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And the winner is...

















Take it away @MrPink


To some, Christopher Nolan is dazzling, able to blend grand story ideas to palatable blockbusters. To others, his hamfisted dialogue, inert action scenes, and general coldness are impediments to the praise he receives from other circles. Whatever the case, Dunkirk is undoubtedly a Christopher Nolan film. It's also not like today's contemporary war films, moving away from character backgrounds and heavy violence, focusing instead on the most micro levels of war and suspense. Despite the fact he has pared down some of his usual ticks, including his typical bloat and reliance on exposition, Dunkirk features several of his trademarks. His insistence on being as practical as possible nearly works against him, though the scale of what he is able to do within those confines is impressive and beautiful to look at. His collaborators beyond Hoytema do distinctive work, whether it's Lee Smith as editor finding a way to weave these three stories into a connected experience, or Hans Zimmer integrating a vital pulse to the film with his ticking clock. While Harry Styles and co. might not be veteran enough actors to carry the film on their own, Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, and Kenneth Branagh all play their roles admirably.


Nolan once again plays with time, taking three different storylines across three different timeframes down to its conclusion. Each section displays a slice of what Dunkirk represented to each participant in the evacuation, some more tense while others more thrilling or heroic. It struck me as his most focused blockbuster in some time, laser focused on the goals he wanted to achieve, and his most optimistic film to date. Our audience surrogate does nothing except survive, but the movie reminds us that it is human, understandable, and also a victory of sorts. Surrounding that are heroic actions that seemed small, but cumulatively added up to so much. That can be as simple as a pilot sacrificing his fuel to protect what soldiers he can from above, or a citizen helping to evacuate who he can. The sum is a movie that's both easy to recognize for its merits yet as more ammo for Nolan's detractors.  But it fits right at home in Nolan's filmography.


User Reviews:


The thought that hit me the strongest as I was leaving the theater at the end of my screening was how amazingly immersed I had felt throughout the whole of the film. The sound effect was incredible and each bomb blast and bullet ricochet, had me legitimately flinching, while the cinematography felt so real the tension literally pulsed in waves from the 2-dimensional screen throughout my whole body.


A point I found particularly interesting was that there was no clear protagonist in the film, which was such a break from traditional film-making, it felt almost jarring. But I can see why Nolandecided to do it that way, because I feel it did add to the kind of be-in-the-moment atmosphere that he said he wanted the audience to have. With no character to immerse ourselves into, the camera acted as more of a 3rd-person perspective, allowing us to be one of the soldiers in that sense and go through the horrors that they faced.


One thing I’m a little unsure on, the film starts with 3 different points of perspective; the land, the sea and the air. And then specifies what I assume is the time period during which it is set; being one week, one day, and one hour respectively. So, does that mean, from the beginning of the film on the beaches of Dunkirk until their rescue, the real-world duration was one week? Because it didn’t feel anywhere near that long. Hope someone can help me on this one.


Small puzzlement aside, very strong rating from me 9/10



A master class in tension.



@Patriots Bottle


One thing I thought very clever was you don't actually see a single German soldier until the very final seconds of the movie.


That was claustrophobic as hell. Like the cinema walls were closing in on me.





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37 minutes ago, grim22 said:



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You used my write-up. :D

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Dunkirk is amazing, so i cant complain about it winning.


Though its hilarious to see how outraged seemingly everyone gets when Nolan gets another win. Its Number 1 so the vast majority of people on this board must have loved it, or am i mistaken? :lol:

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