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New spoiler policy that pertains to a movie in its first two weeks

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There has been some concern among the members that even when films are being veiled under the shade of the spoiler feature, there are still slip ups and sometimes even when spoilers are shaded out, there is enough to go on and people start figuring things out.


We've tried to be lenient with the spoiler policy and then we tried to crack down on it.  But there just seems to be too much grey area.  So we decided to make it very black and white.


Going forward, in the first two weeks of a film's release (first date released, whether internationally or domestically) no spoilers will be discussed in the daily/weekend thread or in the classic conversation thread.   You can continue to use spoiler tags in every other thread, especially the thread of said movie.  


If a film has a specific spoiler thread then spoilers, even in spoiler tags, are not allowed for the first two weeks in the main thread for that film. 


This means that you cannot even use the spoiler feature to discuss the film's plot, details or anything else to do with the actual film.  The weekend thread and CCC will be completely spoiler free for the first two weeks of the films release. We are going to experiment with this for a bit and as mentioned, we might even extend it from a week to even longer.  There's just no need to discuss the plot and the spoilers in the threads other than RTM.  


This is for the good of the site and its good for the members who obviously haven't seen the film.


This was agreed upon by @Water Bottle and @TelemAAchos.  The box office thread is for box office, not for the details of the film.


For now, after the two weeks is up, then you can discuss the film USING THE SPOILER feature.  But for now, let's keep the weekend numbers thread and the CCC spoiler free for the first week.


We'll leave this thread open in case there are questions, but this is about as straight forward as it gets.  If you want to discuss the film after you have seen it, don't do it in those two threads.  


Any questions, please ask any of the staff.  


Thank you.

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3 hours ago, John Marston said:

Pretty dumb imo considering they are covered but whatever 


It's not dumb.  I explained why we are doing it.  There's a whole section where you can discuss the plot.  This is also a safety valve to protect the members.  This way no one is even tempted to click on the spoilers.  


We've been discussing this for a few days now and more than a few posters have brought this up.  

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2 hours ago, aabattery said:

Not a fan of the rule but I'll live.


Not to be a jerk, but you don't have to be a fan of it.  But we would appreciate your adherence to it.

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1 minute ago, baumer said:


Not to be a jerk, but you don't have to be a fan of it.  But we would appreciate your adherence to it.


Yeah, I know. Definitely not gonna break it. I just think we sometimes have some pretty good discussions in the weekend threads but you are right about the RTM forum existing.

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1 minute ago, aabattery said:


Yeah, I know. Definitely not gonna break it. I just think we sometimes have some pretty good discussions in the weekend threads but you are right about the RTM forum existing.

So numbers only now, so that means no off topic discussions or anything.

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3 hours ago, Bishop54 said:

So numbers only now, so that means no off topic discussions or anything.


This has nothing to do with going off into discussions about football or cjohn's playground antics or Tele being born in the Mesozoic era.  


This is simply about discussing the spoilers of a movie that just came out.  


So for example, let's say Saving Private Ryan just came out on Friday.  A typical post discussing spoilers would be something like this:



Wow!  That opening 20 minutes was unreal.  It felt so authentic.  And then when Hanks dies at the end....I thought I'd lose it.


This stuff cannot be discussed, even with spoiler tags, for the first 7 days, in any thread but the RTM section.

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3 hours ago, Ethan Hunt said:

Next thing you know we won't be allowed to talk about a movie until it's a decade old


Really Ethan?  We're just trying to keep the spoilers from getting out.  You can discuss the movie, in the appropriate thread.  

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3 hours ago, Bishop54 said:

So what can we discuss about the movie? 


Anything that is in the trailer.  Anything is fair game except for what you have seen.


Guys this isn't quadratic functions.  Don't discuss the details of the movie after you have seen it.  

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I'm a little concerned here. So if I'm interested in some aspect of a film before I see it I have to go to the RTM thread and be totally spoiled? Because there you don't have to use spoiler tags. This wasn't really that we'll thought out. 

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not sure what the issue is really.  I know some people don't care if they know the whole movie going in and more power to them, I don't get it, but hey I never fault what people like or what they do.


But there are people that don't want to know any ending or someone returns or whatever maybe a big thing to find out when it happens during a film.


I never complained about it, but a bunch of times here even though someone used the spoiler tag, they hinted at it so much that it didn't matter. They gave it away and that's basically all this new policy is.  I get people want to talk about it and I do too, but I wouldn't ruin it for someone that hasn't seen it yet.


the people that do spoil it for the rest of the people are basically like this



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