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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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I'm going to have to take back that post I made to Baumer. I thought AS earned 30m on the weekend.


But 30m on Friday alone?


Holy fuck. Especially as, by many accounts, the movie's merely ok.

Edited by Hatebox
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If it increases today, then I have no words. That would be an 80m 3-day weekend and will make a run for $250m or more.

It is going to steamroll everything until Fifty Shades.

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With this OD, it's not impossible that Sniper could end up beating LEGO and becoming Warner's #1 movie of 2014.


Which is crazy considering that they refused to finance it unless Bradley Cooper played Chris Kyle himself, which he didn't want to. He thought he was the wrong physical type for the role and he worried about getting the accent right. He said he would have prefered to cast, no joke, Chris Pratt.



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