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The Wild Eric

JOKER WEEKEND THREAD | 96M DOM, 151 OS, 247M WW (October Record all around) | ***NO SPOILERS*** | SALE LIVE: Monthly Premium Account 50% off, Monthly Gold Account $5 Off

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This year, Warner Bros. is giving us not one, but two evil clown movies back to back. I guess Kevin Tsujihara has a thing for them.


But in all seriousness, when Joker was first announced, the first reactions were nothing but eye rolls. An origin story to a character who doesn’t need it? A DC movie unrelated to the rest of the DCEU? No Batman? The Hangover guy directing a moody, character-focused crime drama? Everything about this seemed like, for lack of a better word, a joke.


But in the end, Warner Bros. had the last laugh. Since the first day of shooting, people started to realize this was looking to be something very special. Trailers made the film look astonishing and unlike anything else the genre has seen before, only further building buzz.


And sure enough, after debuting at Venice and Toronto, reactions are strong, with the film and star Joaquin Phoenix now a part of the Oscar conversation. It has even gone on to be one of the most controversial and discussed films of the year. Yes, the man who brought us Old School is the new auteur in town. Truly we are living in the weirdest timeline.


And alongside this critical success, the film is expected to explode at the box office, with tracking estimating Joker has a chance at doing 80M at least, which would break Venom’s record last year, and giving Joker the biggest October opening ever. It might even reach 100M when all is said and done. Regardless of where it opens at, comic book and film fans are excited to see what the next step for DC and the CBM in general has in store, and we’re all excited to see the film’s box office.


But since this movie is a pretty big deal, and since there have been some fighting in some of the forums, this thread is up a bit earlier than usual, and rules will be a lot stricter. So....


1. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS. NOT EVEN SPOILERS POSTED UNDER SPOILER TAGS. This rule is applied to all weekend threads, but it's especially true for this weekend. Joker is one of the most anticipated movies of the year, and there are many who haven’t seen the film yet that don’t want to be spoiled by anything not revealed in the marketing. You are free to give general opinions, but try to avoid going into any further detail. This applies to every other movie in theaters. So no Abominable spoilers, no Ad Astra spoilers, no Downton Abbey spoilers, etc. If you do spoil something here, you will be banned. No exceptions. Don't be a dick. We will have a Review That Movie thread up eventually


2. KEEP YOUR AGENDA OUT OF HERE. We get it. The Joker movie represents the downfall of society and all who like the movie are supporting incels. People who don’t like this movie are whiny SJWs. DC is the only studio that knows how to take risks and Marvel is a plague to cinema. Marvel can do nothing wrong, and DC should throw in the towel. The Rise of Skywalker is gonna bomb because Ruin Johnson destroyed the franchise. James Cameron is the true box office king. Yadda yadda yadda.


There's a time and place for these kinds of statements...actually, there isn't. But at the very least, it doesn't belong here. If you want to start these beefs related to all of these dumb children's movies, take it to the Fanboy Wars thread right here. If you do this kind of stuff here, you will be banned. No exceptions. So to all the people who want to go on about how “JOKER IS BAD. STAR WARS IS DEAD”, don’t even fucking try. Not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Don't be a dick.


3. NO CONSPIRACY THEORIES. For the past month, there have been a lot of conspiracies revolving around this movie, mainly that “woke critics” are purposely trying to bring the movie’s RT score down because of its politics.


Yeah, no. We're not gonna have this stuff here. I don't care what evidence you have. These types of posts are going to derail the thread and are basically trolling. We'll allow maybe one or two posts about a potential discrepancy between audiences or critics, or you saying you didn't like the movie or that the crowd you were with weren't into the film, or you arguing there's potential for a bad second weekend drop. But if you start repeating yourself, or said posts are inflammatory, or you start promoting the idea that there's some sort of evil conspiracy going around...you will be banned. No exceptions. Again, not naming names, but you know who you are. Don't be a dick.


4. NO POLITICS. This film has been a big political talking point here. Whether the film’s themes, messages, and the execution of said items can create something toxic. Some say it’s nothing to worry about, others say it’s potentially dangerous. You can think whatever you want to think, but please don’t come after people for their personal opinions on these issues or especially on the film itself. If people like it, great! If people don’t, also great! But going after people for political reasons is not cool. This is supposed to be a movie forum where people can talk about the box office and talk about movies without getting hounded by other people. If you can’t do that, then just leave. Don't be a dick.


5. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. See a post that might be breaking the rules? DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. Just hit the Report button, give an explanation to the problem, including the context, then hit "Submit". The mods will determine the post and see if it's breaking the rules, and give out repercussions. See a poster that's consistently being annoying? Then just highlight their name, then click "Ignore User" on the pop-up. Also check the “Quotes” box just in case. It'll save lives and hopefully cause less of an uproar or infighting. While trolls are already bad, responding to them only makes it worse. So again...Don't be a dick.


6. IS OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSION OKAY? Well...yes and no. We want people to stick to box office numbers as best as they can. However, there are plenty of dead periods of time with no new numbers, and other discussions will surge. This is especially true in the early days of this thread, where there aren’t any numbers to talk about. And those discussions are okay to have, so long as the off topic discussions don't go overboard. So if there's no action, and you want to share your fursona, or promote your favorite boy band, or rank your favorite fast food places, that's totally fine. Just remember to not talk about anything controversial and remember that when the numbers come to keep those discussions down to a minimum. Keep on doing that, and it becomes a chore for many who just want to know the numbers. We will have a post immediately after this one that will focus on just the numbers updated to the most recent estimates, but the phrase still applies. Don't. Be. A. Dick.


And lastly... 


7. DON'T BE A DICK. Threads lately have started to become a little too toxic. Whatever the reason may be, if you're not following any of these rules or are straight up not being nice, you're going to get the banhammer smashed onto you. Doing some concern trolling to a movie? Banned. Revealing that Joker kills Dumbledore? Banned. Trying to start arguments on controversial topics? Banned. Just posting something unpleasant or mean? Banned. If you're not sure if your post is nice, think to yourself this: "If I post this, will people get mad?" If so, then don't post it. And if you're unsure if you can handle being nice for one weekend, then, simply put, get out of here. You probably know what I'm gonna say next.


TL;DR. No spoilers, no fanboy wars. Keep it nice, keep it neutral, don't attack others, and you'll be fine. If you don't do this stuff, you'll risk a threadban, a suspension, or even a permanent ban, so tread lightly. Outside of that, just have fun!


And two last things...


First of all, this thread will likely lean into being more domestic-focused. If you want to know about how Joker is doing in other countries, look at the International section of the forums right here. The international thread solely dedicated to Joker is also available right here.


And second....




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And now...








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13.3M Previews (October Record)

39.9M Friday (October Record)

32.75 Saturday (October Record)

21.05 Sunday (NOT an October Record)

93.5M OW (October Record)


Australia: 6.6M

Brazil: 7.3M

India: 3.9M

Indonesia: 5.9M

Italy: 6.8M

Japan: 7M

Korea: 16.3M

Mexico: 13.1M

Russia: 10M

Spain: 4.6M

UAE: 1.9M

UK: 14.8M

Overall: 140.5M (October Record)


234M OW (October Record)

Edited by Eric!
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Weekend Forecast

Film Distributor 3-Day Weekend Forecast Projected Domestic Total through Sunday, September 29 % Change from Last Wknd
Joker Warner Bros. $90,000,000 $90,000,000 NEW
Abominable Universal $13,700,000 $40,200,000 -34%
Downton Abbey Focus Features $7,800,000 $72,900,000 -46%
Hustlers STX $7,100,000 $92,200,000 -38%
It: Chapter Two Warner Bros. / New Line $6,200,000 $203,300,000 -39%
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1 Joker
(Warner Bros.)
$87.0 M $87.0 M NEW 1
2 Abominable
(Universal / DWorks Anim. / Pearl)
$13.0 M $39.8 M -37% 2
3 Hustlers
$7.2 M $92.3 M -37% 4
4 Downton Abbey
$7.1 M $72.5 M -50% 3
5 IT Chapter Two
(Warner / New Line)
$6.1 M $203.1 M -40% 5
6 Ad Astra
(Disney / Fox)
$5.0 M $44.3 M -50% 3
7 Judy
(Roadside / LD Entertainment)
$4.9 M $9.3 M +68% 2
8 Rambo: Last Blood
$4.0 M $40.3 M -53% 3
9 Good Boys
$1.4 M $82.6 M -32% 8
10 The Lion King
$1.2 M $541.8 M -28% 12
Edited by sfran43
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25 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

eric i can't fucking believe you wrote that big paragraph about spoilers and now you're posting bootleg clips from the movie. not cool.

Excuse me, I believe it's Mr. Pink's job to quote spoiler posts in a WE thread. j1aUlyv.gif

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7 minutes ago, Eric! said:

Joker Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-1 and Counting

  Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold
TOTALS 0 168 3,439 31,750 10.83%


Total Showings Added Today: 13

Total Seats Added Today: 1,153

Total Seats Sold Today: 881



2.512x of Once Upon 1 day before release (14.57M)

1.439x of It: Chapter Two 1 day before release (15.11M)


Adjusted Comp

3.123x of Hobbs & Shaw 1 day before release (18.11M)


If one were to follow my data, this seems like something that would do bonkers numbers. But compared to so many other posters here with their own sets of data, it seems like it's just a case of overperformance on my end, at least for the time being. But obviously we should still see bigly numbers this weekend

X-Post from the Tracking Thread that's relevant and exciting to some people here.

2 hours ago, filmlover said:

@Eric! once again delivering the iconic opening weekend thread posts. Who knows what's in store for when Little Women comes out on Christmas.

It's gonna be real hard having to dedicate time in my opening post between my beloved Ridley, Chalamet, Derulo, and Will Smith Pigeon this Christmas

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The opening post has very clear guidelines.  No spoilers.  Do not attack others.  Behave yourselves.


Thank you @Eric!


Not Cool



Do Not Quote


Do you really want to get triggered and suffer a thread ban?



BOT Staff

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