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JUSTICE LEAGUE | 427.2 M overseas ● 654.4 M worldwide

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France - Paris (2 pm):


Spider-Man 3 : 27 995 (record absolu)
Spider-Man 2 : 16 141
Spider-Man : 10 645
Batman : 8 445
The Dark Knight Rises : 7 771
X-Men 2 : 7 621
Captain America – Civil War : 6 950
Avengers – L’Ère d’Ultron : 6 586
Avengers : 5 922
Iron Man 2 : 5 715
Batman v Superman – L’aube de la justice : 5 602
X-Men – L’affrontement final : 5 367
The Dark Knight : 4 877
Man of Steel : 4 850
Batman et Robin : 4 792
Hulk : 4 719
Suicide Squad : 4 704
Iron Man 3 : 4 634
Iron Man : 4 331
Thor – Le Monde des Ténèbres : 4 310
Spider-Man – Homecoming : 4 224
Superman Returns : 4 157
Deadpool : 4 054
The Amazing Spider-Man : 3 942
X-Men – Days of Future Past : 3 860
X-Men : 3 712
Doctor Strange : 3 662
Batman Begins : 3 631
X-Men Origins – Wolverine : 3 433
Batman Forever : 3 431
Batman, le défi : 3 360




Les 4 Fantastiques (2005) : 3 242
X-Men – Le Commencement : 3 126
Thor : 2 979
Wolverine – Le Combat de l’immortel : 2 955
Daredevil : 2 907
Thor – Ragnarok : 2 895
Wonder Woman : 2 883
X-Men – Apocalypse : 2 874
Constantine : 2 866
Logan : 2 846
The Amazing Spider-Man – Le Destin d’un Héros : 2 843
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2 : 2 819
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie : 2 819
Captain America – Le Soldat de l’Hiver : 2 610
Les 4 Fantastiques et le Surfeur d’Argent : 2 582
Les 4 Fantastiques (2015) : 2 157
Captain America – First Avenger : 1 826
L’Incroyable Hulk : 1 824
Batman LEGO – Le film : 1 809
Kick-Ass : 1 683
Ghost Rider : 1 497
Green Lantern : 1 247
Les Nouveaux Héros : 1 137
Kick-Ass 2 : 1 078
Ghost Rider – L’esprit de vengeance : 627
[Ant-Man : chiffre inconnu]




Edited by LTHeroiques
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12 minutes ago, LTHeroiques said:

France - Paris (2 pm):


Spider-Man 3 : 27 995 (record absolu)
Spider-Man 2 : 16 141
Spider-Man : 10 645
Batman : 8 445
The Dark Knight Rises : 7 771
X-Men 2 : 7 621
Captain America – Civil War : 6 950
Avengers – L’Ère d’Ultron : 6 586
Avengers : 5 922
Iron Man 2 : 5 715
Batman v Superman – L’aube de la justice : 5 602
X-Men – L’affrontement final : 5 367
The Dark Knight : 4 877
Man of Steel : 4 850
Batman et Robin : 4 792
Hulk : 4 719
Suicide Squad : 4 704
Iron Man 3 : 4 634
Iron Man : 4 331
Thor – Le Monde des Ténèbres : 4 310
Spider-Man – Homecoming : 4 224
Superman Returns : 4 157
Deadpool : 4 054
The Amazing Spider-Man : 3 942
X-Men – Days of Future Past : 3 860
X-Men : 3 712
Doctor Strange : 3 662
Batman Begins : 3 631
X-Men Origins – Wolverine : 3 433
Batman Forever : 3 431
Batman, le défi : 3 360




Les 4 Fantastiques (2005) : 3 242
X-Men – Le Commencement : 3 126
Thor : 2 979
Wolverine – Le Combat de l’immortel : 2 955
Daredevil : 2 907
Thor – Ragnarok : 2 895
Wonder Woman : 2 883
X-Men – Apocalypse : 2 874
Constantine : 2 866
Logan : 2 846
The Amazing Spider-Man – Le Destin d’un Héros : 2 843
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 2 : 2 819
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie : 2 819
Captain America – Le Soldat de l’Hiver : 2 610
Les 4 Fantastiques et le Surfeur d’Argent : 2 582
Les 4 Fantastiques (2015) : 2 157
Captain America – First Avenger : 1 826
L’Incroyable Hulk : 1 824
Batman LEGO – Le film : 1 809
Kick-Ass : 1 683
Ghost Rider : 1 497
Green Lantern : 1 247
Les Nouveaux Héros : 1 137
Kick-Ass 2 : 1 078
Ghost Rider – L’esprit de vengeance : 627
[Ant-Man : chiffre inconnu]





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JL Rotten Tomatoes has been now been revealed on that awful RT Facebook show. It currently stands at 43%. I think it will go lower as more reviews arrive. I think it won't affect the international BO that much but it can affect the domestic. But from what I'm reading, JL will have lower international BO than BvS. Of course China will be a big factor.

Edited by UserHN
added some sentences
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7 minutes ago, a2knet said:

Yeah. Does look a bit wishful. something like 500 + 305 = 805 won't surprise me either.

Me neither. I can see as low as 450+260= 710 if worst case scenario happens

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12 minutes ago, a2knet said:

Yeah. Does look a bit wishful. something like 500 + 305 = 805 won't surprise me either.

Isn't that too low for a movie that is basically the counterpart of The Avengers in the DCEU? I'm thinking $320 million domestic and $550 million OS. Even that is still too average for this movie. Throughout the year, this movie is predicted to become the highest grossing superhero movie of this year and many predicted that this film will eventually cross the billion dollar mark. 

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3 minutes ago, UserHN said:

Isn't that too low for a movie that is basically the counterpart of The Avengers in the DCEU? I'm thinking $320 million domestic and $550 million OS. Even that is still too average for this movie. Throughout the year, this movie is predicted to become the highest grossing superhero movie of this year and many predicted that this film will eventually cross the billion dollar mark. 


OS presales indicates nowhere near 550 mill IMO

This just does not appeal to women and smaller children like Marvel

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8 minutes ago, UserHN said:

Isn't that too low for a movie that is basically the counterpart of The Avengers in the DCEU? I'm thinking $320 million domestic and $550 million OS. Even that is still too average for this movie. Throughout the year, this movie is predicted to become the highest grossing superhero movie of this year and many predicted that this film will eventually cross the billion dollar mark. 

To be predicted does not imply to really do those numbers. Predictions are impressions or whishes, not facts. The only certain thing is that critics are, again, very mixed, and presales are not good enough to think it can improve relative to BvS. And this time we can not blame ER. It is very similar to March-April 2016.


Before critics I thought this could improve but now I have to low it. Barely over each $300m DOM, $500m OS and $800m WW. And we'll see if it is able to reach these figures...

Edited by peludo
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2 minutes ago, UserHN said:

Isn't that too low for a movie that is basically the counterpart of The Avengers in the DCEU? I'm thinking $320 million domestic and $550 million OS. Even that is still too average for this movie. Throughout the year, this movie is predicted to become the highest grossing superhero movie of this year and many predicted that this film will eventually cross the billion dollar mark. 

800m is low considering it's DC's TA, however the tracking is not as strong as earlier expected. Not only did domestic ow did not rise from the early 110-120 tracking but members have shared the same concerns in their respective countries/markets. BVS, featuring the Trinitiy, itself surprised by not making it to 900m ww. JL being a sequel to a negative/mixed received movie doing lesser is not that out of ordinary. The hope was that WONDR's amazing performance will make JL more attractive to audiences but doesn't look like that's the case. The massive 4 quadrant audience that WONDR pulled to the theaters seems to have compartmentalized the solo film from her appearance in an ensemble. But no real numbers have come out so far :) and hope that across Thanksgiving more people than expected show up.

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Still shocking to me, JL potentially grossing less than BVS :o


When you think it was meant to be The Avengers' main competitor and some DC big fans were even sure it would beat TA....That's what you call a rout!

The only markets I'm not too worried about are China and Brazil, it should be fine there, but elsewhere...........


On the other hand I can see The Avengers Infinity War being really huge, what we know of it is really promising :o

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