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RAMPAGE | 13 April 2018 | Warner Brothers | Dwayne Johnson

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3 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I think this simply fell victim to bad timing. Ready Player One and A Quiet Place both broke out and Avengers is two weeks away from conquering everything.

Funny that people thought RPO would be the one that would flop and Rampage would be the success for WB. I imagine Rampage will break even or make a small profit for WB 

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16 hours ago, feasby007 said:

Despite reviews, I think this should have a nice run overseas. Looking at anywhere from $80-150m in China (awaiting ratings) and my theater in the UK is looking good, so it should debut #1 and hopefully have a nice $20-30m run, maybe more if it takes off, although Avengers will kill a lot of business in two weeks time.

Yep.OD is a bit ahead of RP1 in China.Though Saturday won't bump 80% as RP1.This ow can still crack Mid $50M in Middle Kingdom.$130-150M is on the way.Infinity War May 11.Too far away.Enough room for George.

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5 hours ago, DAJK said:

Rampage is still gonna do 300 or more WW. 70M DOM, 275OS

It's looking at 50m+ ow in China. The Maoyan score is very good and I think it will mange 120m at least. Has breathing space as AIW release is not aligned with rest of the world.


It's tracking mid 30s or better Dom ow so 80 dom should happen if not more even with bad legs (33 ow*2.4x)


Can't see much below 175m OS-China.


So 120 Ch + 80 dom + 175 OS-Ch = 375 is something close to the minimum it should manage. Say 350+ if one wants to go lower.

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13 hours ago, Treeze Rutledge said:

I agree in principal that you can make a good film out of anything. You are also right about budget, I'm sure if you make a Bioshock movie for 20M it will turn a profit, but ya know, good luck making a Bioshock movie for 20M.

Fair enough, but the shitty Resident Evil movies topped out at 65M in budget and those have a crap ton of CGI..... even at 65, it would could still do well....ish. Maybe. :kitschjob:

13 hours ago, dudalb said:

You also need a warped sense of humor for "Fallout"...the lack of which was a major reason I did not like Fallout 4 nearly as much as the previous games.

Never played Fallout 4, but yeah, the Fallout games do have a very dark sense of humor attached to them. George Miller would probably be the absolute best fit for this series imo.


Speaking of Bethesda, has anyone contacted Peter Jackson to do Skyrim yet? :sparta:


13 hours ago, Treeze Rutledge said:

The thing is I dont think gamers really want movies, they are happy with the games how they are.


I mean you could turn GTA into a movie like Heat. But I don't really see what the point would be and it would probably suck. People who like GTA already have the game, they don't need a film.


The only game I can think of that I'd genuinely like a film about, is Red Faction. And it would actually work as a film.

Honestly, I don't know how you could turn GTA into a movie. That is the one case where I genuinely don't see anyway in which that movie would be well done. I mean, like I said, there's definitely a way somehow to make a good movie out of anything, but right off the bat, one can only scratch their heads when it comes to THIS franchise. GTA is a very unique thing, because the appeal in those games is in the worldbuilding + the freedom that you get within the open world. Of course that the writing and the comedy are also big parts, and you could adapt a couple of GTA stories into fun movies, but they would mostly be super derivative - GTA V would probably be Heat through and through, like you mentioned; a Vice City movie would basically be a second cousin to Boogie Nights; GTA IV actually does have a cool mob story, if you streamline it enough for filmic purposes, but it would hardly be much different than, say, Scarface; GTA III would for sure take plenty of cues from Drive. And I know that derivativeness doesn't automatically make them bad, but it's still noticeable. San Andreas is the only one I could see somewhat standing on its own. But even in a movie, the worldbuilding and the freedom of GTA are lost within those confines.


If they were to make a GTA movie, they would really need to double down on the characters, the story, the writing and the over-the-top action, which are elements of what made it so popular in the 1st place. Even then, I'm having a very hard time figuring how they would do it.


(You know, Red Faction does have good movie instincts. Never thought about that, but you're pretty right.)

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well yeah I think in general people play games for the gameplay not the story, even when there are good characters and story (like GTA), people like them because they are playing it, not because they're watching it. Similar thing to like how books for games are not very popular apart from the most hardcore fans, because most people don't really care. over 100 million people have bought World of Warcraft and yet not many turned out to see the film.


And yeah RF would be cool. I think the story lends itself quite naturally to film - rebelling against a tyrannical government, in a sci-fi setting that's been used before. I mean Total Recall has the same thing, a government encouraging people to come to Mars and then oppressing them and crushing the rebel uprising. Although knowing hollywood it would probably be turned into a YA movie :ph34r:


I've always thought if I could have one job it would be to be a film director and make a big budget Red Faction movie. :P 

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23 hours ago, EarlyDeadlinePredictions said:

Disappointing reviews. Was hoping this would raise the bar for for video-game movies to 55-60% on the tomato-meter. Still, its challenging Tomb Raider for the top spot so that's something. 

Spoke too soon. Its at 55% right now! :ohmygod:

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1 hour ago, Treeze Rutledge said:

well yeah I think in general people play games for the gameplay not the story, even when there are good characters and story (like GTA), people like them because they are playing it, not because they're watching it. Similar thing to like how books for games are not very popular apart from the most hardcore fans, because most people don't really care. over 100 million people have bought World of Warcraft and yet not many turned out to see the film.


And yeah RF would be cool. I think the story lends itself quite naturally to film - rebelling against a tyrannical government, in a sci-fi setting that's been used before. I mean Total Recall has the same thing, a government encouraging people to come to Mars and then oppressing them and crushing the rebel uprising. Although knowing hollywood it would probably be turned into a YA movie :ph34r:


I've always thought if I could have one job it would be to be a film director and make a big budget Red Faction movie. :P 

Somebody decades made a movie based off a board game in Clue/Cluedo, and made an entertaining one at that.

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9 minutes ago, TMP said:

Pretty crazy how this went from being a contender for $200m to being unlikely to even cross $100m :gold:

WB's gonna have a pretty baaaad year if this is the trajectory they're on...

Um, RPO is a hit and Game Night has been a success so it's not all doom and gloom! 

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1 hour ago, Treeze Rutledge said:

well yeah I think in general people play games for the gameplay not the story, even when there are good characters and story (like GTA), people like them because they are playing it, not because they're watching it. Similar thing to like how books for games are not very popular apart from the most hardcore fans, because most people don't really care. over 100 million people have bought World of Warcraft and yet not many turned out to see the film.


And yeah RF would be cool. I think the story lends itself quite naturally to film - rebelling against a tyrannical government, in a sci-fi setting that's been used before. I mean Total Recall has the same thing, a government encouraging people to come to Mars and then oppressing them and crushing the rebel uprising. Although knowing hollywood it would probably be turned into a YA movie :ph34r:


I've always thought if I could have one job it would be to be a film director and make a big budget Red Faction movie. :P 

I agree, but that being said, I do still think that it would be very cool to make the video game into the next popular form of media succesfully adapted into big screen filmmaking alas books and comic books, and there's a lot of VG stories and franchises that have great film potential. It's a shame that, imo, there hasn't really been any of them that truly captured the spirit of the game AND was a good movie (MK is a very fun watch and definitely does the former, but it's easy to see that it's not a particularly good film from an acting and script perspective; and I haven't seen TR yet).


I'll be honest: I have the exact same aspiration as you, brother, as I too wanna be a filmmaker :P. But, if someone called me or my agent if I wanna make a GTA movie, I don't know if I'd say yes, because I have very much no idea what could I possibly do. Trust me, I think that I could pull off almost any video game - hell, I'll do a better job w/a Worms Armageddon movie than the Macbeth director did w/Assassin's fucking Creed - but GTA is a little off bounds for me :ph34r:.

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15 hours ago, NoobSaibot said:

If you need to see at least one really fucking stupid film this year, Rampage is the one you need to see. I had so much fucking fun with this. More than I did with Pacific Rim: Uprising.

problem is a great many people are saying it is not fun fucking stupid, but just plain fucking stupid. Big difference.


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15 hours ago, harrycaul said:

If this does poorly I don't think you can blame it on being a video game movie. I wouldn't be surprised if 80+% of the audience has no clue it's a video game movie.

A great many people were not even aware this was based on a video game.

Rampage was a hit video game back in 1985,but seems to have been pretty much forgotten by the general public since then. It certainly did not have the name regonition factor that other video games had to today's audience.I don't think Rampage had any sequles, that could help to explain this.

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