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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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only once in Groundhog day Tree? I wouldn't call it a complete comedy but it has a lot of great moments. and no Ferris Bueller and Groundhog day are not art house films. funny how extreme peoples opinions seem to be on those films, especially GBH. I consider all to be pretty good but not quite amazing films. 

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73rd Tied: Toto - Wizard of Oz - Terry the Dog  


Cher - Clueless - Alicia Silverstone

30pts -1 Vote







Yeah so some folks have very interesting ideas on what is the greatest character ever put to cinema it seems. But this at least does mark the end of characters appearing because of one superfan, from now on there are at least two people in each occasion that are wrong in their opinions :)

Edited by chasmmi
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72nd: Jesse - Before Various Moments of the Day - Ethan Hawke  

30pts - 2 Vote





Richard Linklater seems to have two main philosophies to filmmaking, Number 1: You need at least 10 ten years of production and filmmaking time to really tell a story right. Number 2: If in doubt, cast Ethan Hawke (who I keep thinking is the guy from Mission Impossible because, I am stupid like that.)


The Before series has a massive following amongst the people who watch the films and just the scene in the clip above can make you want to maybe go out and find the full film if you haven't seen it as it just feels like it will be a nice and genuine film. This may not be the last time we speak of the Before series in this list...

Edited by chasmmi
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71st: Clarice Starling - Silence of the Lambs - Jodie Foster  

30pts - 3 Vote




Okay, there may be a bigger personality in this film appearing a little later, but Clarice is the main character of this film. The role that takes up most of the screen time and keeps the story moving from scene to scene.


Foster is a great actress with some great roles behind her. SIlence of the Lambs though was on another level. A near perfect piece of filmmaking from script to screen (and Mr. OScar agrees). It's good to see this film get two characters on the list as opposed to just the big one.

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70th: Donkey - Shrek - Eddie Murphy  

30pts - 3 Votes




It gets a lot of criticism these days for the poor 3rd and 4th installments (I actually liked 4 though) and the comedy has not aged as well as the more purer styles of a Pixar of Disney animation maybe, but the original Shrek was a great film that showed that other companies could produce great (and also successful) animated films.


Eddie Murphy had pretty much hit his point of no longer being funny in anything and Mike Myers was pretty much irrelevent in anything not Austin Powers by the time Shrek came out. So to see them both be so sharp and so funny throughout a film was great and the Donkey character was definitely the standout of the first film in my eyes in terms of comedy at least.


This also means Dreamworks has now joind the animation party in our top 100..

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Toto is an amazing character!!! He is so cute.


:D  Also a fine actress and a little trooper after being stepped on and having her foot broken in the Wizard Of Oz.



Terry, born in the midst of the Great Depression, was trained and owned by Carl Spitz.[2] Her first film appearance was in Ready For Love which was released on November 30, 1934 roughly one month before her first major film appearance, with Shirley Temple, in 1934's Bright Eyes as Rags.[3]


Terry, who did her own stunts, almost lost her life during the filming of The Wizard of Oz when one of the Winkie guards accidentally stepped on her, breaking her foot. She spent two weeks recuperating at Judy Garland's residence, and Garland developed a close attachment to her. Garland wanted to adopt her, but Spitz refused. Terry's salary, $125 per week, was more than that of many human actors in the film, and also more than many working Americans at the time.[4]


She attended the premiere of The Wizard of Oz at Grauman's Chinese Theater; because of the popularity of the film, her name was changed to Toto in 1942. Terry had 16 total film appearances, three of which were playing in theaters at the same time in the fall of 1939: The Wizard of Oz, The Women and Bad Little Angel. Her last film was Tortilla Flat (1942), in which she was reunited with Oz director Victor Fleming and Frank Morgan, who played the Wizard.


Terry was the mother of Rommy, another movie Cairn terrier, who appeared in other films including Reap the Wild Wind (1942) and Airforce (1943).[5]


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I recently rewatched Groundhog Day, I hadn't seen it since I was a child. I laughed once. ONCE. I laughed at least 5 times in Edge of Tomorrow. Some of the moments like where Cruise rolls under a truck like an action star and just gets run over, are pure gold.


Yes, because we've NEVER had a million parodies of typical action star stunts going bust before. The sheer originality of EoT witticism thrusts the entire human race a good ten steps ahead in the evolution process.

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69th: Spiderman - Spiderman - Tobey Maguire 

30pts - 3 Votes




The orignial and best cinematic spiderman in my and it seems of all your eyes too. Maguire worked so well as the normal kid that deveolped great power and thus found himself with great responsibilities also. Yes the third one may have been a bit awful and probably hurt Spidey's overall rank like Donkey before him, but those first two films are still some of the leading examples of comic book film brilliance and that is partly down to great casting of Spidey.


Garfield wasn't bad, but he wasn't good enough to score a single vote in our poll (Gwen Stacey came 419th though).

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69th: Spiderman - Spiderman - Tobey Maguire 

30pts - 3 Votes




The orignial and best cinematic spiderman in my and it seems of all your eyes too. Maguire worked so well as the normal kid that deveolped great power and thus found himself with great responsibilities also. Yes the third one may have been a bit awful and probably hurt Spidey's overall rank like Donkey before him, but those first two films are still some of the leading examples of comic book film brilliance and that is partly down to great casting of Spidey.


Garfield wasn't bad, but he wasn't good enough to score a single vote in our poll (Gwen Stacey came 419th though).



Am I the only one that absolutely hated Tobey Maguire as spiderman?

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68th: Juror Number 8 - 12 Angry Men - Henry Fonda 

30pts - 4 Votes





The penultimate character from the black and white era I beleive. 12 angry men for the most part takes place in one room and in just a bunch of men arguing yet strong writing and enthralling characters made sure that the concept could work. Henry Fonda plays the most high profile of the jury as Man number 8 (one of the few chracters on this list without a name) and it is his only appearence in the whole list.

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67th - Starlord - Guardians of the Galaxy - Chris Pratt  


30 pts - 4 votes


Okay, now we are at the right point for Starlord


 Starlord is also the first character on the list that would have been ineligible for the previous list (due to not existing at the time) and is clearly, and maybe somewhat surprisingly the clear favourite of the Guardians cast. The only others to make the list anywhere being Gamora in 368th and Groot in 455th.

After just one film outing it seems clear that Starlord is a possible mainstay fan favourite of the Marvel Universe and so long as the sequel (s?) succesfully builds on what the first film gave us, 2017's list could see Starlord make a charge for the upper echilons.


Edited by chasmmi
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66th: Jack Torrance - The Shining - Jack Nicholson 

31pts - 2 Votes




The first actor to get a second appearance on the list and it's with his second crazy psychopath. :) Jack Torrence is also the second character played by Nicholson on this list to be called Jack (along with jack napier :))


The Shining was always going to be a great film though. When Steven King, Stanley Kubrick and jack Nicholson are all contrbuting in some way to a project, it's hard not to expect genius and that was what we got.


For the record, Jack's other two roles to receive votes were Frank Costello (378th) and Col Nathan Jessop (476th) 

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65th: Dory - Finding Nemo - Ellen DeGeneres 

32pts - 2 Votes




Well I've said in past threads that i do not like this film and I do not like any of its characters (some are acceptable), Dory annoys the hell out of me and was a major factor in why I did not enjoy watching this film.


Therefore this is I think the penultimate time that I will find a character on this list that I personally do not understand how they could make the top 100. That does not mean I agree with 63 of the remaining 64 names, but just that I can see where people could be coming from.


Anyhow, this is the only Nemo character in the top 100 as Marlin and Nemo himself both only got 5 points each, but it is not the last time we will be visiting the world of Pixar. there are still characters from two more films to appear at some point before the end.


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