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8 minutes ago, The Last AndyLL said:

This is true.


However I fear for your sanity if Avatar 2 suffers the fate of most sequels...


He said to me that he would actually melt down if Avatar 2 goes sub 2 Billion :lol:. And while i think thats unlikely, its also very much not impossible.

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1 minute ago, Brainbug said:


He said to me that he would actually melt down if Avatar 2 goes sub 2 Billion :lol:. And while i think thats unlikely, its also very much not impossible.

Under 2 billion WW is unlikely.


However over 3 billion is unlikely also and I'm doubting it'll pass TFA DOM.

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4 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

Luckily this is not even a possibility in our timeline.

I have a feeling you're on a different timeline then most here. :ph34r:


Joking aside... there are a few reasons that the sequels will not do as well as you think:


1) Avatar came out during a very dark time in the world when people really appreciated a SciFi escape to a better world.  


2) Technical Innovation.   I saw Avatar in the theater because everyone said how amazing it was in 3-d.  And they were right.  I'm not so sure that even today any films have eclipsed what Avatar did visually.  But unless JC can up with something new... without forcing theaters to upgrade their equipment... I think some of the 'event' status of having to see it in a theater will go away.


3) Exchange rates.  It was a perfect storm for Avatar.  I know your hope is that inflation and developing markets like China will offset that but I have my doubts.


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@The Last AndyLL


In 2020 Trump wins the second term, majority of posters on here could do with the escapism.:redcapes:


Jims pushing for the dolby hdr and has new techno for underwater motion capture. I would send links but i'm too slow at posting on my phone. Like you said I think inflation in dec 2020 and market growth covers XR and then some.

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1 hour ago, The Last AndyLL said:

Under 2 billion WW is unlikely.


However over 3 billion is unlikely also and I'm doubting it'll pass TFA DOM.

If A2 sells the same or more tickets Dom it 100% makes 3b world wide.

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Avatar 2 is probably the box office run I'm most looking forward to (be it amazing or disappointing). The power of Disney marketing and Cameron's name recognition is a very potent combination.

Edited by KP1025
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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:

The thing is A2 will be a better film than Avatar. I say that with confidence



I admire that, i really do. Its just that the love for a film/franchise/director can sometimes blind one. For example, i absolutely love Jurassic Park/World and will stan HARD for Fallen Kingdom. However, expecting anything else than a big decrease DOM and OS is whishful thinking.


Avatar 2 could match the first one or even outgross it. Its not impossible. But its also not impossible that it fails to top/match the first one.

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52 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I admire that, i really do. Its just that the love for a film/franchise/director can sometimes blind one. For example, i absolutely love Jurassic Park/World and will stan HARD for Fallen Kingdom. However, expecting anything else than a big decrease DOM and OS is whishful thinking.


Avatar 2 could match the first one or even outgross it. Its not impossible. But its also not impossible that it fails to top/match the first one.

The man knows how to make a sequel and his said that the avatar sequels will make us shit ourselves with our mouth wide open. The films going to have a great story and push the boundries visually yet again.


I don't think it's right to compare this to regular sequels for a few reasons.


10 year gap


It will be better than first, sequel and box office king at the helm


Avatars box office run was abnormal, it's wom the best it can be. Don't underestimate peoples memories. How will Avatar 2s run look with a big opening weekend?


The mouse is now behind Avatar.










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8 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

The man knows how to make a sequel and his said that the avatar sequels will make us shit ourselves with our mouth wide open. The films going to have a great story and push the boundries visually yet again.


I don't think it's right to compare this to regular sequels for a few reasons.


10 year gap


It will be better than first, sequel and box office king at the helm


Avatars box office run was abnormal, it's wom the best it can be. Don't underestimate peoples memories. How will Avatar 2s run look with a big opening weekend?


The mouse is now behind Avatar.

The man has also given his stamp of approval to gooseshit in the past (Terminator Genysis?). In another words, not everything he says is true.


Also, it's audacious to say that it's impossible for Avatar 2 to drop under 2B worldwide. You do know what happens to most mega smash hit sequels, right? I just don't want you to have a mental breakdown if A2 pulls some 1.75-1.8B WW.

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15 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, True Lies, Titanic and Avatar. 

Cameron makes an excellent idol, he's achieved great feats in out and outside of film making. What he's done in life is truly inspiration and it took incredible talent and handwork to get where he is today. 


Why did Jim chose to make Titanic do you know?




I love most of Cameron’s work but let’s not pretend that everyone loves it all. I think Titanic fucking blows and an 8th grader could write better dialogue than that movie. It’s a lust story and ruins what could have been an interesting film by its shitty “romance” and stereotypical portrayal of rich people. Count me among many many people who think Titanic sucks ass and doesn’t compare to any of Cameron’s great works. I have no doubt if I was a preteen girl I would love the “romance” story but I’m not, so I don’t.

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34 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

I love most of Cameron’s work but let’s not pretend that everyone loves it all. I think Titanic fucking blows and an 8th grader could write better dialogue than that movie. It’s a lust story and ruins what could have been an interesting film by its shitty “romance” and stereotypical portrayal of rich people. Count me among many many people who think Titanic sucks ass and doesn’t compare to any of Cameron’s great works. I have no doubt if I was a preteen girl I would love the “romance” story but I’m not, so I don’t.

It's fine not to be normal, but most found it great. I mean you don't have the best single box office run of all time with fantasic WOM without most people loving it.


The portrayal of rich people is fine, rich assholes do and did exist. There was also a few rich non assholes like the ship designer, captain and nice fat lady.


I'm sorry that the dailogue ruined the film for you, most mega critical people could atleast enjoy the incredible sfx and action in the last 90 minutes. Speaking of hyper critical, why are so harsh on the dailogue here but not so with other blockbusters? Didn't you say that you loved all blockbusters yesterday, I mean I could understand you being mad about Titanics dialogue if you were jonny shakespher... but you love loads of movies with far worse dialogue.


Oh well, personally I think it's wonderful that cookie cookers such as TLJ are still struggling to beat it's DOM 20 years later. It was music to my ears when TFA blew in China because there was no nostagalia.. I was worried it might make more than Titanic worldwide lol.

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I think admins should replace the "etc." in the thread title with "IronJimbo", considering the amount of the contribution IronJimbo did (for good or bad) to this fanboy-war thread.


Notice that it's no longer "Franchise war"? Since it's "Fanboy war" now, it makes perfect sense that we honor one of the biggest fanboys on BOT and the biggest defending force of the Cameron-related subject which itself is one of the most popular topics on BOT.

Edited by vc2002
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58 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

I love most of Cameron’s work but let’s not pretend that everyone loves it all. I think Titanic fucking blows and an 8th grader could write better dialogue than that movie. It’s a lust story and ruins what could have been an interesting film by its shitty “romance” and stereotypical portrayal of rich people. Count me among many many people who think Titanic sucks ass and doesn’t compare to any of Cameron’s great works. I have no doubt if I was a preteen girl I would love the “romance” story but I’m not, so I don’t.

You are aware though that by saying those things you are a part of a very small minority?

Don't make this see like everyone hates one of the most beloved and successful movies in the history of cinema/

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I dont like Titanic. I find the first two acts to be boring and overblown. I dont like romances in general though, so that might be the cause of my dislike of it. The 3rd act with the sinking is great though, except for some illogical moments. But the finale doesnt save the movie for me.


However i realize and totally accept that im in the absolute minority with that opinion. I mean, look at this:


Opening Weekend:  $28,638,131
(#1 rank, 2,674 theaters, $10,710 average)
% of Total Gross:  4.8%
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I'm well aware this is probably going to trigger IronJimbo like crazy, but it's honestly kind of amazing to me how, despite being the highest grossing film of all time, just how little about Avatar has actually sunk into general pop culture recognition. Seriously, compared to pop culture juggernauts like Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones or, heck, even Titanic, where iconic scenes or lines are almost instantly recognisable and referenced almost everywhere, there's almost nothing like that for Avatar, minus the Na'vi design and the occasional mention of 'Pocahontas with Smurfs.' I mean, I'm genuinely hardpressed to even remember the name of the main character without looking it up and I doubt I'm alone on that.


Not to say Avatar hasn't had any kind of major effect on the film industry, mind, but its major long-lasting impacts have largely come in the forms of technological improvements like 3D and CGI, rather than anything to actually do with the story itself. In that regards, it's almost more like The Jazz Singer, a movie that, while considered a decent film, is mainly just remembered for the important technological breakthroughs it provided. (Well, that and the blackface.)


Now, I should note, this isn't any kind of slight against the quality of the movie itself. Something doesn't have to become pop culturally memetic to be good (In some cases, it's the exact opposite. Just look at 'MARTHA!' for an example.) and I honestly do enjoy Avatar for what it is. But it does make me wonder about its sequel prospects when, despite grossing so much, so little of the movie itself is actually really all that remembered.


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4 minutes ago, rukaio101 said:

I'm well aware this is probably going to trigger IronJimbo like crazy, but it's honestly kind of amazing to me how, despite being the highest grossing film of all time, just how little about Avatar has actually sunk into general pop culture recognition. Seriously, compared to pop culture juggernauts like Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones or, heck, even Titanic, where iconic scenes or lines are almost instantly recognisable and referenced almost everywhere, there's almost nothing like that for Avatar, minus the Na'vi design and the occasional mention of 'Pocahontas with Smurfs.' I mean, I'm genuinely hardpressed to even remember the name of the main character without looking it up and I doubt I'm alone on that.


Not to say Avatar hasn't had any kind of major effect on the film industry, mind, but its major long-lasting impacts have largely come in the forms of technological improvements like 3D and CGI, rather than anything to actually do with the story itself. In that regards, it's almost more like The Jazz Singer, a movie that, while considered a decent film, is mainly just remembered for the important technological breakthroughs it provided. (Well, that and the blackface.)


Now, I should note, this isn't any kind of slight against the quality of the movie itself. Something doesn't have to become pop culturally memetic to be good (In some cases, it's the exact opposite. Just look at 'MARTHA!' for an example.) and I honestly do enjoy Avatar for what it is. But it does make me wonder about its sequel prospects when, despite grossing so much, so little of the movie itself is actually really all that remembered.





So you using this logic Revenge of The Sith is more iconic then Avatar? 



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13 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



So you using this logic Revenge of The Sith is more iconic then Avatar? 



'Iconic' is a difficult word to define, but I'd definitely say that yeah, the actual content of the prequels is more recognised and remembered in general pop culture than Avatar is.


But, of course, as I specifically pointed out in my previous post, just because they're more remembered in no way means they're better movies than Avatar. Just that they've had more of an effect on pop culture. Hell, in this case, the prequels are largely remembered because they're worse movies.

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