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Disney+ MCU: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier | Featuring Captain Ughmerica and Battlestar Galactica

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15 hours ago, Valonqar said:

So as expected, this will have seasons and Disney will campaign it in Drama for the Emmy's. That way they avoid competition with WV in Limited. Neither can win the series (Drama = The Crown, Limited = The Queen's Gambit + Anya in Limited Actress). WV will get in for Limited Series, Actress, Supporting Actress (Hahn), maybe Actor. F&WS could get in for series if 8 spots instead of 5, JLD is winning Guest, possible Support nom for Bruhl (likelier) or Russell (less so).  Not sure if Loki will be eligible for Emmy's this year. For next year, Miss Marvel is going to be their big play in Drama or Comedy (it's a series not Limited right?). 

It'll probably be a series, yeah. 


Potentially Hawkeye as well. I feel like the themes in that show with Clint's deaf storyline might help generate some interesting stuff.

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Possibly. Emmy speculators have JLD as of now cause she's such an Emmy favorite. But finale could change predictor's perception in favor of Lumbry.


7 hours ago, Wormow said:

It'll probably be a series, yeah. 


Potentially Hawkeye as well. I feel like the themes in that show with Clint's deaf storyline might help generate some interesting stuff.

I thought that Hawkeye was officially series but it seems that they decide series/limited during the run. or at least don't announce a final decision before the show starts airing. I understand why WV was a limited but, as you say, Hawkeye will probably be a series and Ms Marvel, She-Hulk and Moon Knight possibly a series too. Secret Invasion sounds like a limited one to bridge between movies a la WV but who knows?

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20 hours ago, Valonqar said:

JLD in Guest Actor is an almost lock. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love JLD, but she isn’t winning anything for this show, I’d be surprised if she was even nominated. I enjoyed her appearance, but she didn’t exactly stretch herself or give an awards worthy performance here.

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29 minutes ago, SnokesLegs said:

Don’t get me wrong, I love JLD, but she isn’t winning anything for this show, I’d be surprised if she was even nominated. I enjoyed her appearance, but she didn’t exactly stretch herself or give an awards worthy performance here.

Guest Actor never does/is. It's really a category where quirk and insta memability etc thrive.  Short but effective appearance. That's really it.


That's one of reasons why Emmy's don't hold the same prestige as the Oscars even though they were meant to be the TV equivalent. They have way too many categories for anything so that's far less elitist than fighting for small number of categories. I've heard that people from many foreign countries don't even know about this award cause, unlike the Oscars, their TV doesn't carry the telecast. 

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The cast for this is pretty good (besides Erin Kellyman because nope, sorry) but no one is getting any Emmy recognition for this. WandaVision hopefully, maybe. We'll find out soon enough if the Emmys are as averse to recognizing the MCU as the Oscars are for the most part.

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1 hour ago, Valonqar said:

I've heard that people from many foreign countries don't even know about this award cause, unlike the Oscars, their TV doesn't carry the telecast. 

In the UK we get the red carpet coverage on E but not the ceremony which is just so backwards. I seem to remember Sky carrying it back around the time when Breaking Bad was on, but I think they dropped it in the mid-2010’s.


1 hour ago, filmlover said:

The cast for this is pretty good (besides Erin Kellyman because nope, sorry) but no one is getting any Emmy recognition for this. WandaVision hopefully, maybe. We'll find out soon enough if the Emmys are as averse to recognizing the MCU as the Oscars are for the most part.

She’s so bad that my partner has stopped watching the show entirely because she can’t stand her. The Flagsmashers in general have been a bit of a bland nothing though so far, easily the worst part of the show. Their ideas about restoring the balance of the world to how it was during the blip is interesting, but it’s been presented in the least interesting way possible. They really needed someone charismatic in charge.

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2 hours ago, filmlover said:

The cast for this is pretty good (besides Erin Kellyman because nope, sorry) but no one is getting any Emmy recognition for this. WandaVision hopefully, maybe. We'll find out soon enough if the Emmys are as averse to recognizing the MCU as the Oscars are for the most part.

Wandavision will definetly get nominated in most categories , although Queen's Gambit is very tough competition otherwise this was sureshot win for Wanda. 

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ANNOUNCE SEASON 2 NOW, FEIGE. PLZ. Captain America and the Winter Solider, just like the end title card said. Don't see how there couldn't be with all those sweet loose ends dangling.


I kept waiting for something to explain Sharon not being the Power Broker because I saw the set pics of her filming that last scene and figured that was her getting her pardon. Which it actually was, just while she's secretly the Power Broker.


I enjoyed Walker becoming US Agent and it was amusing to see him and Bucky working together and joking being that they beat the shit out of each other with a vengeance pretty recently. Guess they don't hold grudges. Who does though? Zemo lol. Did not expect to see his butler make a reappearance, that old man's a damn killer. :ph34r: No wonder he got on so well with his boss.


Sam as Cap was awesome of course, I'm still a bit iffy on the suit having so much white but I've always been like that seeing it in the comics as well but I'm sure I'll get used to it. It looks good overall and it was so cool to see him flying in wearing it at first. Can't help but think he should get a bit of that return shield tech that Steve had in AoU because adding flying to wielding the shield just gives you more chance to drop it.


I'm glad Bucky got to help save those people in the truck the way he did and was able to feel good about what his arm could do, being that his previous one caused so much pain and destruction. It was good to see him wrap things up with his notebook and Mr Nakajima - he's made as much amends as he can on that front and he's moving forward. Speaking of which, I'm glad he kept the Winter Soldier name, I know people thought he might go with White Wolf but I like that as a Wakanda thing only.


But for real, announce S2 soon please, I'm dying here. Need more.


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Ranking Time. 


  1. Avengers: Infinity Wars
  2. Avengers: Endgame
  3. Thor: Ragnarok
  4. Civil War
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy
  6. Iron Man
  7. Spider-man: Homecoming
  8. Doctor Strange
  9. Black Panther
  10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
  12. Ant-man
  13. Captain America: The First Avenger
  14. Ant-man and the Wasp
  15. Avengers: Assemble
  16. Captain Marvel
  17. WandaVision
  18. Thor
  19. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  20. Spider-man: Far From Home
  21. Iron Man 2
  22. Thor: Dark World
  23. Iron Man 3
  24. Incredible Hulk
  25. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier


1st one is fixated. Great.

2-4 are rotational. Great. Endgame is actually quite average film, but the sheer size and epicness it pulls, deserve to be #2.

5-9 are on similar level. Great.

10-14 are on similar level. Excellent.

15-18. Good.

19-22. Average but Good.

23. Average.

24. We don't talk about that.

25. Delete.

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I just have so many feelings.  Like, the Sam and Steve parallels on EVERYTHING.  God, why did Evans have to leave?  Why can't I have SamCap and Shirtless SteveNomad being BOYFRIENDS forever and ever.  I love them so much.  I love Sam so much.  Fucking ICONIC.  I will probably do a full detailed post when I rewatch everything tomorrow with my mom, but yeah, basically:





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Really solid finale 


Always like the emphasis on heroes saving lives firstly.

The Cap costume looks awesome on Sam being recognisable but obviously with the added wings. 

His speech at the end can stand alongside any speech Steve made in the movies.

Liked what they did with Walker at the end. He's not a villain at this stage just complicated in who he is. Labels avoid the hard questions as Sam said.

The FlagSmashers were met overall but again Karli's best scenes were with Sam.


Sharon being the Power Broker well was obvious but glad to see her be more of a villainous character. Will be cool to see how this plays out.

Will think about it more but overall I'm really happy with this show carrying on Cap's legacy and I do think overall I probably will rewatch this more than WandaVision 

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While it doesn’t have as much problems as say the WandaVision finale, I do think the finale had some problems. I think the show is better than WandaVision by a decent amount as it doesn’t have as much momentum ruining. Here’s me thoughts...



First let’s get the criticisms out of the way:..

As a black man, I wasn’t expecting this to get the same highs as Black Panther for me, in terms of 4 quadrant media and racial themes but it’s still handled well and is good for 4 out of the six episodes. I also like the smaller details the film has on just “blackness” like Sam’s relationship with the community in Louisiana. It’s kind of reminded me of the barbershop scene in Soul, those two scenes are way different in context and content but it’s something I liked. The creative team of black writers they got on here was good and I hope Spellman comes back to do more FalCap stuff.


I wish they leaned harder though and made that more of the main conflict of the show. I still like the idea I’d think it’d be much better if they tweaked the plot a bit more to fit Falcon becoming a Black Captain America in a still racist America, like more of the moments in the first two episodes, like maybe more government antagonism or have the Flag Smashers be more of an American-based group and focused less on boarders but more on racial equity and equality as you can easily imagine a lot of POC were affected harsher by the Blip.


I feel like it’d probably have more reluctance from the Disney executives as I imagine it’d piss off a lot of right wingers as the show being “anti American” or “fans” who have the excuse of “I don’t want “politics” in mah marvel media. This is propaganda” and i feel Disney or Feige doesn’t want to take a creative risk like that.


Also fuck was Sharon a stupid ass plot point. This is one of the problems of “oh it’ll be continued in the next media with her” especially if you don’t care for the character. It’s not a matter of the “new media”, it’s shit storytelling and it’s definitely a recurring problem in the MCU I feel like there’s a point where it’s a part of a larger universe while the formula works for audiences, it really hurts character growth for some characters. It’s like top 10 bad for me, not as bad as Iron Man’s post IM3 character regression to quips and refusal to admit to his mistakes, the entire character of Peter Parker refusal to come to terms with responsibilities outside of basic heroism and the disturbing parallels of Peter stanning of Stark despite his faults to some of the MCU fanboys do to Disney, and how Wanda is enabled cause yknow grief justifies crimes and the potential upsetting parallel that can come from it. 

Also I think the Flag Smashers weren’t as realized in here, they’re not as bad as some MCU villains but they are more on the negative end. I also think this needed a few more episodes to flesh out some things but again I understand how Covid has taken a drain on storytelling.


Now to the positives...


The action was better than most MCU earthbound films like Captain America: The Winter Soldier range not the shaky weightlessness of Civil War. 


The strength obviously comes from the main leads like the great MCU media has. Sam/Bucky/Walker/Bradley stuff though is really and earns some great performances, especially Sam. It’s nice they have Bucky a personality this time and while I found Walker’s portrayal sort of underbaked and disappointed we didn’t get a more radical Cap who really steps it up but he works pretty well for what’s given. Isaiah Bradley is GOATED.

But let’s talk about the main lead, Sam Wilson. Not Black Falcon. But Captain motherfucking America. While Sam doesn’t have the scene chewery of Zemo to some, I find Sam’s identity crisis arc highly underrated which really brings that wow factor in the last two episodes. Sam’s doubt isn’t on if he deserves the shield but rather should he be the face of a country that has oppressed his people for generations. It feels very authentic and works well. I also appreciate the sensitivity and earnesty that Sam has comparable to Steve Rogers and T’Challa and is a quality we don’t get much in the MCU. 


Like I had a sense of elation of him as Cap during this whole past two episodes that I haven’t felt since Black Panther in terms of awe but actually I think it’s best comparable in a way to my favorite Marvel movie; Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse, where Miles does the leap of faith. He fucked up a little bit during the first part of the speech on comparing helplessness but nailed the rest and was honestly a highlight in the MCU.


I hope instead of Captain America and the Winter Soldier S2 like that damn cameo teased, we get a full fledged Captain America movie caused Sam deserves better.


Anyways I’m giving this a B/B+, I look forward to seeing what they do next with Sam and hopefully the next few MCU series work.

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Also mah ranking including TV shows:


1. Black Panther - 4.5/5

2. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2

3. Thor: Ragnarok

4. Iron Man 3

5. Guardians of the Galaxy

6. Captain America: The First Avenger

7. Iron Man - 4/5

8. Avengers: Infinity War

9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

10. The Avengers

11. Ant Man and the Wasp

12. Avengers Endgame - 3.5/5

13. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
14. Ant Man

15. Captain Marvel - 3/5

16. WandaVision 

17. Spider-Man: Homecoming

18. Doctor Strange - 2.5/5

19. Avengers: Age of Ultron

20. Captain America: Civil War

21. Iron Man 2

22. Thor

23. The Incredible Hulk - 2/5

24. Spider-Man: Far From Home - 1.5/5

25. Thor: The Dark World - 1/5

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