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interestingly, plenty of directors have bashed superhero movies before but it didn't get much attention. Guess because they usually said "superhero" films instead of "Marvel films"





David Cronenberg
A superhero movie, by definition, you know, it’s comic book. It’s for kids...This has always been its appeal, and I think people who are saying The Dark Knight Rises is, you know, supreme art cinema, I don’t think they know what the f**k they’re talking about.”

Christopher Nolan’s best movie is Memento and that is an interesting movie. I don’t think his Batman movies are half as interesting, though they’re twenty million times the expense

Mel Gibson
I’m really baffled by it (Superhero movies). I think there’s a lot of waste but maybe if I did one of those things with the green screens I’d find out different. I don’t know. It seems to me you could do it for less. If you’re spending outrageous amounts of money, $180 million or more, I don’t know how you get it back after the taxman gets you and after you give half to the exhibitors.  How much did they spend on Batman V Superman that they’re admitting to? And it’s a piece of s**t.

Terry Gilliam
Technically, it’s brilliant (Ant-Man). But it’s also predictable, ultimately. We know where it’s gonna go, so the structure and the shape is all there…That’s my problem – I don’t get the surprise I used to get. I want to go and be more surprised.”

Now we’ve got to get all the Marvel Universe dancing with each other, so Superman has now got to make love to Batman or something….The Bible is more interesting, and the stories are more surprising and actually more human.

William Friedkin
(modern cinema)is all about Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Avengers….all kinds of stuff that I have no interest in seeing at all. Films used to be rooted in gravity. They used to be about things.

Alejandro Inarritu
The audience is so overexposed to plot and situations and poop that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human. Superheroes – just the word hero bothers me. What the £$%& does that mean? It’s a false, misleading conception, the superhero. Then, the way they apply violence to it, it’s absolutely right wing.

Ridley Scott
Superhero movies are not my kind of thing...I can’t believe in the thin, gossamer tightrope of the non-reality of the situation of the superhero.”

Blade Runner really is a comic strip when you think about it: it’s a dark story told in an unreal world. You could almost put Batman or Superman in that world, that atmosphere, except I’d have a f**king good story as opposed to no story.

John McTiernan
These are films made by fascists. Comic book heroes are for businesses.The cult of American masculinity is one of the worst things that has happened in the world during the last fifty years. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of this stupid illusion. So how is it possible to watch a movie called Captain America?

Lucrecia Martel
(after being offered Black Widow) The first thing I asked them was maybe if they could change the special effects because there’s so many laser lights… I find them horrible. Also the soundtrack of Marvel films is quite horrendous. Maybe we disagree on this, but it’s really hard to watch a Marvel film. It’s painful to the ears to watch Marvel films

Edited by John Marston
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As I said before Marvel is groundbreaking in its serialized storytelling which a lot of outdated people do not see as cinema but frankly it is what modern audiences want

Edited by Lordmandeep
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The media insisting on this Scorsese controversy goes to show how out of touch with the public they are. No one outside the nerd community cares about his comments. People always enjoyed junk, they're aware, and they don't care.


Deep down even the die hard fans know exactly what Marvel movies are. The discussion here shouldn't be about what Marvel movies are or are not. There's a much more meaningful discussion to be had about distribution, big corporations getting bigger, studios blackmailing theater owners, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

The media insisting on this Scorsese controversy goes to show how out of touch with the public they are. No one outside the nerd community cares about his comments. People always enjoyed junk, they're aware, and they don't care.


Deep down even the die hard fans know exactly what Marvel movies are. The discussion here shouldn't be about what Marvel movies are or are not. There's a much more meaningful discussion to be had about distribution, big corporations getting bigger, studios blackmailing theater owners, etc.

you had a point till i heard the word junk, , the audience know that comicbook movies are not high art, however most of them are very good and very well made movies, so...........


ps at the same time i dont know why some of you are talking like he exlusively talking about marvel, he is talking about comicbook movies in general

Edited by john2000
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Kramer vs Kramer was the highest grossing movie of 1979 but the modern day Kramer vs Kramer isn't even getting a proper theatrical release. If that doesn't prove Scorsese's point, I don't know what does.


Also r/marvelstudios is actually taking it well. They actually seem to understand that Scorsese's frustration has to do with the capitalistic part of the industry (almost all of it) that marginalised films that deserve to do better.

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3 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Kramer vs Kramer was the highest grossing movie of 1979 but the modern day Kramer vs Kramer isn't even getting a proper theatrical release. If that doesn't prove Scorsese's point, I don't know what does.


Also r/marvelstudios is actually taking it well. They actually seem to understand that Scorsese's frustration has to do with the capitalistic part of the industry (almost all of it) that marginalised films that deserve to do better.

agreed,however the fact, that every interviewer asks him about this topic every single fucking time, is annoying

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Also the idea that people don't want to watch smaller films is dumb. I just watched Sorry to Bother You (watched this last year too and was the best theatrical experience ever)  with a bunch of (non-film aficionado) friends last Friday and they all loved/enjoyed it but they didn't even know the film existed. Completely anecdotal example but it shows that people can enjoy something even as bizarre as that if they are exposed to it. Smaller movies can make money but they are pushed away for big budget blockbusters.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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2 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Also the idea that people don't want to watch smaller films is dumb. I just watched Sorry to Bother You (watched this last year too and was the best theatrical experience ever)  with a bunch of friends last Friday and they all loved/enjoyed it but they didn't even know the film existed. Completely anecdotal example but it shows that people can enjoy something even as bizarre as that if they are exposed to it. Smaller movies can make money but they are pushed away for big budget blockbusters.



People want to watch smaller films but want to for a much cheaper price on VOD at home or for free (illegally). 


The issue is people these days wont spend 20 bucks to see Endgame and then 20 dollars to see some smaller film.


That is why Disney dominates so much as they realize a lot of people only watch 3-4 movies a year in theaters and they capitalize off those people. 

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