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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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So do movies like this tend to increase on Saturday minus previews? I know I could just look it up but I'm lazy :rolleyes:



Every MCU has increased on Saturday. They are known for it.



Actually looking back ever since the Preview era has started, many films have decline less on Saturday then in the midnights era.





I have no idea really. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Disney's statement about $200 plus and maybe the record smells of confidence, not future fudging.

Exactly, I see it as confidence. Especially considering studios like to lowball their numbers before they come out.
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lord yu didnt get excited about the dbz movie cominh to limited theaters and dubbex with all our american voice actors and freeza is back. 2nd film following the real dbz continuity is out april 118. not sure when it hits us. the first dbz gods movie was such ahit that a new series with the original creator is coming up this yr. dbz super!

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