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The Box Office Buzz and Tracking Thread: Electric Boogaloo

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15 minutes ago, Xinau said:

Eyeballing this site and using the stopwatch on my phone (extremely scientific):




I'm seeing a rate of about 90-100/min. FWIW.

That's the mistake I made before. The count on the stream to the right isn't timed accurately (that is, there can be less or more tickets being sold per minute than what drops down in a minute's time).  It's the actual timestamps on the icons on the left hand corner which matter.  As seen here:




It's the thing that says 9:50pm that matters.  If one wants to see how many sets of tickets are being sold, one has to keep an eye out on that time stamp (it constantly fluctuates due to what timezone the ticket is sold in) and start when it changes from, say. 9:50 to 9:51 and then stop when it hits 9:52.


Damned irritating to do on an iPad, BTW, since the font is so small.

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39 minutes ago, Xinau said:



You are wise in the ways of science.

Only because I've had experiments blow up in my face. :lol:




Another interesting thing is, that stream DOES NOT update if you keep it on long enough,at least on the iPad.  First off, it is always several minutes behind (I've seen it be over a half hour behind).  Secondly, I've seen it 'reset' from, say 8:54 back to 8:48 and endlessly repeat the same loop over and over again.  Not sure why, but I suspect a buffer is loaded up when the Pulse program is started, but that's just a guess.


FWIR, it got up to 300+ sets of tickets sold on Preview Night for R1.  No idea about TFA, as I wasn't looking at the right thing then. 


EDIT::: I'd love to check to make sure I got that number right, but the old thread got sent down the memory hole (just found out now :P).  


Ah well.  Find out soon enough just how much TLJ does on premiere night.

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The Shape of Water should have no difficulty booking as many theaters now on Christmas (when it goes wide), and maybe Three Billboards can hold onto at least half a screen at some places over the holidays. Call Me by Your Name and I, Tonya (although it's staying in NY/LA until after the new year) will benefit as well.

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39 minutes ago, Boxofficerules said:

I’m surprised there are any tickets left at this point.



There are a  lot of non-reserved tickets left in theatres around me for the weekend and a lot during the day on Saturday and Sunday.


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Pulse top five:


Last Jedi

Last Jedi 3D

Last Jedi IMAX 3D

Last Jedi IMAX 2D



No sign of Ferdinand yet.  Could be though that since it's a kids movie, the presales will start showing up later.  Maybe a little concerning though that I watched it for three or four minutes and didn't see one ticket sold for it.  Might have missed it though, so can't be sure.

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5 minutes ago, Porthos said:

No sign of Ferdinand yet.  Could be though that since it's a kids movie, the presales will start showing up later.  Maybe a little concerning though that I watched it for three or four minutes and didn't see one ticket sold for it.  Might have missed it though, so can't be sure.

Oh dear.


Thr 5pm showing of a decent, though not fantastic, theatre in town:




Ummm.... :unsure::unsure::unsure:




There aren't any tickets sold for the 7:45pm showing either at the same place. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

Oh dear.


Thr 5pm showing of a decent, though not fantastic, theatre in town:




Ummm.... :unsure::unsure::unsure:


Kids/animated movies rely heavily on walk-ups, or? So maybe, its not that catastrophic... 

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5 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Kids/animated movies rely heavily on walk-ups, or? So maybe, its not that catastrophic... 

Absolutely true.  But there should be SOME tickets sold in advance, especially for a 5pm Preview Night showing.


Most of the showings in Sacramento are at non-reserved seating, so I don't know if it was just that one place or not.  Checked Friday showings and...




Four tickets sold for the 4:25pm Friday showing.  There ARE 19 tickets sold for the 7:15pm Fri showing at least. :blush: 


(None for the other three showings)


*looooong pause*


Was @That One Guy stanning for this film by any chance?

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10 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Kids/animated movies rely heavily on walk-ups, or? So maybe, its not that catastrophic... 

Is this an Atom theatre?  With them offering the possibility of 3 for 1 tickets, I see those theaters getting any presales this movie may have (which won't be much til Sat showings...like The Star, I see this not reporting previews b/c it literally won't have any)...

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