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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Didn't realize this until you brought up this point, but Age of Ultron is the first MCU sequel to decrease both domestic and WW from the first movie.

AoU's OS increased beside the Euro losing ~ 20% of it's worth and so on


Nah, it was really just ATJ.


Lmao, because of course it is. IM2 was released before Disney took over as well. I guess it doesn't count either.

IM2 wasn't planed for that time-slot, it was the replacement for the Ant-Man movie Wright didn't want to do at that time (he asked twice for getting the opportunity to do other movies beforehand and got both time the date change granted)


IM2 wasn't part of MCU yet either. It was part of the Iron Man franchise at the time. Incredible Hulk is basically without a franchise home.

I think I know via later posts what you meant to say here, but I also see why others can understand another meaning


I really feel Ant-Man could have done 250M if Edgar Wright directed the exact same movie. The fandom has wanted Wright to break out to the mainstream for quite a long time, and we could have seen a GOTG like groundswell of support for it. 

Disagree, might even have done less.

One of the reasons why MCU movies do good BO wise is IMHO that they are able to interest (growingly) also female viewers. I haven't seen anything from Wright that makes me think females would have liked the movie like the actual version. Ant-Man female = 42%


I do think the Wright 'discussion' hurt Ant-Man to a small degree.


GotG got also a lot of interest by people waiting since a long time or a space opera... (like myself)


I would say so. I mean, my 180 on the movie surprised me. I was a huge book fan and left the theater disappointed and angry, somehow a rewatch really helped, and it wasn't even the directors or extended cut, it was just the same movie playing on HBO.

The shock over the differences between the book and the movie was already ~ settled so you could watch the movie without that?


You can't be serious right now. You do realize the MCU was planned since 2008, right? RIGHT?!?!? LOL. It was already happening any way, with or without Disney.

Yes and no. Some people at Marvel Studios started to plan and push for it latest in 2006, but the boss was against it. Said boss said also ~ CBM need no effort on quality, based on his perception of CBM fans. That was Avi Arad. The today best known person who pushed for the MCU was / is Kevin Feige


At that time it was still mainly a pipe dream that was catering to comic book fans wishes. The majority of the GA did not understand IM1 and IH were supposed to be connected when IH came out, believe me. If they did, IH would have opened way bigger off of the goodwill of IM1.

I think the too early ~ reboot after The Hulk movie is the main reason for it's OW.... Hulk 2003 = only 29% of the audience liked it according to RT


I just try to accept that there is a niche group of folks on this board who think IM2 is as bad as the true horrors of the CBM world. 

That it's somehow on par with B&R, GR:SoV, Elektra or Catwoman.

It's not but they are entitled to their opinion...their opinion is just wrong. Yes, you can have a wrong opinion when it's objectively obtuse and nothing but hyperbole. 

I do not like IM 2 and IM 3 for several reasons, but the quality part is in relation to the other MCU movies, not in relation to all CBM ever filmed. Not all critic about a movie you rate in another way is based on being a fan of pro/contra something


I doubt anyone truly believes that. They just want something to use to knock Marvel down a peg or two, which I'm sure is frustrating when they don't flop nearly as hard as other studios do on a regular basis. 

Not in any way the reason. Some here might even think I am an Marvel fan 'girl', as I love to analyse their business details... I like the MCU movies, but love the possibilities for research they offer via them filming in the UK so much (public records laws there)


This post includes a big part hidden by spoiler tags meant especially for CJohn and MovieMan89 with some Marvel Studio details out of 2006 to 2008...

CJohn 5:00


Everyone gets stupid for Marvel. Serious. I can't wait to see them fail. It is gonna be a glorious day just because of dumb stupid stuff like this.

That are formulations I'd expect from Neo or BKB. I am wondering since I am back what is up with you, even thought about pm-ing you. You did have another writing style ... last year as far as I can evaluate (term?) that


CJohn 5:06

You are going too low and too dumb for me here and I can't continue. You are super wrong. All of that was already controlled by Feige and Avengers was on the schedule before Disney bought Marvel. But sure, keep going with that theory.


DOFP was done by Singer. They trusted him, he had made X-Men movies before. Apes followed exactly the same type of movie as the first. 0 risks. The director's job was not to fuck up (just like Francis Lawrence when he was hired for Catching Fire). I really don't see what you are trying to do here. You failed spectacularly.

1. formulations IMHO are not helping

2. Marvel Studios had intense in-fights, leading up to Avi Arad (founder of Marvel Studios) throwing the towel in 2006 because of the MCU plans = leaving the studio for several months in chaos, Feige got ~ instated (at first not even fully). Tons of IMHO bad contracts Marvel did in the years before that are IMHO based at least partly based on his 'work'

I agree fully to Feige being one of the main pushers for the MCU, but he wasn't at that time in a position to decide that 100% alone. And I doubt even yet he is in that kind of 100% power I am guessing you mean with those formulations

press release


- Michael Helfant and Kevin Feige to Lead Marvel Studios as President/COO and President, Production -

- Arad Will Continue to Produce Spider-Man 3, its Sequels and Marvel's Own Productions of Hulk and Iron Man


CJohn 5:16

All I said is reality. All is truth. .... Feige was already behind all production in 2008. All that is the MCU. People saying it isn't is hysterical.

Nope, not 'truth'... and Feige not behind all (see above, president of only the production, not even the studio), and 2008 isn't the year of the production, preperation... it's only the year of release

IHulk had still too much involvement of Avi Arad and was the only MCU movie with an additional studio involved = Valhalla. With the same people behind then who did the 2 Punisher movies too with Marvel.


CJohn 5:19

Paramount is the one behind The Avengers. Without Paramount there wouldn't be a MCU. But people somehow give Disney credit for this LOL. Paramount was the one that put Avengers on May 4, 2012. Paramount produced in partnership with Marvel Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. Disney had no hand in this. According to all of you the MCU only starts with The Dark World. Because yes, Iron Man 3 was also put on schedule by PARAMOUNT.

I wouldn't give neither Paramount nor Disney the credit for the MCU.I also think you make here the same a bit too generalised formulation error the other one did.


CJohn 5:21

How can you prove this? I knew AND I was far from those worlds at the time. Anyway, knowing or not, TIH is MCU just like the first Iron Man. Saying they aren't is hysterical.

And of course it can because it was produced by Feige and was a WW flop. Feige, btw, the true mastermind behind all the MCU. Disney had nothing to do with it. They just wanted to be a part of the money machine. Your idea is hilarious and funny. Fanboy's mentality.

Again IMHO not helpful formulations. I think you missed some forumulations/clarifications of the other poster, like GAs general wareness of certain details at what moment in time.

See earlier, at that time Feige was way less powerful than you seem to assume.


CJohn 5:24

This thread has way too many fanboys gloating and saying stupid dumb shit and went full retard.

If someone is not fully informed, bring links to articles, ... instead of getting so... Neo. As I started then here you were one of the most helpful and nice reacting users here !?


CJohn 5:31

..... I am anti stupid Internet fanboys. Not anti Marvel.

I do not think the other poster is stupid, he/she might be not fully informed, some posts were seemingly not formulated in an explicit way... I really do not understand what's up with you.


CJohn 5:37

GA understanding nowadays doesn't seem to be helping Ant-Man. Btw, what connects Guardians to the MCU? Nothing in the marketing indicates it is connected. But it did just fine.

Bad 'disappointment' hype from AoU, rather time-near,... again bcs of some IMHO too extreme Wright discussions... have hurt Ant-Man beforehand to a degree. Not like 50% more or so, but at least some percent.

Ant-Man's pre-$$$$-hype (aka shortly before the release) never was seen as a big-hiiter anyway, It looks like it will still surpass e.g. BO.com's estimates of $147m final dom

GotG - space opera... I know a lot of people who never watched any of the MCU movies but watched GotG (especially Star Wars fans...)


I'm happy Ant-man is doing this well.

You know a movie connected when your wife (who isn't into superhero movies) still talks about Scott Lang days after seeing it.


Your wife's reaction is exactly why I think a Wright helmed Ant-Man might have done less.

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So much shit happened in this thread so I'll just say this:

- LOL @ Fant4stic

- Iron Man 2 is very underwhelming, but it's not awful, come on now

- Godzilla is one of those movies I wish had more studio inteference because if I were Legendary/WB I would've told Edwards to cut that cocktease bullshit out and make the plot actually about Godzilla

- I admire the Iron Man 3 love growing here. Really underrated

- Who the fuck writes that shit on TD

- Those ten pages or so back there were total garbage but lol at the CJohn meltdown

Edited by C00k13
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"... And days before production began, Fox came in and made him pull 3 main action sequences out of the film. I was also told, the ending of the film was not even Josh Trank's. At some point they hijacked the editing bay from him. To the point that the editing of the film was done without him." 




Remindds me of the chaos... during the production of 13th Warrior and - to a lesser degree - Wolverive: Origine

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I'm kind-ish to Godzilla because it gave me one of my true great loves, a big main title sequence.


Just like SM3 incidentally.




Bring them back!


A pale imitation to the superior SM2 title sequence






At :43 in the SM3 credits, why does it say Marvel Studios production?

Edited by Eddy BRUSIER Hayes
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Trevor is campier than the infamous SM3 scenes. Which really makes no sense in a movie that otherwise wants to take itself pretty seriously. That's an example of "bad" film-making right there. Complete tonal shifts that make no sense in the context of the rest of the movie.


Dude IM3 was almost a full-on comedy.

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At :43 in the SM3 credits, why does it say Marvel Studios production?


Marvel Entertainment, Marvel.... Marvel has lots of divisions....


Depending on the contracts / which studio (e.g. FOX, Sony) Matvel has advising to way more rights or possibilities to try to influence for 'their' products used in movies. Marvel Studios got launched in 2004 by Avi Arad.


The contracts then were IMHO not really good ones for Marvel, but very very good ones for Avi Arad.


What he managed to get into the contracts (again: to varying degress, depending on the studio...) would get him here in Germany into a nice stay in jail

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Days Of Future Past & DOTPOTA went smoothly as well.


There s no rule, if the suits believe in the project, the script & the director, they know there s no need to meddle.

The Apes movie impressed me last year, the movie was bold ( the beginning with no dialogs) bleak as hell and I swear there s not one joke or winking at the audience the entire movie.

It is straight serious 70's sci fi.

For a 170m tentpole, that is very rare.

Fantastic 4 is an extreme example of studio meddling.



Dawn of the Apes is one of the best blockbusters I have ever seen. I seriously believe Andy Serkis should've got a best actor nom. The tone of the film is excellent, the directing style, the pacing. Matt Reeves impressed me with Let Me In and Dawn of the Apes blew me away. He will be a great director.

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I wonder if Josh Trank will do an Alan Smithee on this?


IMHO a director alone is - counting for middle to big-bugdet studio-movies - not 100% responsible for it's end-result anyway, maybe 50% if at all (depends a lot on the influence / power others might have).

If the quoted here details about FOX pulling 3 days before filming begins 3 action sets/whatever.... and all the other 'little' details also, I guess for now a maybe 10% responsibilty laying with him.

Even melt-downs... too long too much pressure.... I am not astonished. Not excusing it neither. So why should he not do a Smithee?

Only not sure if that is as effective as it once was in a way in pre-internet times....

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Insidious 3 has been pretty good so far. Lets see how the 2nd half goes. The main event is coming next, tho. I know what is coming. And I welcome judgment.

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Nothing wrong with that. That's close to tracking and some here predicted numbers close to it.

True but all his predictions have been off for a long time now. BOM losing its credibility. Used to rely on their inisghts but no longer.

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