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The Wild Eric

The Batman | March 4, 2022 | Warner Bros. | Certified Fresh on RT | 7th Most Profitable Movie of 2023

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watched the film. gave it a solid 8.5/10. really great flick! Pattinson is simply brilliant.


The films mood is haunting - a 9/10.


I quite liked the third act too.

Edited by Halba
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Yeah this was simply fantastic and found the third act suprisingly good . Thought it was going to come out of nowhere like BW but it made sense and connected well to the rest of the film.


Riddler was fantastic and menacing though I had a pet peeve with him towards the end of the movie.


Robert pattison and kravitz were great as batman and Catwoman. Bruce Wayne is different but he works for the story and has an arc that comes together pretty well.


Cinematography and visuals were beautiful . 


It's not all dark and dour as critics are saying and they are some moments of levity and subtle humour.



Edited by Liiviig 1998
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18 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

Yeah this was simply fantastic and found the third act suprisingly good . Thought it was going to come out of nowhere like BW but it made sense and connected well to the rest of the film.


Riddler was fantastic and menacing though I had a pet peeve with him towards the end of the movie.


Robert pattison and kravitz were great as batman and Catwoman. Bruce Wayne is different but he works for the story and has an arc that comes together pretty well.


Cinematography and visuals were beautiful . 


It's not all dark and dour as critics are saying and they are some moments of levity and subtle humour.





i liked the arc with alfred. surprisingly good. alfred being his 'father' figure, the one who trains him and becomes like a father to him from a young age. Looks like the origin story of this batman is different, and much more grounded/realistic than the Nolan trilogy- where batman goes overseas for years training with the league of shadows.


Edited by Halba
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I also thought this was great. The 3 hour run-time flew by, completely engrossing. There's only one scene I'd lose from the film which others have pointed out. I did also find the third act weaker, narratively it worked but I was less impressed by some of the action set-ups.


The film looks stunning. Every frame bleeds the grungy, seedy, suffocating aesthetic. The printing onto film technique Fraiser used for Dune works even better here. Sound design also top notch, especially on the Batmobile. 


I think what surprised me most is how much like a comic book it felt (especially the way Batman traverses through the central mystery), while also wholly committing to being a pulpy genre film (Which many films claim, but few live up to); I mean that opening shot is straight out of something like The Conversation.  


Like Liiviig pointed out there's also a good amount of levity in the film. Some of it darkly humorous, not too dissimilar from what you'd find in a Fincher film. 


CG is a bit wonky when used, definitely not fond of CG doubles in hand-to-hand combat scenes. 


I'd equate following up Nolans trilogy to following Craigs tenure as Bond. It's the version of the character that we're most empathetic towards and the most universally loved by nearly everyone.


It's a tough act to follow but I think Matt Reeves has managed it. He found a unique avenue into the Batman mythos that completely earns it place. One that's maybe a little bit alienating, colder, detached and darker. But feels like a director taking a firm grasp on a property and largely nailing it. 

Edited by FilmFincher
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Because of the 3 hours run time, and late-marketing seem highlighting romance element. I walked into theater expecting a whole romance-subplot. After seeing the movie, the romance highlighted in the marketing was merely a trope to attract or create nostalgic feeling from dusted twilight fans. 

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5 hours ago, Halba said:


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i liked the arc with alfred. surprisingly good. alfred being his 'father' figure, the one who trains him and becomes like a father to him from a young age. Looks like the origin story of this batman is different, and much more grounded/realistic than the Nolan trilogy- where batman goes overseas for years training with the league of shadows.



What arc? It all them talking about it. Nothing was actually shown.


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Top 5 CBM for me. As much as I love the genre, most I forget about after a few days. I doubt that will happen with this one. There's something in its melancholy that's very haunting and it sticks with you.


Beautifully shot and scored, great cast (Zoe Kravitz and John Turturro were two standouts for me) and a story that pays homage to the Batman mythology we all know and love, but also isn't afraid to take chances. It's a world I can't wait to revisit.


I saw it in standard format last night but I think this absolutely deserves the IMAX treatment. Even in standard I was blown away by how big it felt.



Edited by A Star is Orm
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Best parts of the movie-


1. The soundtrack/score - beautiful and haunting & epic


2. cinematography/mood/detective  - captures the neo noir feel perfectly. Think Drive.


3. Pattinson's performance/haunting mood-  rock solid performance in 1st outing as batman, some emotional scenes too with alfred.


4. Wright's (Gordon) performance- really convincing, had some dry humour.


5. Best opening scene to a movie in a long time - it was riveting.


6. Car chase seen a lot in the promos- actually was excellent.




Worst parts of the movie


1. Low stakes and 3rd act but the action was still riveting so its a pass.

2. Plot holes-


Batman when gunned by the penguin in the outside warehouse scene- how does he suddenly get to the bat-car about 100 metres away? There were a few other plot holes.

3. Weak Cgi - obvious

4. Not much bruce wayne.

5. i thought the villain was


rather weak - he used followers to do the work for him, his plan was highly flawed getting captured in arkham before the 3rd act

6. Action scenes have been done before e.g.



nightclub scenes batman was done in TDK - they ripped off it a little. Also the brawler style of batman was done before in TDK and TDKR

overall 8.5/10 with the best parts contributing the bunch to this score, especially the mood/soundtrack/cinematography. it looks damn amazing.

Edited by Halba
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Magnificent. Absolutely Magnificent.

After 10 long years, Detective Comics and the Batman are back!!

Man, this movie looks amazing. It's probably the best looking comic book movie in a long while.  

The way that they make the Gotham into a living, breathing city almost makes it feel larger than the entire DC universe. 

The Urban Decay, the Organised Crime Governing the Rotting City, the Loons everywhere operating entirely on spite   

At the heart of it all is a Sinner trying to enforce justice on a sinful world. Desperately trying to start the Rebirth of his beloved home.

It's probably the best Christian allegory that DC has ever made. Much more so than the shallow references in those Snyder movies





Edited by The GOAT
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This is actually a very mixed bag for me. 


Critically, this is a very good film and one can see why critics are into it. Commercially, the enjoyment level would have benefited from just a bit more action and humor. I am highly surprised that Warners allowed Reeves to make this film and release it. This is a truly adult Batman movie. Burton/Schumacher made kids Batman movies, Nolan made teen Batman movies, and now we have a true adult Batman. The cast and production values are universally good, but without question the pace is slower and more dour than it should be. 


Despite its epic length, a lot of the films core feels seriously half baked. Some big points in particular:



1. Riddler murders/scheme don't feel important because we are basically told to hate the people he is killing. Of course murder is terrible, but why is it so important to catch/stop the Riddler? This felt so underdeveloped. The "Riddler is the Zodiac" stuff does not really gel because we never see or feel society impact from him other a few glimpses of people outside of the funeral. 


2. The "twist" that will "shake Gotham to its core" and "disrupt the entire city to its core" comes in seriously half baked. I get it overall - the city leaders lied to everyone about the Maroni crime bust success when they really just took it over for their own personal enrichment - but we feel virtually none of the side effects. We feel zero societal breakdown. The detective stuff and maze of personal dynamics is interesting, but frankly, the film would have benefitted from slightly less detective work and "Your dad was bad/no he was good/he was actually mixed/falcone is the real bad guy" and more of "society is breaking down with each reveal" type of stuff.


3.. The "flood" was almost entirely shown in the trailers and isn't shown with nearly the impact that it would have had in real life. The entire ordeal feels rushed. Riddler only mentioned his "day of judgement" once before revealing the big thing to Bruce. They absolutely should have made that a larger part of his plan throughout the film to add a greater sense of urgency to stopping him.



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I splooged 5 times during the first 20 minutes and again at the start of the Batmobile chase scene. Almost teared up at the end. This movie has some of the coolest low-light digital photography I've seen since like Public Enemies. 

Edited by lorddemaxus
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55 minutes ago, excel1 said:

This is actually a very mixed bag for me. 


Critically, this is a very good film and one can see why critics are into it. Commercially, the enjoyment level would have benefited from just a bit more action and humor. I am highly surprised that Warners allowed Reeves to make this film and release it. This is a truly adult Batman movie. Burton/Schumacher made kids Batman movies, Nolan made teen Batman movies, and now we have a true adult Batman. The cast and production values are universally good, but without question the pace is slower and more dour than it should be. 


Despite its epic length, a lot of the films core feels seriously half baked. Some big points in particular:

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Sounds like you kinda just want the joker 2.0

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