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4 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Also, are you just gonna recast the entirety of the X-Men, including Wolverine and Deadpool? Really? The only way I can honestly see an X-Men crossover pay-off, as of right now, is a future Secret Wars storyline. But at this moment, it feels unnecessary.

The original X-Men have now been recast, even if that's as younger versions of themselves. Jubilee a few times now, none in a major role though.

Hugh Jackman is allegedly done with Wolverine/Logan after 17 years so he was going to be recast anyway.

Other X-Men affiliated teams have yet to be cast at all or had such minor appearances as to not be a big deal i.e. Multiple Man, Juggernaut 

Deadpool at this point is your only wild card really.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Craig said:

The original X-Men have now been recast, even if that's as younger versions of themselves. Jubilee a few times now, none in a major role though.

Hugh Jackman is allegedly done with Wolverine/Logan after 17 years so he was going to be recast anyway.

Other X-Men affiliated teams have yet to be cast at all or had such minor appearances as to not be a big deal i.e. Multiple Man, Juggernaut 

Deadpool at this point is your only wild card really.

I like the idea of Deadpool being the only one aware of the merging and different timelines and no one having a fucking clue what he is talking about. :lol: 

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14 hours ago, AJG said:


Soemone told me it was because internationally they were very easy to translate and sell due to most of its humour being physical sight gags.


That makes a lot of sense and is the main reason why American centric comedies usually have a hard time overseas (different culture and hard to translate slang and puns). 

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56 minutes ago, Robertman2 Floats Too said:

Bendis has jumped over to DC

I declare this an international holiday, as long as Bendis stays the fuck away of Superman, Justice League and Batman, in this order. If he wants a "main" book, give him Tec or All-Star, but stay the fuck off everything else.

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33 minutes ago, AndyK said:

This is odd, I would expect everyone to be buzzing about watching Thor, do they not count movies already out?

No they do not. Once a movie is out they either stop tracking or reporting. They only put out a chart for upcoming movies

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1 hour ago, Robertman2 Floats Too said:

Bendis has jumped over to DC

Great as he's stagnated as a writer the last 5yrs or so. His output has been mediocre to bad. His GotG run and time displaced O5X-Men come instantly to mind as well as his Moon Knight. I'd like to start undoing some of his retcons.


This could be a win/win and he'll be creatively recharged working with a new group of characters. Maybe his initial DC work can be as great as his DD, Alias and New Avengers work was at Marvel. 

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12 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

Screw Disney.

Also I was hoping the X-men film rights would never return back to Marvel. They are better without their heavy hitters. I doubt they would have pushed the Avengers characters and developed them so well if they access to Spider-man and Wolverine from the very start.

Wolverine would have been in every fucking MCU movie mugging the camera.

Not a bad point in the first paragraph.   They could only make so many movies so Ant-Man, Dr Strange, and even Cap may have been pushed further down the line.    ...Although Marvel would have the ability to NOT make a Spidey movie...which is a huge deal.   Sony has to keep pumping them out until the character dries up and dies.    WB has that power with the DC characters.   Sometimes they can just let the characters rest for a while.   Sony can't let Spidey take 7 years off like WB did with Batman after B&R.


But Marvel doing the X-men would be more like GotG where every member gets to shine instead of it just being "Starlord and friends".  Gamora, Rocket, Drax, and even Groot get to be main characters.   If Fox did GotG they would have cast some hunky actor for Starlord and relegated the rest of the characters to support players.


   I think you are confusing Fox and Marvel because it is Fox movies where Wolverine was in every movie mugging for the cameras.   They couldn't even do First Class or Deadpool without wedging Wolverine into the movie.

7 hours ago, Hades said:

MCU will most likely ignore the discrimination and persecution part of the Xmen and turn them into a shallow Avengers mark 2 team. No thanks. I will take my chances with FOX. So glad talks are no longer ongoing. Talk about selling your soul to the devil :kitschjob:.  Now watch as Apple and FOX team up.:)

We've been "taking our chances with Fox" for 17 years.   I think we know what they are about after all this time.


This has to be fanboy driven.   ...Or anti-Disney maybe?    We actually know exactly what Fox does with the X-men and it's not good most of the time.   They've shown us for 17 years.   But that's preferable to the company that created the characters and has demonstrated they are better at CBMs than Fox?....and have resuscitated Spider-Man?     All based on speculation on "what Marvel would do"?....the company that made the X-men popular in the first place ....mixed in with their comic book universe.


None of these claims make any logical sense.

5 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

I..... really don't know how to feel about this (if it's true).


On one hand, the Fantastic Four finally coming to the MCU is a much needed change for that franchise. That property just clicks with the MCU's tone and lightheartedness, and Fox has no idea what to do with it. Also, it is very helpful that we are bringing in Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Kang, etc.. Especially Galactus, cause after Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, how can the stakes get any higher? Well, unleash an unstoppable and colossal force of nature that literally feeds on planets to survive, that's how. And don't make it a stupid cloud, please.


A non-cloud Galactus might be the main reason I want this to happen.    ....ok...and a non-suck Silver Surfer...and a non-suck Dr Doom...and a non-suck Storm...and a Cyclops as a real character.   Didn't even think about Kang...another great character.


5 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


 And no chance in hell that Disney lets Deadpool as he is now loose. NO CHANCE. Unless Deadpool 2 makes a billion WW, and I don't see that happening (like, I really don't). Although I do think that a Deadpool movie where he makes fun of being PG/PG-13 because of Disney buying Fox does have potential, but how far can you stretch the joke out?

Here are some of the R rated movies Disney has released:



Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction 
Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill Volume 1 and Volume 2
Peter Jackson’s Heavenly Creatures
Kevin Smith’s Clerks 
Gary Felder’s Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
Woody Allen’s Mighty Aphrodite 
Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting 
Anthony Minghella’s The English Patient 
Gus Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting 
Lasse Hallström’s The Cider House Rules 
Steven Soderbergh’s Full Frontal 


With Dimension Films:

Robert Rodriguez’s From Dusk Till Dawn
Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City 
Robert Rodriguez’s The Faculty 
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later 
Wes Craven’s Scream 
Wes Craven’s Scream 2 
Wes Craven’s Scream 3 
Bad Santa 
The Amityville Horror 


So obviously releasing a Deadpool or Logan under the Fox banner wouldn't be an issue.   

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34 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:



So obviously releasing a Deadpool or Logan under the Fox banner wouldn't be an issue.   

I think that's rather naive to think. If Disney gets their hands on Fox, I'm pretty sure FF and all X-men go straight to MCU, and SW straight to Lucasfilm. It makes no sense to release a Marvel movie under the Fox banner. Either way it doesn't really matter to me. I personally like the tone of X-men/Deadpool, but if the majority wants the lighter tone of MCU than so be it *shrugs*.


What matters to me is ALL the other Fox movies/franchises that IMO would be ruined thoroughly with Disney's formula :(. 

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32 minutes ago, McNerdy said:

I think that's rather naive to think. If Disney gets their hands on Fox, I'm pretty sure FF and all X-men go straight to MCU, and SW straight to Lucasfilm. It makes no sense to release a Marvel movie under the Fox banner. Either way it doesn't really matter to me. I personally like the tone of X-men/Deadpool, but if the majority wants the lighter tone of MCU than so be it *shrugs*.


What matters to me is ALL the other Fox movies/franchises that IMO would be ruined thoroughly with Disney's formula :(. 

Deadpool and Logan were a different thing and would be the perfect candidates for the "Fox division".   The normal X-movies would work just fine as Disney films.   It's not like they were cursing and having sex scenes in the X-movies.  (that's "safe" when Disney does it)  


Again...Disney has released R rated movies before that that complaint is a non issue.    Go ahead and ask a random person if they know the name of the studio shown at the beginning of the movies.   No one is going to care or notice if Deadpool 5 is released under the Fox banner of Disney.


That "Disney formula"...is that Winter Soldier or Thor 3?   Because those aren't the same.   Obviously Disney lets Marvel do what they want just like how they let Pixar do what they want.


And that "tone" thing...is that X3 or Deadpool?   I notice the "lighter tone" isn't a problem when Fox does it.....it's actually one of their movies that didn't epic fail and the most people liked.


And a "what if" thing with what "might happen" with Marvel making X-men movies is speculation.   What Fox does with them is known fact.   They are the least successful of the big 4 making CBMs.

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15 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Star Wars fans who are constantly whining about the Marvel "formula" should take a hard & long look at themselves in the mirror.

Warning : It s not pretty.


You're right, it's gorgeous.

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Just now, The Futurist said:


Star Wars > ALL


I've never said that.


But putting a franchise of 8 (soon to be 9) films made over 40 years on the same level of "formula" with a franchise that will hit 20 films after only 10 years in 2018 is just silly. Without even digging into the merits of the comparison.

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1 hour ago, Harpospoke said:

So obviously releasing a Deadpool or Logan under the Fox banner wouldn't be an issue.   

...the way I see it, X-Men and F4 will probably be drafted to the MCU if Fox is indeed bought out by Disney. With a serious chance of rebooting/recasting like with Spider-Man. And, at least for now, there's zero chance that any MCU movie is rated R.


(Unless they really do want to keep the X-Men untouched for the moment, and they do happen to maintain the Fox Studios brand to masquerade that it's actually Disney producing the R-rated X-Men/MCU flicks. Kinda how they used Touchstone or Miramax for adult or R-rated fare. Does also make me curious if Kevin Feige is actually looking at Venom to see whether or not is it viable to have a darker/more adult corner of the MCU handled by another studio - Sony - as I don't buy for a second that he doesn't have Venom in his plans for future Spider-Man flicks, and I don't see any reason why he would let Venom run amuck in a parallel universe to the MCU when he could just easily coherce Amy Pascal and Sony to mash the supposed Venomverse to the MCU and bring in Tom fucking Hardy to the pre-existing big saga, next to Tom Holland. They could easily go ahead and make it look so that Venom was an MCU movie all along, anyway.)

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