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1 hour ago, Porthos said:


Interview with Rupert Friend, who plays the Grand Inquisitor in Obi-Wan Kenobi:







@Menor Reborn @Inceptionzq @4815162342




Okay okay, it's not actually real real until it's on the screen.  But, still...

Happy Anniversary GIF by Sesame Street

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Making a night out of the 2 episode premiere. 


Meeting up with a bunch of people at 6pm for some Pizza and drinks, get it up on the projector at 6.50pm and watch these 2 episodes like they are a movie.


Probably the most hyped I've been for a show since Mando Season 2!


I trust Deborah Chow to blow everyone away ❤️

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There is gonna be discourse, let me tell you.


(it's SW, there is always discourse)


Point.  But even for SW...




I'm hooked.  Immediately and 100%.  But sakes alive I just hope fandom doesn't latch on to some things like I think they might.  Just this once, fandom, surprise me and recognize the brilliance you just saw.

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Alright, I've had some time to digest this, and this is a meaty heavy piece.  Moody, tense, and — damn I hate this word — dark.




SW fandom doesn't like dark, no matter how much they might claim otherwise.  Or rather, they want a cartoonish dark and not an emotionally fraught dark.


More spoilerific stuff in spoiler bars:



So... The Last Jedi comparisons start how soon now? I give it a few hours (though I've already seen passing mentions on Twitter).  Sooooo looking forward to that.  Honest.


Also, one thing I KNOW is coming is a freakout over the ending with the Grand Inquisitor.  To which I simply say: Trust the Process. 



I mean, really.  If one dude can survive being bisected, I'm sure the Inquisitor will be fine.  Just don't take the bait, fandom, I'm begging you.


Other thoughts:


Instantly sold on Leia.  100% this is Leia Organa.  I can absolutely see how she'll grow into Adult Leia.  Absolutely brilliant casting.


Also loved Reva.  Seen some complaints and I just don't get it.  She was fab.  


Grand Inquisitor was really good as well.  Makeup for whatever reason worked so much better than in the trailers.  It's either been touched up or there were compression artifacts at play.


Really, the cast and direction were stellar.  


Got more thoughts, but this is a piece that deserves to be reflected on and I don't want knee-jerk reactions.  Also probably needs to be seen in totality to really get it, but all in all those two episodes were superb.


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5 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Really, the cast and direction were stellar.  


Taking that comment out of spoiler bars, but putting further thoughts back into them:


GOD DAMN, did Ewan sell Broken Obi-Wan hard.




There was one scene toward the beginning where the sorrow and weight of the world galaxy was on Kenobi.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well if that's the case, a snapshot of the look on his face at that moment there could write volumes.





Ewan acted the hell out of these two episodes.


Edited by Porthos
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So it’s finally here. After 20 years. And I have thoughts,



I got so emotional when they did the recap of the prequels. Because the prequels are the best. This is the hill that I will die on. I love prequel Star Wars. I love the clone wars. I love Anakin skywalker. I love Padme. I just have so many goddamn feelings.


i also Kumail  He’s such a great actor. I love how he has the ability to play things really serious, but they’re still funny. So even though he was playing a little more of a clown, it never felt distracting. And I’m very glad he didn’t die. Please let him come back a lot.


and I’ve got feelings,





I have not been keeping up on the rumors so I had no idea that was coming. What a Gift. What an absolute treasure. That little actress is amazing. And I honestly spent a lot of the episode just crying because she’s so amazing, and Leia is so amazing, and because of some really fucking bad writing, and a very unfortunate tragedy that I am still not over, we never got to see Leia’s full potential after the OG series. 


I don’t care if this is a controversial take. I’d really like to see this show just be “oops, we’re actually in alternative universe were none of the OG trilogy or the sequel trilogy exists.” Please give me Obi-Wan and Anikan reconcile their feelings and then raise Leia and leave Luke to his moisture farm. 😭😭😭

And if you will not give me that, I really need you to cancel everything that you have planned, which frankly probably was nothing anyway, and just do like 10 hours of nothing but little Leia Reading everyone to FILTH. 

I love her. 


and you know what I have some concerns.



I don’t know if I just need to adjust my television, but this feels like such a step down from the Mandalorian. I don’t know if it’s because the VFX industry is literally at its breaking point, or if ILM already got everyone to buy the Volume, so they don’t care what the quality looks like anymore. But I do know that there are some very suspect VFX shots in this. Which feels completely out of place for Star Wars. Star Wars has done a lot of things terribly over the years, special effects are not one of them. The second episode was incredibly murky dark and gray. 


And the other thing is I was really uncomfortable during the grand Inquisitor and third sisters dialogue when he called her beneath him and implied that she was vermin. I understand that she was supposed to have her cheer moment at the end When she killed him. But it doesn’t erase or even excuse the fact that she is the only Black woman in the cast, playing the villain, and That entire seems kind of made me sit up a little and go excuse me? What the fuck is this. If it was supposed to make me think that the grand inquisitor is a creep, I think there are more creative ways you could have done that.



I’m sure I’ll probably have some more as time progresses, but those are kind of my big bullet points. Show is good. I am excited to see where it goes. It’s different than I thought I would be, but that’s a good thing.


oh and!!



Imggggggg was that Temuera Morrison on a cameo AS A CLONE TROOPER?!?!?!?’😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


When are Rex and Ahsoka gonna show up?! 😭😭😭😭


How can we have our Anakin/Ahsoka/ObiWan family raise Leia on Alderaan so she can also be with her super amazing Dad and still roast her dumb cousin.  

Again Luke is not invited to this party because Luke is not cool.


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8 minutes ago, Wondy said:

I don’t care if this is a controversial take. I’d really like to see this show just be “oops, we’re actually in alternative universe were none of the OG trilogy or the sequel trilogy exists.”



Girl same. 


PT main characters/relationships/plot rocks so hard and then the other two trilogies show up and canon over everything😡


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42 minutes ago, Wondy said:

So it’s finally here. After 20 years. And I have thoughts,


and I’ve got feelings,





I have not been keeping up on the rumors so I had no idea that was coming. What a Gift. What an absolute treasure. That little actress is amazing. 



Reaction to said feelings:





Edited by Porthos
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1 hour ago, Knights of Ren said:

I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes.  Think it is heading to something really special.  I already know Star Wars fans are going to be bitching about two things in particular.  Dumbest fandom on earth. 


I love my tribe, warts and all, I really do.


But sometimes they can be a little "extra".  And for that, thankfully, we have Pablo Hidalgo:





Short, succinct, and to the point. 👍



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