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2012 Best Picture Thread

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Didn't Anna Karenina get bad reviews? Usually, Academy members look for movies with good reviews.And The Impossible is a question mark. For now.

Anna Karenina didn't get horrible reviews, and it'll benefit from passion. It's also British.
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The Academy has never been big on James Bond outside of the song category, so I don't think Skyfall ever would have gotten in, regardless of the strength of the year.It's so strange that nominees will be announced in less than two weeks. Perhaps it's because I remember back when they weren't announced until early-to-mid February, but it feels too early.

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Anna Karenina got a 63 Metascore. Academy voters go for the films with Metascores of 80+.

Don't ring the Academy into certain guidelines. It'll only result in a great shock on Oscar morning. Academy voters go not for the films with Metascores of 80+; they go with their hearts. They don't give a rat's ass about reviews and critics awards. Only time a critic could possibly matter is when a prominent awards group gives a very under the radar contender a win; boosting their profile. If you want examples I would like to refer you to The Reader, Crash, Extremely Long and Incredibly Condescending, and Billy Elliot. AMPAS loves what they love, and they'll vote for what they love. Anna Karenina is an extremely divisive movie; those who like it really love it, and those who don't like it really hate it. The current 5% rule gives Anna Karenina a huge benefit in this regard. Academy rules right now reward in their BP nominees not consensus but passion. It's their winner that will always be a consensus title. Secondly, Brit Block. Brits love their own films; it's not highly uncommon (but still relatively rare) for some of the Brit members I know to submit a BP nomination ballot with exclusively British films even though they may not feel that they're all among the top 5 of the year.
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I still think Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close took too much crap last year. It wasn't a great movie, but there are worse movies that have been in the conversation for Best Picture.I wonder if there's an Extremely Loud type lurking this year. Maybe Flight? I do think this year is more competitive than last, but if voters are going to go for something that has a clear emotional message and delivers it quite loudly, Flight could be their guy. (And I say this as someone who liked that film a whole lot.) I highly doubt it will happen, but then, none of us thought Extremely Loud had a snowball's chance in hell of making the cut last year, so...

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I still think Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close took too much crap last year. It wasn't a great movie, but there are worse movies that have been in the conversation for Best Picture.I wonder if there's an Extremely Loud type lurking this year. Maybe Flight? I do think this year is more competitive than last, but if voters are going to go for something that has a clear emotional message and delivers it quite loudly, Flight could be their guy. (And I say this as someone who liked that film a whole lot.) I highly doubt it will happen, but then, none of us thought Extremely Loud had a snowball's chance in hell of making the cut last year, so...

Should've listened to O'Neil and Kargar last year on EL&IC, and trusted my sources. EL&IC was showing up on a surprising number of ballots. Looking back on it in hindsight there were big signs pointing towards EL&IC but back then of course no one could envision that as a BP nominee.
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Should've listened to O'Neil and Kargar last year on EL&IC, and trusted my sources. EL&IC was showing up on a surprising number of ballots. Looking back on it in hindsight there were big signs pointing towards EL&IC but back then of course no one could envision that as a BP nominee.

My NGNG for ELIC was Daldry, not picture.
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I still think Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close took too much crap last year. It wasn't a great movie, but there are worse movies that have been in the conversation for Best Picture.I wonder if there's an Extremely Loud type lurking this year. Maybe Flight? I do think this year is more competitive than last, but if voters are going to go for something that has a clear emotional message and delivers it quite loudly, Flight could be their guy. (And I say this as someone who liked that film a whole lot.) I highly doubt it will happen, but then, none of us thought Extremely Loud had a snowball's chance in hell of making the cut last year, so...

Yes, it is a good film but if there is an EL&IC lurking this year I think it will be The Impossible.
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I still think Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close took too much crap last year. It wasn't a great movie, but there are worse movies that have been in the conversation for Best Picture.I wonder if there's an Extremely Loud type lurking this year. Maybe Flight? I do think this year is more competitive than last, but if voters are going to go for something that has a clear emotional message and delivers it quite loudly, Flight could be their guy. (And I say this as someone who liked that film a whole lot.) I highly doubt it will happen, but then, none of us thought Extremely Loud had a snowball's chance in hell of making the cut last year, so...

The Extremely Loud this year is either Anna Karenina or The Impossible.
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