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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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37 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

This probably isn't good for Ron Howard's career, I'll say. His last few movies have all been box office flops, and if he can't even get a Star Wars movie into the black, hard to imagine anyone else trusting him. I sure wouldn't.

His last few movies flopping is hardly his fault though. The Dilemma was a poorly-reviewed comedy with an unfunny marketing campaign, Rush was good but had little commercial appeal, In the Heart of the Sea cost twice as much as it should have and received mediocre reviews, Inferno was a sequel that literally nobody was asking for, and Solo was always an unnecessary project (that he only ended up on board with just to make sure it was finished). I'm sure the right project will come his way sooner or later.

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2 minutes ago, nevermore said:

I think it's also because a lot of people are not interested in that type of movie. It's devoid of any stakes or tension. Plus you already know xxxxxx You don't really need to see it, let a lone have a whole movie about it.

might be a spoiler

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3 minutes ago, babz06 said:

Not the same situation. They have room to grow with Wonder Woman. Whereas the humor in Deadpool limits its potential. You either love it or hate it. 

Well, actually no. WW2 won't increase overseas and it'll drop Dom. DP2 is a victim of a bad release date, plus it could have made 100+ mln in China if they could have released it there.

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Just now, filmlover said:

His last few movies flopping is hardly his fault though. The Dilemma was a poorly-reviewed comedy with an unfunny marketing campaign, Rush was good but had little commercial appeal, In the Heart of the Sea cost twice as much as it should have and received mediocre reviews, Inferno was a sequel that literally nobody was asking for, and Solo was always an unnecessary project (that he only ended up on board with just to make sure it was finished). I'm sure the right project will come his way sooner or later.

The Beatles Eight Days a Week was very good but that was always going to be niche too

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12 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Solo is mostly flopping because of Solo.

Yes, this. Fans were super meh about it when it was announced. They wondered who needed that movie. Everything else - new actor, TLJ clusterfuck, short release turnover, other excuse - didn't help but aren't the cause of the floppage. Disinterest in filler is the key. RO was a fluke due to TFA afterglow and curiosity (SW hasn't done standalones so people wanted to check out the first one) but audiences now have enough already. They are not committing to these side movies cause, as someone already pointed out, you can skip them since they have no bearing on the Saga (which people largely identify with SW). 

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10 minutes ago, nevermore said:

I think it's also because a lot of people are not interested in that type of movie. It's devoid of any stakes or tension. Plus you already know Han does the Kessel run, meets Chewie etc. You don't really need to see it, let a lone have a whole movie about it.


There was a lack of enthusiasm bordering very close to disinterest among many of the fans.  Nothing close to unanimous but it was certainly common to hear people voice it ever since this thing was announced.  If a big chunk of your core fans aren't jazzed for a movie on a conceptual level, then it's not unreasonable to assume that the a big chunk of the GA will react similarly.  The marketing for it didn't seem like it was crafted with an awareness of that.

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12 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

You miss nothing by skipping Solo if you are a Star Wars fan. Solo has nothing to do with the main sequel trilogy.

Well yeah you do. If you’re a Star Wars fan you miss a good Star Wars film. Which, for those of us who suffered through post-ROTJ 1983 to opening night of ROTS in 2005 - that’s still something to celebrate. We haven’t had it this good since the OT.  As much as I want them to do great business, as a fan all I want are good films. 


I don’t know why the regular joes have stayed away thus far. They’re missing a good movie. We all can talk of films we missed in cinemas that we ended up questioning why we didn’t when we caught up with them. 


See how it plays over the next couple of weeks but I always thought and expected they would move the film to Christmas. 

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If they plan on continuing with these spin-off movies, that means keeping the budgets and productions really under control instead of treating them like one of the Episodes. That includes not firing directors after the movie is close to done (wasn't Gareth Edwards also removed from Rogue One after most of it was finished?).

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6 minutes ago, firedeep said:

That's how wrong rumours get started


Was news in early march:

Disney distribution chief leaves to run wife’s digital content company


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Just now, filmnerdjamie said:

Deadpool 2 dropping 66% (the same as Green Lantern, which Reynolds loves to shit-talk at any chance now and on a holiday weekend no less) is equally a big story. Bigger drop than Man of Steel's 64% drop and remember those meltdowns?!

You have a point. I was in denial on Friday. It's an extremely ugly drop. It dropped 66% on a Holiday weekend up against a massively under performing movie.

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I think some of Solos problem is fear from the fans. If the movie sucks it will sour their view of the much loved character, something thats even worse if the movie isnt even essential in any way. In my view they shouldnt worry, its a decent movie, but I agree its more than possible to live without seeing it, ever.

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When you realize any one of the three Maze Runner movies, which you’ve been stanning for since 8th grade, will gross more (overseas at least) than a Star Wars movie

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5 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Rogue One was a total afterglow movie. 

As much as I'll take any chance to shit on R1, its legs were too good to say people were simply high on TFA.



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He also points to the MCU, noting, “We’re in a world where we’re in the same conference rooms planning Marvel movies. We have a Thor and a Black Panther and an Infinity War coming out in November and February and May and each are massively successful. They each do well and people aren’t asking these questions.”


'cause those are all different movies... Thor is a comedic fantasy space adventure, Black Panther is an Afrofuturistic character drama with some espionage and politics, and Infinity War is a massive crossover epic. While there's certainly some overlap (drama of royalty bloodlines in the first two movies for sure), their scope is far less limited than Star Wars movies are of the current mold.


Disney PR spin will be fun these next few weeks.

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