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Tuesday #s - R1 17.6m

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32 minutes ago, Mattrek said:


1. Taste is subjective, not everyone likes the same things.


2. Guys can like singing and movies like Pitch Perfect.


3. Don't try to shove your "men need to be masculine and women are weak" message down our throats.


I'm so sick and tired of this stereotype that needs to be acted on for society to see it as acceptable. Guys can do ballet, girls can weightlift, straight guys can go to prom with their gay best friend, gay guys can go to prom with their girl best friend, women can be masculine, men can be feminine, guys can cry and be emotional, women don't have to be comforting and dads can stay at home while the mom goes to work. The world doesn't fit in your narrow definition. 


Denying the right to feel all emotions and the ability to do whatever an individual wants to do is damaging to the person and to society. People are people and can do or feel whatever the hell they want to.


Im pretty turned on by you right now Matt.

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I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.

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1 hour ago, JonathanLB said:


Same. Some of you either had really really lame taste as kids or you're underrating kids in general. I hated anything with singing really badly and thought it was annoying. I remember being subjected to that crap in school and always assumed it was for the girls. Every guy I knew found it painful. And I still hate crap like that, like the girliest lamest movie Pitch Perfect. 


PS: What's with the hypothetical talk?! I am watching Rogue One almost every day and yes there are tons of kids in the audience. 

Nightmare Before Christmas and Disney flicks like Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Lion King were ENORMOUS when I like 4 to 8 years old. ALL kids liked them. Not to mention, my parents showing me classics like Annie, West Side Story, Scrooge, Singing In the Rain and Wizard Of Oz as little kid too. I mean, not all of 'em favorites of mine but I recall liking all of them when very young.

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8 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.

I still think, given it's essentially Episode 3.5, that there should've been a scroll. Do the same as in the past and simply remove "Episode ???" from it. Initially, I was on board without having a scroll. But, given how directly R1 ties into the saga, it should've been there. Now, for the Han spinoff and whatever the hell the other spinoff will be, I'd say it's likely unnecessary. I know it wasn't shown on screen, but I've always been irked by the "A Star Wars Story." That bit just makes it feel second rate and I think is even worse than "The Twilight Saga," which I also found lame and unnecessary.


Image result for star wars scroll

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15 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.

I thought that might be the case.  The cold opening being jarring and not letting you get into the movie for a while.

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29 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.






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54 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.


Welcome to the dark side.

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1 hour ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.


(video to play along with this at the bottom)


But this sound.... This sound wasn't sad.  This sound sounded.... GLAD!


Every Loon down in Loonville, the tall and the small was singing.  Without any Jedi at all!


He hadn't stopped Star Wars from coming.  It CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same!


And the Baumer, with his Baumer feet, cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling.


"How could it be so?  It came without Willams!  It came without crawls!!  It came without Solos, Wookiees, or Wedge!"


He puzzled and puzzled until his puzzler was sore.  Then he thought of something he hadn't thought of before.


"Maybe Star Wars," he thought, "doesn't come from a crawl.  Maybe Star Wars, perhaps, means a little bit more."      




And what happened then?


Well in Loonville they say, the Baumer's Force grew three sizes that day.


And then, the true meaning of Star Wars came through, and the Baumer found the strength of TEN LOONS PLUS TWO.


And now that his Force didn't feel quite so tight, he brezzed through the BOT SW Threads, happily cheering "Loon Loon" on his Trumpet!!


*A montage of images flash by as all the Loons in Loonville welcome him back with open arms and wonderful smiles*

*fade to black*


(mostly because I can't get the very last bit to work :ph34r:)


@Christmas Baumer @Grand Moff Tele @CJohn




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@Christmas Baumer


Of course, I know you're one of the biggest SW Loonies on this board, so the above is more than a little unfair. Especially since you've never ever wished ill on this movie.


But, damnit, I couldn't help myself. :blush::lol:


(Also changed Loonie to Loon to make it scan better ;))


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37 minutes ago, Porthos said:


(video to play along with this at the bottom)


But this sound.... This sound wasn't sad.  This sound sounded.... GLAD!


Every Loon down in Loonville, the tall and the small was singing.  Without any Jedi at all!


He hadn't stopped Star Wars from coming.  It CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same!


And the Baumer, with his Baumer feet, cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling.


"How could it be so?  It came without Willams!  It came without crawls!!  It came without Solos, Wookiees, or Wedge!"


He puzzled and puzzled until his puzzler was sore.  Then he thought of something he hadn't thought of before.


"Maybe Star Wars," he thought, "doesn't come from a crawl.  Maybe Star Wars, perhaps, means a little bit more."      




And what happened then?


Well in Loonville they say, the Baumer's Force grew three sizes that day.


And then, the true meaning of Star Wars came through, and the Baumer found the strength of TEN LOONS PLUS TWO.


And now that his Force didn't feel quite so tight, he brezzed through the BOT SW Threads, happily cheering "Loon Loon" on his Trumpet!!


*A montage of images flash by as all the Loons in Loonville welcome him back with open arms and wonderful smiles*

*fade to black*


(mostly because I can't get the very last bit to work :ph34r:)


@Christmas Baumer @Grand Moff Tele @CJohn





Can I nominate this for post of the year? I'm literally dying right now.

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That was one of the funniest posts ever about Baumer, hilariously creative. I loved it!


As for Pitch Perfect, all I can say is that I do know 5 people who love Pitch Perfect and they're all women and gay men. I personally thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I honestly would like to put it #1 worst movie, because it's the most painful thing in the world to sit through. Pure cheese and watching people dancing around like idiots and singing songs badly is painful and cringe-worthy. 


The point of what was being discussed was about the box office, as this forum is, and what movies are going to appeal to which demographics. If you think guys should be just as into romance movies as girls, or girls just as into action as guys, that's completely fine, and a great opinion. I wasn't even touching on that. I was only saying whether or not it SHOULD be so isn't the point; it ISN'T so. That's why you can clearly see the demographic breakdowns of movies like Pitch Perfect versus Star Wars and one is a chick flick, the other is more appealing to guys. Trust me, I wish girls loved Star Wars just as much as guys, because that would be amazing (especially for the box office), but unfortunately it isn't so. There ARE those great girls out there, my girlfriend hates Pitch Perfect and in her words "it's the ("most not straight") thing I've ever seen" (omitting her language so as not to offend) and she loves Star Wars, but almost all of her friends don't care about Star Wars, love girly chick flicks, and think Marvel movies are stupid. So when you say it has nothing to do with gender, uhh, but it does. Nobody has ever argued that 100% of all guys have the same taste in movies, or 100% of girls, but strictly speaking I have a traditional guy's taste in movies and most girls have a traditional girl's taste in movies.


There are always exceptions. I like Clueless, I think it's funny, and I have a list of "best chick flicks" that appealed to me too. I don't feel bad or guilty about liking a well made "chick flick," and nobody should either, but it's going to have to be an example of one of the best made of its genre for me to like it. It will have to be more based on comedy than on romance, because if it's like "Love Actually" I am going to hate it with a passion. Whereas with action movies, I like tons of fun action movies that are admittedly cliche-ridden, unoriginal films but I find them fun just because I love action movies. My "standard for enjoyment" is lower, even if I recognize that, say, Expendables 2 isn't a great movie, I still had fun watching it. The same as some girls love a lot of romance-based films that are lousy movies, but they just enjoy a wider percentage of that genre than I do. It's like pizza, if you like pizza you probably somewhat enjoy any kind of pizza you have. If you're not a big pizza fan, you may only like the BEST pizza and would rather not eat anything besides the best. I'm the same with dessert, I'll eat something, my girlfriend says, "Is it good?" "Meh, it's ok, but you know me, I like all dessert so I still enjoy it." That's many guys with action movies and many girls with romance movies. 


I feel like some people are fighting for the way they want the world to be, which is great, but I'm not arguing or touching on that at all. I'm talking about the way the world actually IS, which is a place where I won't have anything in common with the tastes of 80-90% of girls when it comes to genre movies. Every girl I dated before my current GF had extremely shitty taste in movies from my perspective, and they probably thought the same of me, and I've yet to have any guy friend who would even watch something like Pitch Perfect ever, let alone think it's good. And these aren't guys who work night shift at Taco Bell or something. All three of my best friends have more than a college education: police officer with a degree in business and a graduate degree in accounting, CFO with an MBA in Business Administration, and a radiologist who graduated from Stanford before heading to medical school and now makes mid-six figures. These are smart guys, so if anyone should "break the stereotype" of guys liking action / sci-fi / "cool" movies, it should be them. But they still all love Marvel movies, Star Wars, action movies, and avoid anything romance related like the plague. I'm the most open-minded moviegoer of them all, by far, because I always watch the awards films every year even if they're not my taste. I try to keep a broad moviegoing habit in general, even if I'm obviously going to avoid things like the newest Nicolas Sparks movie. 


Where the stereotypes end should be beyond the "fun entertainment" movies and go into the serious dramas with meaning. There, I think there's less of a gender gap and more of a taste element for whether you appreciate more meaningful films or not. Guys often like crappy action movies, girls often like crappy romance movies, but both guys and girls with taste in film can appreciate a Godfather or a Taxi Driver or On The Waterfront or hopefully things like that. I'm not trying to say everyone likes those movies, but I mean there isn't as much of a gender gap when it comes to that "meaningful classic film" type than there is with the more genre-oriented fare. That's why in the past when I tried to find movies to watch with a girl, I would pick something like that instead of taking her to the newest Jason Statham film or suffering through the newest Nicolas Sparks movie. 

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1 hour ago, JonathanLB said:

That was one of the funniest posts ever about Baumer, hilariously creative. I loved it!


As for Pitch Perfect, all I can say is that I do know 5 people who love Pitch Perfect and they're all women and gay men. I personally thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I honestly would like to put it #1 worst movie, because it's the most painful thing in the world to sit through. Pure cheese and watching people dancing around like idiots and singing songs badly is painful and cringe-worthy. 


The point of what was being discussed was about the box office, as this forum is, and what movies are going to appeal to which demographics. If you think guys should be just as into romance movies as girls, or girls just as into action as guys, that's completely fine, and a great opinion. I wasn't even touching on that. I was only saying whether or not it SHOULD be so isn't the point; it ISN'T so. That's why you can clearly see the demographic breakdowns of movies like Pitch Perfect versus Star Wars and one is a chick flick, the other is more appealing to guys. Trust me, I wish girls loved Star Wars just as much as guys, because that would be amazing (especially for the box office), but unfortunately it isn't so. There ARE those great girls out there, my girlfriend hates Pitch Perfect and in her words "it's the ("most not straight") thing I've ever seen" (omitting her language so as not to offend) and she loves Star Wars, but almost all of her friends don't care about Star Wars, love girly chick flicks, and think Marvel movies are stupid. So when you say it has nothing to do with gender, uhh, but it does. Nobody has ever argued that 100% of all guys have the same taste in movies, or 100% of girls, but strictly speaking I have a traditional guy's taste in movies and most girls have a traditional girl's taste in movies.


There are always exceptions. I like Clueless, I think it's funny, and I have a list of "best chick flicks" that appealed to me too. I don't feel bad or guilty about liking a well made "chick flick," and nobody should either, but it's going to have to be an example of one of the best made of its genre for me to like it. It will have to be more based on comedy than on romance, because if it's like "Love Actually" I am going to hate it with a passion. Whereas with action movies, I like tons of fun action movies that are admittedly cliche-ridden, unoriginal films but I find them fun just because I love action movies. My "standard for enjoyment" is lower, even if I recognize that, say, Expendables 2 isn't a great movie, I still had fun watching it. The same as some girls love a lot of romance-based films that are lousy movies, but they just enjoy a wider percentage of that genre than I do. It's like pizza, if you like pizza you probably somewhat enjoy any kind of pizza you have. If you're not a big pizza fan, you may only like the BEST pizza and would rather not eat anything besides the best. I'm the same with dessert, I'll eat something, my girlfriend says, "Is it good?" "Meh, it's ok, but you know me, I like all dessert so I still enjoy it." That's many guys with action movies and many girls with romance movies. 


I feel like some people are fighting for the way they want the world to be, which is great, but I'm not arguing or touching on that at all. I'm talking about the way the world actually IS, which is a place where I won't have anything in common with the tastes of 80-90% of girls when it comes to genre movies. Every girl I dated before my current GF had extremely shitty taste in movies from my perspective, and they probably thought the same of me, and I've yet to have any guy friend who would even watch something like Pitch Perfect ever, let alone think it's good. And these aren't guys who work night shift at Taco Bell or something. All three of my best friends have more than a college education: police officer with a degree in business and a graduate degree in accounting, CFO with an MBA in Business Administration, and a radiologist who graduated from Stanford before heading to medical school and now makes mid-six figures. These are smart guys, so if anyone should "break the stereotype" of guys liking action / sci-fi / "cool" movies, it should be them. But they still all love Marvel movies, Star Wars, action movies, and avoid anything romance related like the plague. I'm the most open-minded moviegoer of them all, by far, because I always watch the awards films every year even if they're not my taste. I try to keep a broad moviegoing habit in general, even if I'm obviously going to avoid things like the newest Nicolas Sparks movie. 


Where the stereotypes end should be beyond the "fun entertainment" movies and go into the serious dramas with meaning. There, I think there's less of a gender gap and more of a taste element for whether you appreciate more meaningful films or not. Guys often like crappy action movies, girls often like crappy romance movies, but both guys and girls with taste in film can appreciate a Godfather or a Taxi Driver or On The Waterfront or hopefully things like that. I'm not trying to say everyone likes those movies, but I mean there isn't as much of a gender gap when it comes to that "meaningful classic film" type than there is with the more genre-oriented fare. That's why in the past when I tried to find movies to watch with a girl, I would pick something like that instead of taking her to the newest Jason Statham film or suffering through the newest Nicolas Sparks movie. 


1. So yourself and 5 other people is a great base to make a blanket statement of all movie goers? Come on now.


2. For you Pitch Perfect is awful, fine so be it, just say that you dislike it then and talk about something else.


3. Saying a movie is the "gayest thing ever" equates being gay to being bad. I used to say it too all the time when I was younger, that doesn't make it right. It was something everyone did, but now with greater awareness we've mostly done away with that. Say it's awful, say you hate it, say it's not to your taste. It gets the same point across without denigrating a minority.


4. You have completely missed my point. It is not that girls should be into action movies and guys should be into romance, it's by even saying that you again are continuing the stereotype that we need to do away with as a society of masculinity and femininity. Yes, guys are more into action movies, yes, girls are more into romance. That doesn't make one movie for guys and one movie for girls.


5. By categorizing your friends again you do the thing I'm trying to make you understand. Stereotypes are wrong full stop. It doesn't have to be about movies, it doesn't have to be about gender, any stereotype is wrong. People are people and have a vast array of different tastes.


6. Saying there's a gender gap is totally fine. Saying what you said equating "girly" to "awful" is not. This need to be masculine or need to be feminine because society expects it has caused a lot of therapy sessions and damage to individuals. People can like or do whatever they want to regardless of how it's perceived (as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's rights).

Edited by Mattrek
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4 hours ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I saw passengers today and pretty much loved it. And then I saw Rogue one for a second time and I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did the first time. I think I just needed a second viewing to take it all in and it actually helps that I watched a new hope last night again. Part of the problem the first time I saw it was that I was completely taken out of it right from the beginning when it didn't follow a typical Star Wars kind of Direction. But this time I just got it a lot more. It really is a fantastic movie.


So basically @MovieMan89 is all alone now. 

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