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Monday Numbers: 15.05 M BVS | About a 55% drop, better than F7 Easter Monday. EPIC CJohn meltdown starts Page 18.

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BvS was always going to make a profit. Look at the stature of the film. The WW OW showed how big an event this movie was. Even if it crumbled and ended at 800m WW it was gonna make a profit. Add auxiliary sources and maddening merchandising and WB/DC can swim in a pool of BvS profits.


The questions were always around how much can it make. 365-375m Dom, and 925m WW, it's a BIG figure. It's an unqualified success.


However, it's fair to to say that WB left money on the table. Even 350m is a big figure domestic. If it does that, I will be disappointed. 890m is a huge figure WW. If it does that, I will be disappointed. And it's not an immature disappointment. These numbers have been reached by films with less going for it. It's all about expectations.


I remember people being disappointed with PotC 3's 310m Dom or Shrek 3's 320m Dom. That too without 3D.

I remember folks being disappointed by Hobbit 1's 303m Dom. A huge figure but WB left money on table because of length.

AOU's 460m disappointed as hardly anyone was expecting sub 500m.

MJ2's 282m is more than enough to make it a hit and make profits with WW numbers. But missing 300m was disappointing.

KFP3 in China was 150m USD. Huge number. Was a record for a Hollywood animation before ZOOTP came along. But people were disappointed BIG time and it was valid.


Just because a movie does big numbers it does not mean folks are not allowed to feel disappointed if the consensus (not a few fanboy predictions) before the release was that the movie would do more.


Find enough people saying that BvS will do 900m odd WW before the release and I won't feel disappointed.

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38 minutes ago, aliadiere29 said:

All I know is, this movie is going to make a very nice profit for WB.


And for some reason it was doubted. This Warner Bros! The same studio that made billions of franchises like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings but for some reason their ability to handle a slate was questioned.

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5 hours ago, RyneOh1040 said:

I've lived in either South Carolina or Tennessee (the Bible Belt) my entire life and have never even heard of 'Easter Monday'.  




And I have not heard of Easter monday either.

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49 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


This is nuts. 


A litmus test? Do you simply not grasp the concept that some (or occasionally even many) people have different tastes than you? Your disagreement doesn't invalidate their opinion any more than theirs invalidates yours. 

How many times does this need to be said?  I don't understand why some people can't grasp this simple little fact. Must be in the wiring.

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30 minutes ago, Baumer said:


So now your opinion is fact?



O.k let's see . The critics buried the movie. Fact . DC fans are screaming conspiracy . Fact . Every sane person was saying that starting a shared universe with what is essentially a team up movie (Wonder Woman, superman, batman) is the wrong approach . Fact . The movie , when taking marketing into account, is said to have cost over 450 million $ and will make around the same amount for WB from its theatrical release.  Fact . It has a so so, at best, fan reception based on everything, from user reviews to cinemascores . Fact . 


The only opinion of mine is that it will hurt the upcoming DC movies and will have the opposite effect that the first avengers movie had .

Edited by Thrylos 7
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Just now, Napoleon said:

In my University this morning I saw a guy with a Batman shirt and in my class there was a guy with a Superman shirt. This movie is truly a pop culture phenomenon.

For its bad reviews



Hello darkness my friend.

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4 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

In my University this morning I saw a guy with a Batman shirt and in my class there was a guy with a Superman shirt. This movie is truly a pop culture phenomenon.


People were wearing Batman and Superman shirts long befo..fuck it nevermind.


Edited by a2knet
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11 minutes ago, Heat Vision said:

What's the best realistic case scenario for this for the weekend in terms of drops and box office?


Tue: 16.6m

Wed: 13.3m

Thu: 14m

Fri: 24.5m

Sat: 31.9m

Sun: 23.9m

Wknd: 80.3m (-52%)


Thats very optimistic though, I'm thinking 


Tue: 14.5m

Wed: 10.5m

Thu: 9.3m

Fri: 20.9m

Sat: 27.6m

Sun: 17.1m

Wknd: 65.6m (-60.5%)


If WoM is very bad 

Tue: 14.5m

Wed: 9.1m

Thu: 8m

Fri: 17.6m

Sat: 22.9m

Sun: 13.5m

WKND: 54m (-67.4%)

Edited by The Panda Knight
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5 minutes ago, The Panda Knight said:


Tue: 16.6m

Wed: 13.3m

Thu: 14m

Fri: 24.5m

Sat: 31.9m

Sun: 23.9m

Wknd: 80.3m (-52%)


Thats very optimistic though, I'm thinking 


Tue: 14.5m

Wed: 10.5m

Thu: 9.3m

Fri: 20.9m

Sat: 27.6m

Sun: 17.1m

Wknd: 65.6m (-60.5%)


If WoM is very bad 

Tue: 14.5m

Wed: 9.1m

Thu: 8m

Fri: 17.6m

Sat: 22.9m

Sun: 13.5m

WKND: 54m (-67.4%)


I like the middle one - seems most likely. Tuesday won't increase at all and anyone that thinks so is ignoring facts... (not that we haven't established that as being the case already)

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5 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

O.k let's see . The critics buried the movie. Fact . DC fans are screaming conspiracy . Fact .


Every sane person was saying that starting a shared universe with what is essentially a team up movie (Wonder Woman, superman, batman) is the wrong approach . Fact . The movie , when taking marketing into account, is said to have cost over 450 million $ and will make around the same amount for WB from its theatrical release.  Fact .


It has a so so, at best, fan reception based on everything, from user reviews to cinemascores . Fact . The only opinion of mine is that it will hurt the upcoming DC movies and will have the opposite effect that the first avengers movie had .


It's certainly not a fact that "every sane person" said this was the wrong approach. In fact, I think it's a perfectly fine way to start things off. There's no single right way to make an exciting, compelling movie (or an exciting, compelling movie universe). I haven't read every single piece of criticism about the movie -- I'm not nearly masochist enough -- but the choice to include the three most popular DC superheroes is not something many people are critical of. They're critical of the execution.


In terms of your $450m figure -- that's pretty much horseshit. You know how numbers like these end up floating around the internet? At best, someone hears a budget figure (or partial budget figure) from someone they think knows what they're talking about. This figure is whispered on down the line, except in almost every case either the first person didn't understand the difference between production and marketing, or did but added them together wrong, or calculated right on one but made a guess on the other. And these incorrect figures drift on through this digital version of human telephone, whatever "facts" that were originally in place slowly degrading with each repetition, until all the blogger sites pick up on the figure and then anoit it as being "the truth".


In point of fact, even if that 450m is reasonably accurate, WB still makes bank on this movie.


It's not a black-and-white universe. Opinions are not facts.

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