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Can Johnny Depp make a comeback or is he over?

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58 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:


I never stated it was Shapiro alone did I?


Again, I was defending dudalb because IronJimbo said "...you've managed to somehow in your mind..." as if it was something they made up themselves.  It wasn't and I gave the example of the very partisan Daily Wire paying thousands of dollars to promote the articles they wrote supporting Depp.


How many more times will I need to explain this?  




That is common place is all kinds of big story issues with viral based news agencies. 


but in the grand scheme of social media coverage on the trial they were just a very small section.  


Like a Toronto based ig meme channel with millions of followers alone made a ton of fun with "Dog stepped on a bee " meme


Stuff like that made amber seem like a joke to many and had a lot of effect too. 

Edited by Torontofan
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IMO, they need to pull a Logan with Jack Sparrow. Smaller budget, like ~$50M. Keep the runtime low so you can get this thing many showings on fewer screens, increasing its legs. Title the film Jack, or Jack Sparrow, or Sparrow, or Captain Jack Sparrow or w/e.


Anyways, you open with him in 'normal' clothing for the era (not pirate, no pirate hat, no eyeliner or anything). He's at a bar, drinking his sorrows, looking old. Someone recognizes him and mockingly comes up and says "If ain't ol' CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow", and he replies "It's just Jack," very solemnly. Guy tries shooting the shit or w/e, and Jack just gets up, grabs a bottle of scotch (not rum, as the taste brings back painful memories of when he felt like he was someone important) and walks out. Stumbles drunkenly down the street, falls over and passes out in a ditch. 


In the morning something happens. He's awoken to some guys coming through town and robbing people, beating them up, maybe even some killing. He tries to hide in the ditch, when they come over and rob him. You think he's going to fight back, or at least try to fight back, but he just hands over his few coins, maybe some important memento, and resigns himself to defeat. You see the guys rough up a woman, and he just puts his head down and walks away. He's dismissed as a fool by the townspeople.


Then you go through his life, basically a loner. He has nobody in his life, no kids, no wife, no friends, no ship. He doesn't even live near the ocean breeze, he's far from the Isle of Tortuga. You see him in a cramped tenement, struggling to pay room and board, working some really crappy job (maybe delivering stuff with a hand pulled cart?). From pauper of the surf to just pauper.


One night he's passed out in the ditch when water starts to puddle around him. Then the flow increases. He starts to wake up and it's a flood coming in. The village he's in is getting wiped out. He's basically given up and just lets the water take him. Until he notices a child in distress, and instinctively goes to save her. We see him struggling to even swim, because he's drunk, but also old as hell. He barely saves the girl, and manages to get to her in a large tree. We see the absolute exhaustion on Jack's face and we hear people screaming and drowning in the background. The little girl is crying out for her parents, and you hear them reply, some dialogue that pulls at the heart. Jack heroically goes back in to try and save them, big hero theme music. The parents are clinging to a pole, and Jack finds a way towards them. In trying to help them, it becomes clear they both can't be saved, and the husband intentionally let's go so he won't be a burden, shouting out to save his wife. Jack holds onto her. Again, big hero music. We see him struggling to get the mother to safety, but she's lost strength and can barely stay above water. And right at the last moment, when you think they are going to make it, we see Jack lose his grip on the mother. 


He eventually clings to the same pole that he found them at, and he survives until morning. A stark example that if he'd just left them be, they may have survived. Most of the village is gone, there's just endless water, and then a large, mostly submerged tree where the girl is stowed safely. The waters are relatively calm and Jack reluctantly begins swimming over there. She doesn't know that her parents are dead. Jack tries sneaking away, but feels too much guilt. He goes back, and when the girl is upset because she thinks he abandoned her, he lies and says he just went to find a boat for them, so they can go find her parents. Throughout he constantly lies to her about how they are going to find her parents, while really just trying to figure out what to do with the kid (probably pawn her off on Kiera Knightly or something). 


They go through a series of ups and downs, losing and gaining trust in one another. We slowly see the Jester of Tortuga come back to life. Pepper in either cameos, or having old characters join along the adventure. They all think they are out to find this little girl's parents. Towards the end he ends up having to admit to her, and everyone else, that the parents died. Everyone thinks he's a real big jerk, but then the girl says "I know." She knew all along that her parents had died, and this adventure was how she coped (or something like that). 


Anyways, the end depends on what you want to do with his character. Sequel or a big POTC film? Then you have a happy ending where they end up on a big ship, Captained by the Disney marauder, sailing into the sunset (or sunrise) as the start a new adventure (and someone calls him Jack Sparrow, and he corrects them by saying *CAPTAIN* Jack Sparrow). Retiring his character? Then you hand the girl over to the new franchise character, and have the true Pirate Lord die. Could also have the girl grow up and become the lead in the next film. You have some memento Jack gives her, and at the end of the film you see her wearing it (though it's too large). At the beginning of the next film, the first shot is a close behind with mostly just that item on screen, visibly on a grown woman.  Retiring the franchise? Both the Crustacean King and the girl die. Regardless of his end, he needs to be hailed as a hero.


Could also have some story about how he had a wife and son, and how they died and he wasn't there to save them, and that's what took the spark out of his life. The memento he carries was his son's. It's stolen at the beginning of the film by those robbers, on the adventure with the girl he ends up finding the robbers and beating them, taking back the memento. Later he explains it to the girl, sad moment. There's a point where she asks if she could have the memento, and he says it's a man's item, it had been his and he gave it to his son, it's not for girls. Near the end we see him give her the memento, and this signifies the breaking of gender norms, or that we're all equal, or maybe that he just used the boy thing as an excuse to hold onto it, and that now he sees the girl as kin and doesn't feel like giving it to her is him losing it. That way he can live on.


If he dies, then the film must end with this song, performed in the movie by Mike himself;


Film breaks even opening weekend. 

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You've really thought this out.  😅  Better copyright it before Bruckheimer's intern steals it... You never know who's looking at these forums!  😉

Edited by Macleod
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1 hour ago, Macleod said:


Hmm...  I think Depp's case is unique.  He's never had any big issues working with people ON SET or walking off sets, except a gradual diva-ish behavior that began to be talked about...but that's really not so different from so many.  This was a domestic dispute that yes, interfered with both stars' P.R., but it was never about how they behaved professionally.  So insurance won't really be the problem.  Depp "won" in the court of public opinion as well as in the court, so all that really remains to be seen is how much interest audiences really have in paying to see him again on screen -- and that is debatable, for sure.  I do I think Depp will concentrate in Indies/international films, and I think his big studio days are mostly done.  

Actually, there were issues on Pirates 6 with Depp showing up for work hungover and unable to work. 

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Let's see how long Depp's new "Populairty" lasts. It's one thing to think he was in the right in this trial, another to pay ten bucks to see him a movie.

And as for twitter popularity, here today, gone tommorow. And, anyway, twitter likes are notriously hard to transalate into tickets sold.

His days are big box office draw are over, except for maybe Jack Sparrow. And I suspect it he does another Pirate, it will  be sort of a farewell appreance with him having a supporting role then passing the torch on to another actor..Margot Robbie if the rumors are right.

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3 hours ago, Macleod said:


Hmm...  I think Depp's case is unique.  He's never had any big issues working with people ON SET or walking off sets, except a gradual diva-ish behavior that began to be talked about...but that's really not so different from so many.  This was a domestic dispute that yes, interfered with both stars' P.R., but it was never about how they behaved professionally.  So insurance won't really be the problem.  Depp "won" in the court of public opinion as well as in the court, so all that really remains to be seen is how much interest audiences really have in paying to see him again on screen -- and that is debatable, for sure.  I do I think Depp will concentrate in Indies/international films, and I think his big studio days are mostly done.  

The evidence has made it pretty clear though that he has a major problem with various types of hard, hard drugs. Maybe the previous studios weren’t aware. 

And if someone is under the influence on set, they’re putting everyone at risk. 

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11 hours ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

Do you really not know how negotiations work? He says he will never do it again it means that he can get more when it comes to them making an offer.

That literally all comes down to whether Disney even wants to work with him again, which I sincerely doubt. And until Depp himself suggests that he might be interested in coming back, which he hasn't yet and would be literally contrary to what he said on the stand about not coming back even if they offered him a truckload of money, then I'm willing to believe that neither party are interested in working with one another. 


That's not to say that it won't happen at some point down the line, but for now, I'm skeptical of the notion until either side shows interest.

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12 hours ago, dudalb said:

Let's see how long Depp's new "Populairty" lasts. It's one thing to think he was in the right in this trial, another to pay ten bucks to see him a movie.

And as for twitter popularity, here today, gone tommorow. And, anyway, twitter likes are notriously hard to transalate into tickets sold.

His days are big box office draw are over, except for maybe Jack Sparrow. And I suspect it he does another Pirate, it will  be sort of a farewell appreance with him having a supporting role then passing the torch on to another actor..Margot Robbie if the rumors are right.

I think most of the cards lay in the industry's hands. Will he get good roles in good movies with good cast, writing, and crew, that will be promoted and given wide releases? The industry loves money, so I can see that happening. I've noticed throughout the trial that 99% of people I talked to would say something like "I haven't really been following the trial" and then spend an hour talking about it.


10 hours ago, Krissykins said:

The evidence has made it pretty clear though that he has a major problem with various types of hard, hard drugs. Maybe the previous studios weren’t aware. 

And if someone is under the influence on set, they’re putting everyone at risk. 

I imagine studios are more than aware of these things, and only turn a blind eye to it as long as it isn't too public or causing issues. Today it'd be an interesting situation, because his drug habit is so well known, he's kind of a sympathetic character in that regard (I think him talking about his opioid struggles, especially during an opioid epidemic, was pretty powerful, and humanizes drug addicts). He's not a squeaky clean Cruise type. And I think that helps alleviate some of the concerns a studio could have.


8 hours ago, Rorschach said:

That literally all comes down to whether Disney even wants to work with him again, which I sincerely doubt. And until Depp himself suggests that he might be interested in coming back, which he hasn't yet and would be literally contrary to what he said on the stand about not coming back even if they offered him a truckload of money, then I'm willing to believe that neither party are interested in working with one another. 


That's not to say that it won't happen at some point down the line, but for now, I'm skeptical of the notion until either side shows interest.


I think the biggest issue is that no matter what public sentiment is now, studios making a move on Amber or Johnny is going to be seen as 'taking sides' and will make people unhappy. Amber also has a bunch of media on her side, which creates another issue for studios. I'd imagine this risk will probably prevent any of them getting big roles, unless someone big puts their neck on the line; and that's where Depp has the depth in Hollywood to benefit, since I'd imagine that people like Burton will pull for him. 


Also, I doubt he gets a truckload of money, even if they bring him in for something like POTC6 or a similar large role. I imagine he's more likely to get a few million and a backend deal, so the risk of a bomb is mostly on Depp.

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41 minutes ago, mitchellsilver said:

No and good riddance. This trial and this jury was a joke of epic preportion the NEW OJ SIMPSON verdict ! She has EXCELLENT Grounds for appeal 





That Wendy Walsh ain't very bright. First, the texts she references weren't sent to Amber, nor did she read them. So how is that emotional abuse? Second, the judges instructions weren't that they had to only find one instance of abuse. Hell, in regards to the headline, she was specifically talking about sexual violence. How is a text she never saw 'sexual violence'? Also, this narrative that she only needs one instance of abuse is framing from the Heard team. In fact, that seems to paint things in favour of Depp. Think about it, when you read that article, did you think that Depp had simply sent a text to his friend complaining about Amber? Did you think that only one instance of abuse had ever happened? Did you think she was the initial aggressor? Most people were left with the impression that he was beating her regularly.


He was defamed. Because if the article was simply "Depp sent mean texts about me," she wouldn't have been seen as the domestic violence victim she was so desperate to be. If the article was "Depp emotionally abused me by yelling at me" would it have ruined his reputation, or hers?


Both sides got to put on their best case. And from Amber we saw lying, fake crying, evolving stories, her own witnesses contradicting her, using the same picture and trying to pass it off as being from multiple events, edited photos that were claimed to be separate photos taken at the exact same moment, audio of Amber gaslighting Johnny, audio of Amber abusing Johnny, video of her getting giddy after recording him for the TMZ video, and so much more. And there was plenty of audio kept out of the trial, like after Johnny getting his finger cut off and Amber balling her eyes out saying she's sorry she hurt him and hoping he doesn't leave her (audio with people other than Johnny and Amber wasn't allowed in the trial; also in that audio, we got to hear the staff discussing how Amber seems to always know what they are talking about and how manipulative she is). This is when she claims she was beaten and raped for like 3 days, dragged through glass, and yet has no injuries, doesn't claim she's hurt, doesn't claim she's afraid, nothing.

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On 6/2/2022 at 10:39 AM, imbruglia said:

social media "like" is free and fragile. and even more when it's heavily driven by fake news with some spending big money on ad and spreading it.


only way i can see him comeback is If disney make jack sparrow film. lol

Social Media "Likes" are even shorter then the Warhorlian Fifteen Minutes Of Fame.

I suspect that it will be, as far as a comeback goes, the way it has been for the past few years; Depp headling a film can pack them in as Jack Sparrow; but otherwise he can't draw. Yes, he has been in a couple of other sucessful films, but those were ensemble films not Depp vehicals; and his role in "Orient Express" was little more then a cameo.

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23 hours ago, Krissykins said:

The evidence has made it pretty clear though that he has a major problem with various types of hard, hard drugs. Maybe the previous studios weren’t aware. 

And if someone is under the influence on set, they’re putting everyone at risk. 

I think there are now more aware with all the reports of his having problems on the set of Pirates 5 because of his substance abuse. Hollywood does not care as long as you show up for filming ready to work;you show up unable to function then they take notice.

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8 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


No. It shouldn't have even gone to trial. Any actual lawyer thinks it's insane the judge even allowed this.

What Law communities have you been hanging out in? Not sequestering the jury and having it televised, sure, have seen plenty of people questioning those decisions. Not going to trial though?!

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2 hours ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

What Law communities have you been hanging out in? Not sequestering the jury and having it televised, sure, have seen plenty of people questioning those decisions. Not going to trial though?!


Going to trial over a single line in an op-ed that DOES NOT NAME HIM is shoddy at BEST.

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41 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


Going to trial over a single line in an op-ed that DOES NOT NAME HIM is shoddy at BEST.

I deal in family law and defamation will often come up, although in a very different setting. Often with the Mothers and Fathers making defamatory statements to the children. Now many of these statements never mention the name, nor the title of the subject being defamed. Not once have I ever seen any legal objection to those statements being admissible, even when provided by the children themselves. Now I've worked in the UK for the past 20 years but did a decade in the US and unless something has changed, so long as one can provide enough supporting evidence I've never seen any precedence that would again prevent a judge from at least hearing the trial.

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