bow) may not get the look in they deserve.


(Also I can't be the only person on the planet who cannot go more than about 7 minute listening to Jimmy Stewart talk before I go crazy and want to burn things? It's not really a legimate reason to hate on a film like how explaining Cage can pull off the same role better is, but my heart just sinks every time i see Stewart is starring in a film and no other actor can manage this by mere voice alone.)


Edited by chasmmi
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18. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves




In the summer of '91, I was really looking forward to this. It had a cool trailer, marketing was everywhere, Kevin Costner was one of the big stars of the time, I was certain it was going to be this awesome, kickass, fun movie. And, to that point in my life, I pretty much loved everything I saw. I remember walking out of the theater trying to process what I felt, how letdown I felt. The movie's a complete mess, every major character basically in their own, different movie. Costner is too brooding and mopey, Slater is the smartass who feels completely out-of-place, Alan Rickman is in a Monty Python comedy, Morgan Freeman as some random Moor... oh god oh god. The movie isn't absurd enough to be funny as a trainwreck, not cool enough to work as an action-adventure, there's no chemistry between Costner and Mastrantonio, it's just a complete slog.


(Six months later HOOK came out and was the exact same sort of disaster, only much worse... but it's not highly regarded enough to make this list.)

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