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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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17 minutes ago, baumer said:


Well, we said Homecoming was going to die too after it had two very shitty holds in week 2 and 3.  DP2 could recover and get to 300.  It's not over yet.  

Deadpool's chance at $300M is probably directly related to how far and how fast Solo keeps dropping...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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8 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Why is it okay for these boards to root against certain films but not films made by Disney? I wish people were against rooting against any film to fail just so that they wouldn't be so darn hypocritical right now.



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1 minute ago, RealLyre said:



Yea it's not going above $260M-270M


$100M+ drop off from the sequel 


Deadpool is a toxic franchise now, Disney better reboot it and recast if they want it to start getting good numbers again.


I cant tell if you're serious. But if you are, then you should put more thought into what you are writing. Because that is a load of Bullshit.

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even 260-270 dom would be 2.6-2.7x the 110 prod budget for dp2. how many films can do 2.6-2.7x the prod budget dom - not ww. ww it will do 5-6 * 110

Edited by A2k Raptor
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3 hours ago, TMP said:

If X-Force sees a similar drop-off, I could actually see Disney not wanting to continue Reynolds' Deadpool. They already have so many far more successful franchises, plus I'm sure that they'd want to put in all their effort into rebooting F4 and X-Men, and it'd be a hassle inserting this character into the already established MCU. So X-Force could be, in a way, his swan song as the character.


Are you guys getting a little insane?  Do you know how much DP2 is going to end up grossing world wide?  It's on a course to get to 700 million, off a budget of 110.  Cool your engines for a bit here guys.  My god this site is fucking unbearable at times.  

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4 minutes ago, Quigley said:

Even on the high end of estimates, $26M is lower than all of the Top 6 Memorial Day openers:




TRAGIC Fri-to-Sat drop (expected due to the low OD/preview ratio I guess...)

3 minutes ago, A2k Raptor said:

Rth already gave a to the decimal update with 24.6 sat. don't know which page though but an hour after EC's 24-26.

Even worse then. It is a worse Fri-to-Sat drop percetnage-wise than all of the Top 6 (31% compared to X-Men: The Last Stand's 29%). Spectacular debacle....

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Lol it’s not a good weekend drop for DP2 but whatever the total is, it’ll be a good and respectable gross.


Considering the floppage of Solo that is going on right now, it’s weird that some people have meltdowns over DP2 doing fine numbers. 

Edited by Sam
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And I'm out of here again.  I can't be around all of the insane crap that gets posted here.


Toxic franchise?

Deadpool is dead?


WTF are you are guys doing?  If anyone wants to talk box office rationally, I'll be here.  But I can't sit around and read all of this crap.  Some of you guys are unbearable.

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3 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Depends on the grader and also if they're using half grades.  One persons's 8 could be an A- or a B+. A 6 could be a B- or a C+


Nothing higher than an A+ for me but I've seen people grade things A+++ etc


So vaguely 


8-10  ~  A- to A

6- 8 ~  B- to B+

4 - 6  ~ C- to C+

3 - 4  ~ D- to D+

1-2:  F

Thank you a lot.

I think I like the numbers rating better, maybe as I love using numbers in general, plus it seems more... clear.

In opposition, I give a 10/10 maybe every decade, some seem to be giving it far more often, so others and me seem to use numbers in a not clear cut way too.


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3 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


180M :ohmygod: A Quiet Place for me is becoming the most impressive BO run of this year. Who saw that coming?

AQP and I Can Only Imagine have been the only really interesting box office for me this year.

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270 dom would be 2.15x the 125.5 ow for dp2.

same multiplier os gives 2.15*176 = 380 os

that's 270 + 380 = 650 ww


now if dp3 is staring at 450 ww down from dp2's 650, it would still be 3x a potential 150 prod budget.

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8 minutes ago, baumer said:


You obviously once again prove how much of a troll you are and that you have not even a rudimentary understanding of the box office.  

He actually makes good points, most of the time, no matter how blunt he comes off . I have said it again and again , it’s the truth that is trolling and even in this matter there’s more chances that d2 doesn’t make 300 million.


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