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Weekend Actuals (Page 130): Cars 53.7M | Wonder Woman 41.3M | All Eyez 26.4M | Mummy 14.5M | 47 Meters 11.2M | POTC 9M | Rough Night 8M

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38 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


I think casually this is true (that and vaping). Not sure if it's commonplace on sets yet, since those are technically work environments. 


In terms of personal habits, I don't think someone should quit just because they become famous. (Personally I think they should quit because it's way healthier for them, but it's up to them).


I find it odd that smoking is banned on television, billboards etc but vaping isn't. I know in the UK, most places don't allow people to vape indoors but not sure if this is true elsewhere.

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36 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Including our great state of California. 


Nevada, Alaska, Washington State, Oregon, Colorado, Maine, 


Basically the most beautiful and liberal states.


Just waiting on Hawaii then I say the "green states" secede from the rest of Trump country and start over.


/partially joking



Edited by grey ghost
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32 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

Only 10 more days until Baby Driver.


My wife wants to see it though she hated Drive.


She says cause Kevin Spacey doesn't do bad movies. 


I gave that one a loud box office nerd snort.



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54 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I still think RT is a good thing. If only 20 people out of 200 like a movie, then the odds are small that the majority's taste would differ so drastically. Movies are a lot more of a luxury with modern pricing than they ever were prior to this decade. People want some kind of indicator to go off of if a movie is worth shelling out for a $50 date night or $100 family movie night, and if you're going opening weekend it can be hard to find friends who have seen it and get their WOM. The critics having pre-determined agendas or being paid off are the only issues, but I don't think it's as prevalent on the whole as some want to make it, especially that latter one. 


Another factor is credibility.


If I convinve my family to give up their plans, internet, and free time to watch some shitty hackjob movie, the next time I really want them to watch something they're all giving me the finger, even if it's really good.


Can't afford to be the Boy Who Cried Good Movie.

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7 hours ago, The Futurist said:

There is a feast or famine dynamic that is contaminating the US box office that must be quite scary to Hollywood executives.

Rotten Tomatoes is now a taste tyranny that has no counter power.

250+- Critics that don't pay for their movie are rulling movie taste right now.

What a progress for (US) human kind.

Pledge your Allegiance to the Mighty Tomato of have bad taste in movies forever.




And me and @grim22 and a few others have talked about this before.  This has to change.  Rotten Tomatoes has become a horrible beast.  People don't even read the reviews, they just see a fresh or rotten sign and make their judgement based on that.  It's a horrible way of doing things.  

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59 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

I am amused that smoking weed is considered "better" and "more accepted" and "healthier" than smoking cigarettes...you know, you are still breathing in smoke and tar and blowing out smoke to those around you...the sole benefit to pot is usually for those with serious pre-existing health issues who benefit from the anti-nausea and/or pain relieving aspects, since they tend to not have to worry about health issues that could crop up 20-30 years from now.  If you're Joe or Jane regular, it's as terrible a habit as regular cigarettes, although I guess the definitive studies and lawsuits will probably be 20-30 years from now...


Now, I don't really care about smokers - to each their own if they don't bug me...I've got crappy-$ss habits of my own...everyone does.  But to demonize the cigarette users and then hold up the pot users and say "you should switch just b/c it's trendier now"...that doesn't even make sense...


Show me a study that smoking weed is deadly or anywhere as dangerous as cigarettes.


Also there are many safer ways to ingest cannabis: edibles, vaporizers, tinctures, etc.

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3 minutes ago, baumer said:


And me and @grim22 and a few others have talked about this before.  This has to change.  Rotten Tomatoes has become a horrible beast.  People don't even read the reviews, they just see a fresh or rotten sign and make their judgement based on that.  It's a horrible way of doing things.  

That's not really Rotten Tomatoes' fault, though. They're just providing one metric to go off of, and nothing is preventing people from reading the reviews. In fact, it should be easier to find and read more reviews since RT is aggregating them. 

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5 minutes ago, baumer said:


And me and @grim22 and a few others have talked about this before.  This has to change.  Rotten Tomatoes has become a horrible beast.  People don't even read the reviews, they just see a fresh or rotten sign and make their judgement based on that.  It's a horrible way of doing things.  


Can you name five great movies in the last six months that recieved a rotten that didn't deserve it?

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Hollywood has been losing viewers for decades. Because people have limited disposable income yet endless entertainment options.


If Hollywood wants to survive they need to stop ripping people off with disappointing products.


If Hollywood gets to a point where the vast majority of movies are considered good by the critics it's a win win for everyone.


More Get Outs and Logans and fewer Ghost in the Shells and King Arthurs.

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1 hour ago, The Futurist said:

By smoking weed, you are supporting, financing, enabling, blessing, encouraging murders, rapes, torture, human trafficking & prositituion, the rampant civil war in Mexico, terrorism, drug cartels, harder drugs etc etc plenty of groovy things and fun stuff.




I prefer to think I'm helping Walter White fight cancer when I buy my drugs.

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10 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


Can you name five great movies in the last six months that recieved a rotten that didn't deserve it?


I'm more of a lurker here (and at the old mojo forums) than a regular poster, but doesn't Baumer have pretty legendary against the grain opinions when it comes to films? If a lot of the films he likes are rotten on RT, I can see him thinking that the site is doing harm to things he enjoys.


I probably agree with the consensus 70% of the time. Most of the times where I don't agree, it is me being harsher than the RT score. So, I generally don't have a problem with taking the consensus as a sign that I will probably dislike a film if it scores poorly. The 75%+ range is more dodgy. 

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1 hour ago, The Futurist said:

By smoking weed, you are supporting, financing, enabling, blessing, encouraging murders, rapes, torture, human trafficking & prositituion, the rampant civil war in Mexico, terrorism, drug cartels, harder drugs etc etc plenty of groovy things and fun stuff.




Actually by supporting prohibition you are supporting those things.


Cartels stopped growing and selling cannabis as much because of the legal US market.


Google it.

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