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8 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

is there a way to delete my account, except for the derby? I can't handle the stupid here.

No, but all you do is bitch and moan in these conversations, I have no idea why you still come. I almost never see you post outside of them.

Edited by WrathOfHan
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On 5/13/2016 at 10:53 AM, rukaio101 said:

(On a tangental note, I'm kinda annoyed Watchmen (the film) got made. Or, specifically, that it got made in 2009. How much better would it have been if we got an adaptation of Watchmen in, say, 5-10 years that was a direct commentary on the CBM as a genre? With all the Cinematic Universe stuff and grim and grittyness/light-hearted jokiness and everything else that makes these movies? Wouldn't that have been interesting to see? As it is, I think Watchmen got made far too early in the lifespan of the CBM as a genre. There's a reason Deadpool got so much acclaim and that's because it came out when it was most relevant. Given more time, a dark deconstruction of superhero movies would only become more interesting. But, then again, Snyder ruining potentially interesting stories in his CBM's is nothing really new.)


Interesting.   I've thought the exact same thing about another one of my very favorite comic book movies....Mystery Men.    It's a comedic spoof of comic book movies.....before comic movies were a thing.   Far too soon (1999).  Why....it doesn't even have a post-credits scene! :D    Same year  Galaxy Quest came out but there was something around to make fun of for GQ.   MM only gets funnier over time to me.    


On 5/13/2016 at 0:21 PM, rukaio101 said:

To sum up, for a good adaptation to work, it needs to change to fit the medium. For it to change effectively from the original source, the creative teams needs to understand said creative source. Snyder doesn't. Hence why his adaptation doesn't capture the same greatness as the comic.


I'm just glad I saw the movie first.   I've noticed that fans of books which get made into movies very rarely enjoy the movies.   My Lord of the Rings friends wouldn't stop complaining about the movies when they came out.   Thank god I didn't read those books first.   I almost never enjoy a movie when I read the book first.   I think I only have one exception to that....Misery by Stephen King.   Kathy Bates is probably the reason for that.


The remake can't win with the intense fans because if it doesn't change something it's "unoriginal" and ANY change is automatically "bad".


So it works in reverse for me.   Since I saw the movie first, that's the version I adore.   I think the characters in the comic don't make sense at times.   None of the Watchmen other than Dr Manhattan are super human....just people in costumes.   Makes them look like idiots who want to play dressup instead of actually having a reason to do what they do.   I love that they have super strength (and speed in Ozy's case).

The squid thing I have no use for.   It all accomplishes the same thing..."Cause humanity to band together against a common threat"...but without being silly.   The main point is still there...I still walked out wondering if Ozymandias was right or wrong.

Not interesting in a fat Owl either.   He certainly could never win a fight like he does in the comics.

I much prefer Ozymandias trying to start the super hero group in the movie over Captain Metropolis in the book.   I actually felt sorry for him when the Comedian rejected his idea so aggressively.


The cast in the movie was incredible in my eyes.   No comic could ever match what Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Billy Cruddup, Mathew Goode, and Patrick Wilson did in my book.   Rorschach and the Comedian in particular are two of my favorite CB movie characters ever with Ozy being right behind them.   No comic panel can deliver "None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME!" the way Haley did.  Morgan just nailed the Comedian in a way which makes him an a-hole and sympathetic at the same time.   Comics do have their limitations too.


The Director's Cut is one of my prized possessions that I can watch over and over.  I've got a big Watchmen poster on my wall.  Other CB movies pale in comparison with the exception of a very few.  Most other fans put Avengers, Spider-Man 2, or The Dark Knight in their #1 spot....not me.   That's Watchmen, Kick Ass, Mystery Men, and the two Russo Cap movies.



On 5/13/2016 at 0:25 PM, ChipMunky said:

Watchmen the film was better than Watchmen the graphic novel.


Agreed!   :bravo:



19 hours ago, DMan7 said:

I wonder what are the chances of a DC movie in the same year outgrossing it's closest released Marvel movie of that year?



BvS Vs Civil War = Civil War

Suicide Squad Vs Doc Strange = ?




JL Vs Thor 3 = ?



BP Vs Flash= ?

Infinity War 1 Vs Aquaman = IW 1



Give me SS over DS.    I'm thinking Ant-Man numbers for DS and I've been hearing SS buzz for a while from non-comic book fans.

Give me GotG 2 over WW.   I don't think she is as popular as some people claim and I think Gadot is a terrible choice to play WW.

JL isn't going to be Avengers, but it will beat Thor.

Tossup for BP vs Flash.   I need to think about that.   Not thinking either will break out huge.   Both feel like Ant-Man.

Infinity War pretty easy over AM.


30 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

Civil War, with the hype, adding a ton of Avengers, and the excellent reviews, should have grossed $500+ mil EASILY. It's not even going to be close.


Well you got that prediction wrong.

We keep forgetting that the overwhelming majority of people don't know much about these movies.  Spending so much time around people who are "geeks" distorts our view of reality.  Just ask the average person about "Marvel and DC" and watch the blank stare.   It's like how we all know the difference between Pixar and Dreamworks...but the average person has no clue about that.    To those people, it still says "Captain America" on the movie marquee when they buy a ticket.    All they know is it looks like another "vs" movie which followed a "vs" movie they didn't like.   Spending another $100 for their family again after that last "Super hero thing" sucked isn't going to happen for a lot of families.   


@BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA probably loves that DC got owned in this "war"....but it's not a good thing for Marvel either.   There is a reason why Feige and Cavill openly expressed a hope that both movies would do well.    They know how the market works.   The public just sees one big genre called super hero movies.   A bad super hero movie doesn't help other super hero movies.   The effect is negative.....not positive or no effect.    If both companies put out movies that audiences love, both would benefit.    Good genre movies help the genre, bad genre movies hurt the genre.   That's a law.


So BKB....the only way DC could hurt Marvel is to do what they did.   Put out a super hero movie that soured the marketplace for another super hero movie.   Still feel like celebrating?   ;) 

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58 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:

is there a way to delete my account, except for the derby? I can't handle the stupid here.


We don't delete accounts. But perhaps maybe make the choice to avoid certain threads? "Marvel vs. DC" is a dumpster fire -- most rational people choose to not participate in it. :lol:

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4 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


DC's Popularity is now on the decline BIG TIME.. DC was on top for several decades ranging from Keaton and Reeve to Bale and Nolan, but now, I think MARVEL has simply stolen it's thunder and eventually, something else will come along down the road and steal it's thunder.. In short, I don't see JUSTICE LEAGUE doing much better than BvsS did and especially if they keep Snyder onboard which is baffling considering he was the big problem with BvsS coming in under than most expected.. When your movie can't even break 900M WW and get's bested out by MARVEL'S 13th movie, now just passing 940M WW, there's cause for concern..


All you did was list actors who played Batman and Superman, because that's all they really had. DC was never on top per-say, except for in the comic book world during the 40's, and mid 60's, they just had two popular heroes.

Edited by Daniel Dylan Davis
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3 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


All you did was list actors who played Batman and Superman, because that's they real had. DC was never on top per-say, except for in the comic book world during the 40's, and mid 60's, they just had two popular heroes.


DC pretty much had the superhero movie market all to itself in the 80s and 90s. There was really nothing to be on top of, it was just them. It wasn't until X-Men and Spiderman that Marvel even seriously into the game and of course the actual Marvel studios was not even born until Iron Man came out.

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11 minutes ago, moviesRus said:


DC pretty much had the superhero movie market all to itself in the 80s and 90s. There was really nothing to be on top of, it was just them. It wasn't until X-Men and Spiderman that Marvel even seriously into the game and of course the actual Marvel studios was not even born until Iron Man came out.


Pretty much. WB never took comic-book movies all that seriously until Marvel Studios came along, anyway.

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I always laugh when people blame Spider-Man and Ant-Man for pushing Captain Marvel back; that movie is far from being ready. Captain Marvel was going to be in AOU but they wanted to get the character correct. 

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All I’ll say is this, on the record: There was an early draft of Iron Man 3 where we had an inkling of a problem. Which is that we had a female character who was the villain in the draft. We had finished the script and we were given a no-holds-barred memo saying that cannot stand and we’ve changed our minds because, after consulting, we’ve decided that toy won’t sell as well if it’s a female.


In the earlier draft, the woman was essentially Killian – and they didn’t want a female Killian, they wanted a male Killian. I liked the idea, like Remington Steele, you think it’s the man but at the end, the woman has been running the whole show. They just said, ‘no way.’



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32 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

With this new Harley news I noticed Marvel will be 20 films and 13 years into their cinematic universe before they have a female lead movie. One that was pushed back for a 6th Spider-Man film. 


Yup, I'll never understand why they haven't made one so far while DC's just finished one and is seriously considering the second.


*glances at my own post above*


OK, never mind, got it.

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Someone in CBM made a good observation that WB is borrowing Sony's earlier ideas and turning them into a reality.


- Sony was developing an all villain movie "Sinister Six".


- WB a year later announced an all villain movie "Suicide Squad".


- Sony was also developing an all female movie of all the Spider Women.


- WB two years later announced an all female movie with Harley Quinn as lead.


Poor Sony.

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13 minutes ago, sdeezy said:


Not Disney, its Ike Perlmutter,CEO of Marvel.  dude is a notorious misogynist/racist. He was be3hind that whole Black Widow toy nonsense and almost caused Feige to quit. Thank god Marvel Studios is no longer under his control


As Shane Black hammered home several times in that interview, it was corporate, not Feige. And as we know corporate *coughperlmuttercough* is no longer an issue.

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1 hour ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Of course I still feel like celebrating cause MARVEL kicked DC's ass.. Nuff said.. WTF?? :rofl:


It's not much of a "victory".    True that CW will be the Tombstone to BvS as Wyatt Earp, but the genre is hurt and that effects Marvel and comic book fans too.


Why do you think we are getting GotG, Dr Strange, Ant-Man, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, etc?    It's not because the public has been given bad SH movies...it's because the public has fallen in love with SHs because various studios have been delivering movies the public likes.   The more movies the public likes, the better for the genre and ultimately it is better for CB fans.


We are currently in the most amazing time ever for CB fans and the only way to screw that up is for studios to make bad movies.   BvS was a big body blow to the genre.   It was supposed to be epic...pairing two of the most iconic characters in the genre of all time (plus WW).   How many times do you get to do that?    Well...WB just blew it and there is now a bad taste in the public's mouth which Marvel is not immune from.


Fanboys see bragging rights and miss the big picture.   We all win or lose together.   You'd better reserve a small place in your heart to root for DC a little bit at least.


1 hour ago, Arlborn said:


Probably a good thing.   The way SJW's minds work, they would see a female bad guy as a negative portrayal of a female character anyway.

Edited by Harpospoke
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