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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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3 minutes ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:



Yes, Luke is the most powerful Jedi in the universe... as he is the only Jedi in the universe.


Not the dark side guys.


And Luke supposedly tried to restore a Jedi order (they talk about the first Jedi temple if memory serves) but his Kylo Ren failure turned him into Yoda.

So there are Luke trained Jedis out there even if their training was not complete.

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43 minutes ago, Goffe said:

She and Ford, both giving horrible performances (except for Ford last scene)

Ford was great in the whole thing. Fucking great. I agree about Carrie. She was sleepwalking. 

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1 minute ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

what was his explanation?

He says some random shit to Finn on how he survived. It is really fast and not very well explained at all. I don't remember the exact words :lol:

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1 minute ago, darthdevidem01 said:

That also probably unlocked R2...or the presence of the lightsaber being near R2 anyway when Rey came back to whatever the hell borinnng planet the pseudo republic ermm I mean the resistance is on.


Yeah, there s something happening with that lightsaber.

2 minutes ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

what was his explanation?


It s called an ellipse.

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48 minutes ago, darthdevidem01 said:

I'm finding it extremely difficult to review this film. I have spent a whole day thinking about what I thought of it, and the honest answer seems to be that it was erratic. There are things I thought were amazing & things I thought were disappointing.


For me my biggest gripe is how different this felt from the positive elements of the prequels (woah hold your guns people). You guys can say 'Star Wars is OT only' till you are blue in the face but it won't change the fact that me & a lot of people from my generation were introduced to Star Wars through the prequels. I can see the flaws in the prequels as clear as day today, but they sure as hell were creative movies really only held back by Lucas' poor writing & directing skills more so than anything else. As a prequels fan (as well as an OT fan) that is disappointing. The vibrancy, insight into the world government/hierarchy (no I do not want senate negotiations but I want a better sense of a living world presented!!), creativity in locales and scale was sorely missing from TFA. All elements which I felt the prequels were mostly good at.


- There was no sense of scale, no world building, no exposition...the universe wasn't fleshed out in any way. It felt really hollow.


- The character designs on the whole were poor. Kylo looks like some twerp who is at a comic con convention dressed up as a fan fiction sith lord. Snoke just looks terrible, he looks like he was dragged out of middle earth and plopped into Star Wars. The rest of the aliens is Maz's place looked okay but during that scene I was just thinking 'Hey this is like the cantina scene in Ep4'. It felt phony.


- That's word...phony. A lot of the movie seemed fake. It seemed manufactured in the sense that a scene from ANH was plucked out and pasted into TFA with 2015 style of film making touches added to it. Scenes like glimpses of the aliens in Maz's place, the Starkiller base attack plan scene etc. When snoke revealed the big secret to Kylo it felt phony too...cus well we have had a big father revelation moment in this series and we get it thrown in so randomly! Again it just made it feel rushed, amateurish and very fan ficy.


- The movie is lacking authenticity. It is NOT its own product. It does not feel like its own movie (well maybe it did for the first act...until Jakku is left basically).


- The music was boring...the most disappointing aspect to be sure. There is no Duel of Fates, Imperial March, Binary Sunset, Accross the Stars or even above average themes to be found here.


- Anyway it sounds like I hate the film, but I don't at all. That is thanks to the tremendous new cast.


- The brilliance of Rey, Finn, Kylo & Poe won me over. Rey & Finn being on screen is the most charm, fun & raw chemistry I've seen in a long time. Poe is so hot...*clear throat*...I mean he is very charismatic and lights up the screen ;) . Kylo is interesting...and despite the reveal on the fatherhood being phony I am glad they had the guts to do that death! That is gonna make for a veeeeryyy interesting character arc. I feel like that will be hard to come back from.


- The lightsaber battle was incredible...definitely combined the prequel & OT style...in that there was great style but also great tension. And the moment when Rey force grabs the lightsaber will be one for the ages.


- BB-8 is a hero...god he stole the show in soooo many scenes! And what great chemisty he has with our new heroine Rey. So yes I looove these new characters we have been given and can't wait to see where they go from here.


- Now that twist...that death...so painful...I can't believe it's happened! I wanted to cry...it felt like a fitting end for me. Too many people would want to see Han being some 'hero' or dying in a 'badass' way. I am glad this did not happen...that would have been too predictable/boring. This death...which ironically was also predictable (I mean that bridge had no railings and with how the film was aping ANH I knew he was gonna die). But the way it was done was so emotional...and the last look Han gave Kylo...urgh emotions everywhere!


- Now the ending scene...it was perfect really. Made me want Ep 8 sooooo much! That scene where the camera rotated around Rey & Luke is a great one.


So in total....TFA is a good film, maybe even a great film. But it''s extremely unoriginal and uninspired in terms of plot/locales. However the strong cast & overall Star Wars feel pull it through. The film does have heart and most importantly it is FUN to watch. TBH the first act (Jakku) had the film shaping up to be the greatest film in the saga as I felt like it was blending the best of Star Wars so well! But it fell apart when we got into mega 'A New Hope' fanservice circle jerk territory.


8/10 (tentative) -- Might change this after my 2nd viewing at a 2D imax screen in a few days.


I won't know where it ranks in the saga until I have seen it several more times. Definitely above TPM for now. Maybe above AOTC too. That's it for now (and don't be so horrified by that statement as I really like TPM despite how pointless it is & I really really enjoy AOTC to this day :P )


I basically agree with all of this. Except I definitely rank it above the prequels. :P


Love how threatening Kylo Ren is, his tantrums are hilarious too. Loved Rey, for me Finn didn't have enough progression and mostly lurked in the shadows of Han. Film looks utterly phenomenal, not enough memorable new music though save for the final scene. 

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38 minutes ago, CJ Ren said:

Hord was great in the whole thing. Fucking great. I agree about Carrie. She was sleepwalking. 


Carrie Fisher was weak as hell. I didn't believe anything that was coming out of her mouth.

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1 minute ago, AJG said:


Carrie Fisher was weak as hell. I didn't believe anything that was coming out of her mouth.


Fisher wasn't help by her speech impediment she got from fake teeth. The same Sean Connery used to have.

She struggled through EVERY line.

She was awful.

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On 12/16/2015, 4:34:27, John Wars said:

anyone else disapointed with the scale of the battles.. it was filmed and directed awesomely.. but why so small

were going to attack the planet with full force.. and then you see like 10 xwings jump out of hyperspace..

no battleships?


Now that i think about it, yeah, disappointing indeed.

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Well the scale was about the same as a New Hope.


I guess they didn't want to over do it because obviously the sequels will be bigger on that front like ESP & ROTJ were.


Also, technically Starkiller base was  a  planet so the battle scenes were above that base only & couldn't really be in "space".



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4 minutes ago, AJG said:

I'm way too excited to see whatever Tumblr will come up with for Kylo Ren. 


I imagine it'll become the new Hitler reacts to meme especially the scene where he finds Rey has escaped and has a tantrum with the Stormtroopers hear it and step away

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59 minutes ago, CJ Ren said:

He says some random shit to Finn on how he survived. It is really fast and not very well explained at all. I don't remember the exact words :lol:

He said he was ejected clear.  He wasn't on the Fighter when it was sucked into the desert and exploded.  He could have been several kilometres from Finn.  Still, it doesn't explain how he got off the planet.

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5 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Well the scale was about the same as a New Hope.


I guess they didn't want to over do it because obviously the sequels will be bigger on that front like ESP & ROTJ were.


Also, technically Starkiller base was  a  planet so the battle scenes were above that base only & could't really be in "space".




Why would they even make it a planet? With snowy climate? Doesn't make sense. I guess, they had a desert and a lush green planet and needed some excuse to put snow in there as well, just to round it out.


I guess, it was a small and lean force for a surprise attack. It's just... i dunno, the bad guys build these huge behemothes that then get so relatively easily destroyed. Will they fucking never learn?

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1 minute ago, DeeCee said:

He said he was ejected clear.  He wasn't on the Fighter when it was sucked into the desert and exploded.  He could have been several kilometres from Finn.  Still, it doesn't explain how he got off the planet.

Yup, it is this. I guess he just called Leia or something, idk. Didn't put much thought into it. Hopefully he turns into the Dark Side after Kylo Ren kills Snoke. Hopefully they will explore Snoke a bit more because I wanna know from where that thing came from.

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Now that I think about it.  I think my biggest annoyance is the celestial mechanics of the Star Killer.  It doesn't appear to move from the system it is in yet it destroys multiple planets in another system at the same time plus this can all be seen by the resistance on their planet.

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3 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

Now that I think about it.  I think my biggest annoyance is the celestial mechanics of the Star Killer.  It doesn't appear to move from the system it is in yet it destroys multiple planets in another system at the same time plus this can all be seen by the resistance on their planet.

Star Killer is a super destruction machine. I will assume they will build another one for Episode 9 :lol:

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the planets say everything about this movie. it's not tatooine but it might as well be tatooine. it's not hoth but it might as well be hoth. it's not a death star but it might as well be a death star. he's not palpatine but it might as well be palpatine. etc.

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