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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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 59th: Amy - Gone Girl - Rosamund Pike 

33pts - 4 Votes




And onto the stand out female character of 2014. Gone Girl was an event of a film with two great lead performances (although Affleck only came in 231st), and it is reflected in a finish close to the top 50 for Pike's Amy.


She may well me the scariest female character to make the list and blew away a lot of people with the intensity and commitment to the role. This was one of the ten best films of last year in my opinion, also the best female performance for many a year. Well worth watching and well deserving of a place on the list in my opinion.

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58th: Colonol Hans Landa - Inglorious Basterds - Christoph Waltz 

34pts - 3 Votes




So we have an appearance from the imagination of Quentin Tarentino (two other films are yet to receive their top recognitions), Inglorious Basterds helped to launch Waltz into the stratosphere of great supporting actor roles and considering the great characters Tarentino has produced over his filmography to stand out among them must mean something quite positive.

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57th: Augustus - The Fault in Our Stars - Ansel Elgort 

35pts - 2 Votes




Well so this happened. Not much to say, hateful looking film has 2 fans (one massive). Therefore a small number of visitors to this thread will be happy as can be, the sensible majority will feel as i do and be fine with me moving on right now. :)

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56th: Loki - Thor and Stuff - Tom hiddlestone 

35pts - 4 Votes




Well that's better now :). Still the best Marvel cinematic universe villain and arguably a top 3 comic book villain on screen full stop, Loki is a wonderfully complex character. Yes he was good in the Avengers, but the complexity of his character in both Thor films are some of the highlights of the whole Avengers world.


Hiddlestone owns this role and as good as Ultron still was in my eyes, it was kind of sad to see no room for Loki in AOU, he is the best villain Marvel have going for them. Part of me hopes that he can somehow turn hero by Infinity Wars though, you can feel the character wants it too. :)

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55th: Travis Bickle - Taxi Driver - Robert Deniro 

35pts - 4 Votes




Best known for the scene pasted above, Taxi Driver is one of the great characters in cinema and possibly Deniro's defining role in a career of defining roles. Insanely this is his only character in the entire list (no votes for Corleone, or Raging Bull [although that one would have been against the rules :)]), it's a bit crazy considering some of the other faces I see on my excel spreadsheet.


At least one great character made it though.

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54th: Freddy Krueger - Nightmare on Elm St - Robert Englund 

36pts - 2 Votes




A second Robert in a row and a very different actor. Englund has played a lot of questionable roles in a lot of questionable films, but Freddy Kreuger was a instant classic. A horror icon of the highest order and that is down to the character Freddy has.


Whether one prefers Halloween or Friday more, it would be harder to vote for those characters as they could kind of be portrayed by anyone, just walk slowly and stab things. Krueger however only works as Englund, he's pretty irreplaceable in the role and on a personal note, I am very happy that he made it. 

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Loki? Augustus Waters?  :lol:

Cap in the 40s, Iron Man possibly in the 20s.

Captain America is going to be higher than Iron Man. I'll bet my life on it.



yes there is nothing special about him. 


Edited by Treeth Simanton
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I liked The Fault In Our Stars, but Shailene Woodley is the MVP, not Ansel Elgort.

Well she made my list too but not quite as high :P ( because he was #1 of course)

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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All these characters from 2014 movies....... :rofl:


I can't say I'm surprised. Most of these users would probably pick recent popular films for best characters, since that would be the first thing that pops into their minds.


Still, Freddy Krueger and Travis Bickel being on this last, made up for that.

Edited by Furiousarcher
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