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A Marvel Fanboy

Rotten Tomatoes Adjusts Criteria to Include More Diverse Critics

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Another terrible idea from another bunch of stupid people because of our shitty times. Most of these new "critics" have as much good taste and knowledge of movies as average Joe and it actually says everything about this "wonderful addition".

4 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Oh no. However will we live, knowing that Upgrade is only at a mere 85% instead of 86%? Won't someone think of the children?!

The Meg's score dropped on 1% too 😉

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2 hours ago, Captain Craig said:


This and this. 


Those who already "need" RT are just going to have more reviews to flip through. It'll take more votes to alter an aggregate score most likely. 


I don't get the folks who feel the insistence on doing research of critics before seeing a movie.

Seriously, you've been watching films for how long? You do or don't know your own personal taste and preferences? Sure, has the marginal films trailer been deceptive at times? Seen all the good jokes in the trailer? On occasion that happens but I sometimes I get a sour grape in the bunch of sweet ones.


I'd say I walk out of a theater 90% of the time or better feeling ok with my choice and dollar spent to varying degrees. 

I can mentally prepare myself and expectations for Greatest Showman vs Tomb Raider vs Infinity War vs Won't You Be My Neighbor


The undeniable benefit of RT is that it encourages you to see movies you might have otherwise skipped (as well as being invaluable publicity for the movies and filmmakers its system results in championing). I very well might not have seen a movie like Room or Won't You Be My Neighbor or Hereditary if it weren't for their strong critical acclaim. Even if I don't like them all, I do appreciate that it encourages me to pursue a wider variety of genres in my film choices, and keeps me from getting too despondent if there's a dearth of movies that are actually in my realm of interest getting released at the time; as is the case this year.



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3 hours ago, Alli said:

I think it dilutes the impact of the reviews by making everyone a critic. bad idea imo

Agreed. Why not utilize a system that makes Audience Reaction equally as promoted? Create a more pronounced "Preferred Critic" section. This can be a cross section of a variety of people that aren't part of a critic's circle, but are equally as passionate about film. Filter out the nonsense. I know it might sound like Lettrboxd, but that's RT's direct competition in that regard. Why? They totally nerfed equal access of discussion from the community. Same thing happened to IMDb. Part of it can be blamed on trolls, but I don't know about the "lack of funds to control user content". I'm calling BS on that.


Back on topic, the division between the two should be clear enough that RT still promotes professional critics while also giving the frequent user the ability to engage in a community that shares diverse opinions in a civil manner.

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For the big title going from 200-300 review to 500-600 will probably not make them move much, must be a rare case that average reviewer not on RT opinions were different than on RT, it was not a specially of an elite group, the score will get closer to the non top critic score and the difference will augment a little bit for some title I guess.


If  they go for say 1,000 review for the biggest title, it could bring for better or worst a bit of anonymity that could be beneficial, when you are 10 people receiving death treat because you are the first 4 that gave a bad review to Dark Knight, it could be different if you a group of 37. There will never be some appeal to be the only one giving the first bad review to Lady Bird to get attention or because you think the movie is good but change the review to bad just to break a record perfect score because the movie is not good enough for that (that make 0 sense, but one did that).


At the same time, the more you dilute the more you risk becoming IMDB.


I somewhat care to RT, I do not have a big enough bank of directors to just watch those and often watch movies not because of them, relying on critics and festivals(either directly or indirectly with the word of mouth that was created by people that saw them because of the good reviews that convinced theater/distributor to take a chance).



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2 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

i'm not as anti-critic as some of the folks here but i never go on rotten tomatoes really. at this point i know the critics i like, i follow them on twitter so if they write a review that's how i'll know.

If only everyone had this approach.

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This feels like that "everyone is a winner thing".  Oh well, looking forward to tons of new obscure websites/bloggers/amateurs that nobody has ever heard of flooding rotten tomatoes.  I only ever really payed attention to "top critics" and metacritic anyways so its actually whatever to me.

Edited by Ozymandias
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I like Rotten Tomatoes.

Through this site I discovered ten critics that I love and now follow regularly.

A quick glance at the tomatometer gives me an idea of the reception of the film which I am always curious about.

If I love a film it is easy to go to the site and read rave reviews from critics who also loved it. Same if I hate a film.

Now if only they would finally add and fix the My Critics option.

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I despise Rotten Tomatoes so much. Its a congregate of everything thats wrong with movie critique today and a detriment for meaningful discussion about art. I expect these changes will make it even worse.

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19 hours ago, firedeep said:

If they add real critics - good. 


If they add random people- this is just another stupid idea which just lubberly hides behind "diversity". Not the first time, not the last time.

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I like Rotten Tomatoes. Easier to understand than Metacritic, and while like everyone else I bristle at the idea that critics "dictate" what I see (they don't) I admit i look to it for guidance. If I'm on the fence about seeing a film and the tomato-meter is exceptionally high or low, that can tip me in one direction or the other.


I don't mind admitting that, nothing wrong with seeking out other opinions about something before trying it. 


Have to admit the expansion of the critic pool has me concerned, because over the years I've kind of gained a feel for what the RT critics as a whole like and dislike and how I can adjust for that for my particular tastes. E.g., my experience tells me these critics are collectively liberal in their politics, so I can surmise that movies with some kind of liberal social dimension, like Crazy Rich Asians or Black Panther, are likely to be rated significantly higher than I will likely find them to be, while movies that have a Christian or conservative theme will be underrated by comparison. 

Edited by SteveJaros
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