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The Batman | March 4, 2022 | Warner Bros. | Certified Fresh on RT | 7th Most Profitable Movie of 2023

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“When I write, I listen to music, and as I was writing the first act, I put on Nirvana’s ‘Something In The Way’,” Reeves tells Empire in the upcoming The Batman issue. It’s a song that promises a very different take to recent big-screen Bats, from Christian Bale to Ben Affleck – one inspired by a ‘90s grunge icon. “That’s when it came to me that, rather than make Bruce Wayne the playboy version we’ve seen before, there’s another version who had gone through a great tragedy and become a recluse. So I started making this connection to Gus Van Sant’s Last Days, and the idea of this fictionalised version of Kurt Cobain being in this kind of decaying manor.”

The Batman: Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne Is Inspired By Kurt Cobain, Says Matt Reeves – Exclusive Images | Movies | Empire (empireonline.com)

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20 minutes ago, TMP said:

How come? Omicron? 

Probably, lots of smaller movies is already being delayed, including The Black Phone that i'm so hyped to see it and go from February to June.


With the virus spreading so quickly i think Omicron will be dominant and big globally by February. I don't know if US will enter in a full lockdown, i bet not, but some hard restrictions can happen and that alone is enough to hurt box office, i don't know if WB is willing to release their first theatrical blockbuster in 2 years during this when they can wait until April-May.


There's no evidence of this to be fair, i just strongly believe that's a possibility for all February-March movies to avoid Omicron peak which considering the situation in UK, will be way bigger than Delta.

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4 hours ago, ThomasNicole said:

Probably, lots of smaller movies is already being delayed, including The Black Phone that i'm so hyped to see it and go from February to June.


With the virus spreading so quickly i think Omicron will be dominant and big globally by February. I don't know if US will enter in a full lockdown, i bet not, but some hard restrictions can happen and that alone is enough to hurt box office, i don't know if WB is willing to release their first theatrical blockbuster in 2 years during this when they can wait until April-May.


There's no evidence of this to be fair, i just strongly believe that's a possibility for all February-March movies to avoid Omicron peak which considering the situation in UK, will be way bigger than Delta.

In March you won't remember Omicron.

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Personally I think as long as things are better overseas and there are no lockdowns they should keep this date, NWH is proving that the majority of people don’t care about this variant and will still see a movie they want to see. If things get worse then ya obviously things could change but this has a huge window on its own, if it moves it’s gonna be closer to another huge Marvel movie. 

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On 12/18/2021 at 12:52 PM, ThomasNicole said:

Probably, lots of smaller movies is already being delayed, including The Black Phone that i'm so hyped to see it and go from February to June.


With the virus spreading so quickly i think Omicron will be dominant and big globally by February. I don't know if US will enter in a full lockdown, i bet not, but some hard restrictions can happen and that alone is enough to hurt box office, i don't know if WB is willing to release their first theatrical blockbuster in 2 years during this when they can wait until April-May.


There's no evidence of this to be fair, i just strongly believe that's a possibility for all February-March movies to avoid Omicron peak which considering the situation in UK, will be way bigger than Delta.

The Batman is not a smaller movie, it's the biggest movie after NWH, Batman is right next to Spider-Man as the most popular superhero. It'd need a worse variant than Omicron to move when NWH has shown that right now people are willing to go to the theatres. Granted, not as many people will go to The Batman as they're going to NWH, but it doesn't need them to. 

Moving it more would be a gamble anyway since who's to say a worse variant doesn't show up during that time? The fact that NWH is doing so well right now has pretty much cemented the fact that Batman will stay where it's at. 

Another thing is that its release date is perfectly set right now in terms of legs. It has 5 weeks without any competititon.

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Okay, so I'm new to this forum and I've been checking what you guys have been saying and I think you guys are missing a very very crucial detail: I think it's fair to say that Batman, in terms of raw numbers of people that know and like the character, is more popular now than he ever was before, moreso than when the Nolan films came out. Why do I think that? Well, more than any other superhero, I think that it's fair to say that Batman has been the one that's had more exposure outside of the movies during the past 10 years since TDKR came out.

You gotta imagine thousands, if not millions of people each year have been discovering those Nolan films for the first time with the way they constantly play on TV, and on top of those people you also gotta take into account the Arkham games and how popular each and every one of them have been to the point that even though there hasn't been a new one in year they're still considered classics, you gotta take into account things like the Gotham TV show, the animated movies or the Telltale games, and how Batman constantly dominates the comic book industry. Even in years where Batman doesn't have absolutely anything movie-related, the character is still very much being introduced to new people.  None of those products in by itself would bring enough people in to liking the character or his world to make the prospects of this movie better. But all of them combined? Of course they do.  On top of all the people that went to watch the Nolan films, this film will be able to count on all those teenagers and just people that have gotten into the character for the first time the last 10 years. 

I've been waiting to see NWH's box office because I think that it'll establish a pretty firm ceilling in the sense that I'm convinced that whatever amount of money NWH  makes, The Batman will make anywhere from 30%-50% less. Why do I think that? If we go by the current estimates where NWH could make 700 million domestic, and 800 international, then we're looking at a total of 350-490 million for The Batman domestic,  That doesn't sound unreasonable at all when you consider that R-rated Joker made 335 million domestic, and the top also doesn't sound implausible considering the fact that TDK made 500 million, and The Batman is in a very good position with its release date to have legs.
Internationally we'd be looking at 400-560 million, which again, doesn't sound insane when you consider Joker made 728 million internationally. Even though they're not connected, there are a loooot of similarities between this movie and Joker in terms of themes and tone that I think it'll attract that same exact audience + the Nolan films one + the new people that have just gotten into the character.

OW I'm predicting 35%-50% less than NWH, so anywhere between 126-164 million domestic, 167-233 international, for a total global of 293 million to 381. 

Total run worldwide 750-1050.  But I will update these predictions when NWH finishes its run and we see where the ceiling for the most popular IPs/superhero of all time actually are, kinda think my predictions will get higher. 

Regarding Pattinson I don't think his casting is gonna affect this movie one way or the other. Could there be some Twilight audience members that get into this movie? Yeah but I'm not counting on them and right now there's really no reason to think they'll necessarily show up and they don't have to for this movie to be a success. And as for the haters I don't think they matter, most of them will show up anyway. 

The themes of inequality and corruption that made Joker the success it became will also be present in this movie, and I think they'll ring even harder now than they did then because of everything that's happened in the past 2 years, so I think that'll also propel it to success.

Edited by 21C
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2 minutes ago, 21C said:

Okay, so I'm new to this forum and I've been checking what you guys have been saying and I think you guys are missing a very very crucial detail: I think it's fair to say that Batman, in terms of raw numbers of people that know and like the character, is more popular now than he ever was before, moreso than when the Nolan films came out. Why do I think that? Well, more than any other superhero, I think that it's fair to say that Batman has been the one that's had more exposure outside of the movies during the past 10 years since TDKR came out.

You gotta imagine thousands, if not millions of people each year have been discovering those Nolan films for the first time with the way they constantly play on TV, and on top of those people you also gotta take into account the Arkham games and how popular each and every one of them have been to the point that even though there hasn't been a new one in year they're still considered classics, you gotta take into account things like the Gotham TV show, the animated movies or the Telltale games, and how Batman constantly dominates the comic book industry. Even in years where Batman doesn't have absolutely anything movie-related, the character is still very much being introduced to new people.  None of those products in by itself would bring enough people in to liking the character or his world to make the prospects of this movie better. But all of them combined? Of course they do.  On top of all the people that went to watch the Nolan films, this film will be able to count on all those teenagers and just people that have gotten into the character for the first time the last 10 years. 

I've been waiting to see NWH's box office because I think that it'll establish a pretty firm ceilling in the sense that I'm convinced that whatever amount of money NWH  makes, The Batman will make anywhere from 30%-50% less. Why do I think that? If we go by the current estimates where NWH could make 700 million domestic, and 800 international, then we're looking at a total of 350-490 million for The Batman domestic,  That doesn't sound unreasonable at all when you consider that R-rated Joker made 335 million domestic, and the top also doesn't sound implausible considering the fact that TDK made 500 million, and The Batman is in a very good position with its release date to have legs.
Internationally we'd be looking at 400-560 million, which again, doesn't sound insane when you consider Joker made 728 million internationally. Even though they're not connected, there are a loooot of similarities between this movie and Joker in terms of themes and tone that I think it'll attract that same exact audience + the Nolan films one + the new people that have just gotten into the character.

OW I'm predicting 35%-50% less than NWH, so anywhere between 126-164 million domestic, 167-233 international, for a total global of 293 million to 381. 

Total run worldwide 750-1050.  But I will update these predictions when NWH finishes its run and we see where the ceiling for the most popular IPs/superhero of all time actually are, kinda think my predictions will get higher. 

Regarding Pattinson I don't think his casting is gonna affect this movie one way or the other. Could there be some Twilight audience members that get into this movie? Yeah but I'm not counting on them and right now there's really no reason to think they'll necessarily show up and they don't have to for this movie to be a success. And as for the haters I don't think they matter, most of them will show up anyway. 


Welcome to the Forums! Your thoughts/numbers seem pretty in line with what a lot of people here are thinking. I do worry that this intense industry fascination with a "dark" Batman might backfire a bit, especially right now. I also have concerns with the reported 170 minute run time. Neither are concern enough for me to think this will be below $350M DOM or finish under $900M worldwide when it's all done.

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17 minutes ago, GoblinXXR said:


Welcome to the Forums! Your thoughts/numbers seem pretty in line with what a lot of people here are thinking. I do worry that this intense industry fascination with a "dark" Batman might backfire a bit, especially right now. I also have concerns with the reported 170 minute run time. Neither are concern enough for me to think this will be below $350M DOM or finish under $900M worldwide when it's all done.

I can see the argument for the "dark" thing one way or the other really. I've been following this movie's production closely and more than any other blockbuster that has come out since well, Joker, it's exploring the themes of corruption and inequality in ways so close to the real world that you don't really see in big movies like this. On the one hand, this worked out great for Joker and with everything that happened it could touch a deeper nerve on the public and make it go even bigger, on the other hand, maybe with everything that happened people will want escapism and to not be reminded on the worst aspects of real life.

Buuuuut even with that catch-22, this movie seems to be balancing out the escapism with the deeper themes, so even in that respect I think it's perfectly positioned. It'll connect with audiences in both those ways, if you just want a good time at the movies watching Batman beat up bad guys and flirt with Catwoman, you'll get that, if you want deeper themes, you'll get that too.

I wouldn't worry about the runtime. Test screenings are just that, test screenings, I'd expect it to end closer to the 164 minute runtime (which might have been the case all along since phones get taken away in those things so it's probably really easy to lose track of time)  of TDKR, and I think the fact that it'll have no competititon for an entire month will help it against any setbacks it could create, especially if word of mouth spreads really positively. 

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23 minutes ago, 21C said:

Okay, so I'm new to this forum and I've been checking what you guys have been saying and I think you guys are missing a very very crucial detail: I think it's fair to say that Batman, in terms of raw numbers of people that know and like the character, is more popular now than he ever was before, moreso than when the Nolan films came out. Why do I think that? Well, more than any other superhero, I think that it's fair to say that Batman has been the one that's had more exposure outside of the movies during the past 10 years since TDKR came out.

You gotta imagine thousands, if not millions of people each year have been discovering those Nolan films for the first time with the way they constantly play on TV, and on top of those people you also gotta take into account the Arkham games and how popular each and every one of them have been to the point that even though there hasn't been a new one in year they're still considered classics, you gotta take into account things like the Gotham TV show, the animated movies or the Telltale games, and how Batman constantly dominates the comic book industry. Even in years where Batman doesn't have absolutely anything movie-related, the character is still very much being introduced to new people.  None of those products in by itself would bring enough people in to liking the character or his world to make the prospects of this movie better. But all of them combined? Of course they do.  On top of all the people that went to watch the Nolan films, this film will be able to count on all those teenagers and just people that have gotten into the character for the first time the last 10 years. 

I've been waiting to see NWH's box office because I think that it'll establish a pretty firm ceilling in the sense that I'm convinced that whatever amount of money NWH  makes, The Batman will make anywhere from 30%-50% less. Why do I think that? If we go by the current estimates where NWH could make 700 million domestic, and 800 international, then we're looking at a total of 350-490 million for The Batman domestic,  That doesn't sound unreasonable at all when you consider that R-rated Joker made 335 million domestic, and the top also doesn't sound implausible considering the fact that TDK made 500 million, and The Batman is in a very good position with its release date to have legs.
Internationally we'd be looking at 400-560 million, which again, doesn't sound insane when you consider Joker made 728 million internationally. Even though they're not connected, there are a loooot of similarities between this movie and Joker in terms of themes and tone that I think it'll attract that same exact audience + the Nolan films one + the new people that have just gotten into the character.

OW I'm predicting 35%-50% less than NWH, so anywhere between 126-164 million domestic, 167-233 international, for a total global of 293 million to 381. 

Total run worldwide 750-1050.  But I will update these predictions when NWH finishes its run and we see where the ceiling for the most popular IPs/superhero of all time actually are, kinda think my predictions will get higher. 

Regarding Pattinson I don't think his casting is gonna affect this movie one way or the other. Could there be some Twilight audience members that get into this movie? Yeah but I'm not counting on them and right now there's really no reason to think they'll necessarily show up and they don't have to for this movie to be a success. And as for the haters I don't think they matter, most of them will show up anyway. 

The themes of inequality and corruption that made Joker the success it became will also be present in this movie, and I think they'll ring even harder now than they did then because of everything that's happened in the past 2 years, so I think that'll also propel it to success.

Your numbers are pretty reasonable imo, I think this is making anywhere from 650-850m, would love to see more but I just want a good movie and to start building a new franchise. 

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