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Tuesday Numbers: Jumanji 10.2, TLJ 7.9 (Asgard)

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27 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

I am tired to bring out another titanic war, but any attempt to downgrade the quality of titanic, deserved to be bashed......


Titanic, simply the world phenomena, it's the blockbuster that "agreed" by the world, we all know superhero craze doesn't hit japan/euro quite like the others territory, and we all know chinese and asian doesn't really hit with Star Wars too, we all know oscar didn't really like big budget blockbuster hit, but titanic conquer all of them....


Nothing tells it better than Kabul. Quoted from my own post in Pretend it's 1997 all over again thread.


Kabul "the Titanic City".


`Titanic' fever rose in Kabul after the Taliban sank



Afghanistan: 'Titanic' sinks beneath waves of humanity



Titanic cut clampdown in Kabul



From the book A Thousand Splendid Suns




I always laugh when people say oh Titanic is forgettable no one is quoting it there is no Titanic reference it has no influence on pop culture. I mean, if Titanic provided comfort to those who lived under the fear of Taliban, that's surely something I would value way above some internet memes.







Edited by vc2002
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58 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

This has to be the year with most interesting runs...

Get Out,Wonder Woman,It and now Jumanji.

And what do these movies have in common?  Unexpectedly high quality and higher than expected WOM.  Overperformance is possible when you ensure that your particular audience satisfaction is really up there.  It is by no means guaranteed, but they increased their odds by having an unusually high quality product.

Edited by REC
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17 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

I know that I will run to all the subjectivity shit but for me there is no reasonable being that can say Titanic is not a quality movie without being a troll.

It's one of those films you respect artistically even If you know it is not your cup of tea.


I dislike Titanic. But i would never deny how impressive its achievements were, not only in its box office earnings and rewards, but particulary its filmmaking in itself. Its near-perfect execution. I just found the story boring and cliche, but thats just me. Clearly im in the absolute minority.


Same with The Last Jedi. One can dislike the story and character presentations, thats subjective. But one can NOT deny how impressive it is as a movie. The filmmaking is top-notch.

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If a movie had 20x multiplier and gross over $600m in christmas of 1997 can't be labelled as great WOM, i don't see why a movie like TLJ, released too in year-end holiday , struggling to pass 3x multiplier, can be known as the film with great WOM....


And wonder, with A+ cinemascore(so called scientific survey and titanic get A+ cinema score too without Leonardo fans base driven in its opening weekend), opened to $28m, about the same as titanic($28m), is struggling to reach $130m...then I guess the $600m gross by titanic,  simply prove that its quality is undeniable.     

Edited by titanic2187
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2 minutes ago, vc2002 said:


Movie marketing slogan could be "Jack finds out he could've lived, and now, he wants revenge."



Jim hates that meme, its about buoyancy. He said he tested it out (of course he did this is Jim) to make sure it couldn't support the weight if them both.


Obiviously weight and buoyancy are too much for meme lords so he just says "jack dies because page X in the script, says jack dies."

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9 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

If a movie had 20x multiplier and gross over $600m in christmas of 1997 can't be labelled as great WOM, i don't see why a movie like TLJ, released too in year-end holiday , struggling to pass 3x multiplier, can be known as the film with great WOM....


And wonder, with A+ cinemascore(so called scientific survey), opened to $28m, about the same as titanic($28m), is struggling to reach $130m...then I guess the $600m gross by titanic,  simply prove that its quality is undeniable.     


Once again, you cant compare Titanic with anything today. It was a whole different time in moviegoing, it was a cultural event and ofc it wasnt as frontloaded as a damn STAR WARS movie - which btw earned as much in its Thursday previews as Titanic did in its first 6 days! TLJ has now earned the same amount of money that Titanic did in 109 Days! Do you see why you simply cant compare such a run with todays movie climate?


And btw, box office doesnt equal movie quality. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is widely considered one of the worst blockbuster of all time, yet it earned 400M+ domestically.


Titanic has won 11 academy awards and is still, after 20 years, the Number 3 domestic and Number 2 worldwide. Nobody denies its achievments are legendary.

Edited by Brainbug
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2 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I dislike Titanic. But i would never deny how impressive its achievements were, not only in its box office earnings and rewards, but particulary its filmmaking in itself. Its near-perfect execution. I just found the story boring and cliche, but thats just me. Clearly im in the absolute minority.


Same with The Last Jedi. One can dislike the story and character presentations, thats subjective. But one can NOT deny how impressive it is as a movie. The filmmaking is top-notch.

I'll just say a few points:  Titanic is not my cup of tea either but it is incredibly well made and quite the giant spectacle.  The very very weak parts of the movie for me are the writing of pretty much all of the characters, especially Billy Zane as the world's most 2D and inept badguy and Rose's evil mom for all of her possessive tropes.  For me when the antagonists don't work, the movie doesn't work.  It's not a statement against any of the production values of the movie, the actors, the overall love plot or anything else.  I put it squarely on the oversimplified and cartoonish writing of the characters.


I do understand how this helps with the movie's digestibility for a GA, rich vs poor is simple and easy and everyone can instantly get it.  I can understand why girls and couples went back and saw this movie multiple times for the love plot and spectacle.  Cameron was a better writer in his earlier films Aliens and T2 but there's no denying Titanic was lightning in a bottle that resonated more with audiences.  It was the right movie at the right time and everything worked.  The filmmaking was top notch and it can be a satisfying and unique experience.


But the negatives for me are so negative that to me its not a rewatchable film.  And I feel Cameron repeated many of these mistakes with Avatar, so although I love his earlier movies I really have no interest in the kinds of things he's producing from Titanic forward.

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1 minute ago, Brainbug said:


Once again, you cant compare Titanic with anything today. It was a whole different time in moviegoing, it was a cultural event and ofc it wasnt as frontloaded as a damn STAR WARS movie - which btw earned as much in its Thursay previews as Titanic did in its first 6 days! TLJ has now earned the same amount of money that Titanic did in 109 Days! Do you see why you simply cant compare such a run with todays movie climate?


And btw, box office doesnt equal movie quality. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is widely considered one of the worst blockbuster of all time, yet it earned 400M+ domestically.


Titanic has won 11 academy awards and is still, after 20 years, the Number 3 domestic and Number 2 worldwide. Nobody denies its achievments are legendary.

Couldn't agree anymore, I don't mean to compare these two, the purpose of post just to illustrate that Titanic has great WOM as suggested by its legs.

Many here keep saying TLJ has great WOM and ignore/deny or took so long to recognize the existence of poor WOM, meanwhile discard those great of WOM of Titanic?? Simply a self-contradicting argument.     

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3 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


I thought the main antagonist in Titanic was great, the iceberg's performance was chilling.




The Iceberg that sunk the Titanic was a good villain both in the movie and in real life. It gave us memes.











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19 minutes ago, vc2002 said:


Movie marketing slogan could be "Jack finds out he could've lived, and now, he wants revenge."



Joke aside, I found the idea behind this to be so ridiculous. Just because you can physically fit two humans on a piece of wood doesn't mean that it can actually work. The important bit isn't how much space there is, but how much weight the piece can carry without sinking. You probably could have put three times as many people onto any life-boat as well, the space would have been there if you just spend enough effort on it, but that doesn't mean that the life-boats would have been able to carry the additional weight. It's the buoyancy that matters, not the space.

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Speaking of Titanic, the below chart is hilarious. It shows the Top 200 December opening weekends, sorted by lowest percentage of final gross. Titanic is at 4.8% and the next closest is Beverly Hills Cop at 6.5%.




If you gave Titanic backloading similar to Beverly Hills Cop, the boat movie would gross $440m instead of $600m. Considering Beverly Hills Cop had an incredible run, that really puts into perspective the utter insanity of Titanic's performance.

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13 minutes ago, REC said:

I'll just say a few points:  Titanic is not my cup of tea either but it is incredibly well made and quite the giant spectacle.  The very very weak parts of the movie for me are the writing of pretty much all of the characters, especially Billy Zane as the world's most 2D and inept badguy and Rose's evil mom for all of her possessive tropes.  For me when the antagonists don't work, the movie doesn't work.  It's not a statement against any of the production values of the movie, the actors, the overall love plot or anything else.  I put it squarely on the oversimplified and cartoonish writing of the characters.


I do understand how this helps with the movie's digestibility for a GA, rich vs poor is simple and easy and everyone can instantly get it.  I can understand why girls and couples went back and saw this movie multiple times for the love plot and spectacle.  Cameron was a better writer in his earlier films Aliens and T2 but there's no denying Titanic was lightning in a bottle that resonated more with audiences.  It was the right movie at the right time and everything worked.  The filmmaking was top notch and it can be a satisfying and unique experience.


But the negatives for me are so negative that to me its not a rewatchable film.  And I feel Cameron repeated many of these mistakes with Avatar, so although I love his earlier movies I really have no interest in the kinds of things he's producing from Titanic forward.

Among the criticism to Titanic, I only agree that the writing of the film or dialogue are poor, i am so glad the academy didn't nominate titanic in best original screenplay category. Titanic is a pretty poor story if it is just a script. 


But it is the poor dialogue of the film prove how great was the acting from the cast,  Leo and Kate especially, delivered those lines in a most passionate and artsy way. 


The poor script or ordinary plot never equal to a poor film, the marvelous directing can save everything. Film is a visual art, story is not everything, if those can't recognize the way of how those VISUAL art being presented, or ignore the philosophy of visual art, why bother to watch a film? If plot is everything, don't bother to watch movie, just read storybook will do. Visual story telling + plot, only then produce a well-made film.  



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4 minutes ago, George Parr said:

Joke aside, I found the idea behind this to be so ridiculous. Just because you can physically fit two humans on a piece of wood doesn't mean that it can actually work. The important bit isn't how much space there is, but how much weight the piece can carry without sinking. You probably could have put three times as many people onto any life-boat as well, the space would have been there if you just spend enough effort on it, but that doesn't mean that the life-boats would have been able to carry the additional weight. It's the buoyancy that matters, not the space.

It's hard to communicate this idea in a movie for sure.  If either character had started talking about buoyancy while they were freezing to death it almost certainly wouldn't have worked.  It's too bad he couldn't come up with a better way to achieve the same end result, something a bit more cleverly written or communicated.  But I can totally see this would've been tough to figure out, and he handled it well in the execution.

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