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Star Wars: The Bad Batch | Disney+ | Final Season premieres February 21st!

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5 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

These past two episodes have been pretty great

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Wrecker and Omega's relationship is just the best. 



1 hour ago, Inceptionzq said:

Who knew the Bad Batch could make me feel like that? I love Omega and her relationship with Wrecker so much




So much this.  I was thinking about this last night and I came to the conclusion that this was one of the reasons why we needed all of the episodes before this before Wrecker's chip activated.  If wouldn't have felt as earned if we didn't see all of that bonding the previous episodes.  Maaaaaaaaaaaybe we could have junked one episode, but looking back I'm hard pressed to see which would could have been axed/condensed.   


Not saying they were great or couldn't have been better executed (some of them probably would have worked better combined as a super-sized episode ala the premiere).  Just that they weren't filler and were helping the emotional stakes be set.


5 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:
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Lovely to see Bracca in it's full Clone Wars style glory. Glad we're staying here for at least another episode as I like it when they use a location for more than one offs. 


Glad no sign of Cal Kestis. 




One million percent agreed that I'm thankful they resisted the temptation to show/allude to Young Cal Kesits.


That being said, Brecca did look like a level of Jedi Fallen Order, right down to the beams becoming narrow walkways.  THAT I loved and is the right way to do fan service. 👍

Edited by Porthos
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A strong episode, my only real complaint is that I still feel like Echo/Tech could get more focus


Always good seeing Rex, interesting that he is working for the Rebels still. I wonder when he and Ahsoka get separated.


Wrecker and Omega's relationship is the best. 


It was pretty clear that Wrecker would be subdued without hurting anyone but still intense to watch him about to kill Omega. 


The animation was just stunning in this episode, especially in the scene where Rex walks into the mist, haven't played Fallen Order but Bracca is a cool planet.


I liked the quieter moments here, but I wish Echo and Rex had gotten that last scene instead of Hunter and Rex. There's more history there. 


From the ending of this episode combined with the tweet Porthos posted, gonna guess Crosshair confronts his former comrades next week. 


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19 minutes ago, Menor said:

The animation was just stunning in this episode


Since Rex is in the promotional materials for this episode from Lucasfilm, I feel safe in putting this outside of spoiler boxes:






This is how far SW animation has come since the beginning of TCW.  And even that shot there is kinda underselling it as the difference really shines when it is, well, animated (ie in motion).


Just an immense rise in quality.

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3 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Since Rex is in the promotional materials for this episode from Lucasfilm, I feel safe in putting this outside of spoiler boxes:






This is how far SW animation has come since the beginning of TCW.  And even that shot there is kinda underselling it as the difference really shines when it is, well, animated (ie in motion).


Just an immense rise in quality.

Yeah going back to watch S1/S2 episodes of TCW is really crazy since when I first watched those I considered the animation pretty good for a TV show (and still do) but now seeing what S7 did and now Bad Batch which has even improved upon that is just crazy. 

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Okay, so this is probably fairly obvious, but I still wanted to get this "on record" as it were.


Given the relative ease Clone Force 99 had with dealing with Wrecker and his inhibitor chip, I gotta think it won't be nearly as smooth sailing with Crosshair (who is fairly likely to show up in the next episode, IMO).  That is probably the Problematic Drawn Out Storyline.


Also think there's at least 2:1 or even 1:1 odds that the inhibitor chip has done so much lasting psychological damage that even if/when they get it out of Crosshair's noggin, he's gonna be extremely messed up.  I don't know if So Messed Up That He Stays a Heel and rats them out to the Empire/sticks with the Empire, though that wouldn't surprise me.  But from what little we've seen of him, he was the repressed loner kind of guy, and I got to think committing a bunch of war atrocities hasn't done him much good.  Maybe I'm reading too much into that one scene where he sat alone, dejected.   On the other hand, gots to be a reason for that scene.


In addition, I wonder if there is going to be any lingering resentment on Crosshair's part that his friends/squad mates didn't come up with a plan to rescue him.  Clones are big on the whole "don't leave anyone behind" philosophy, and I am fairly certain that one of the few War Tropes that TCW didn't look at was Resentment From a Rescued Solider For Being Captive So Long.  Not that I can easily recall at least.


Even if Crosshair doesn't Stay Eeeeeeeeeeeevil, he might be mega-pissed that the Infamous Bad Batch never staged a raid to capture him and take out his chip.  Could even throw in some "Chose Omega over me" bitterness if he really wanted to twist the knife (which would be ironic given that Omega has been a big voice in Doing something about Crosshair).


So, I dunno.  The obvious bit is that this isn't a "solve Crosshair's problems in an episode" type deal.  What I am uncertain about is the fallout of it all.  Be interesting to see which one of the different tacts that are available they choose to take.

Edited by Porthos
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I promised my self that NO MATTER WHAT, I wouldn't Live Tweet react to this episode.


I promised promised promised.






I repeat:


13 minutes ago, Porthos said:
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:circles: :circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles:


:circles: :circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles:


:circles: :circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles::circles:







STAY THE FUCK off of Social Media/reddit if you know what's good for you.  I am one million percent certain this is gonna trend at some level.






For the record... [heavy spoilers follow]:



It did seem fairly likely to me that Omega would be captured.  SWLeaks while not saying she would be captured put out a fairly plausible rationale for her to be captured (lack of screen time in what little was left of promo material, plus just general Raise the Stakes hinting from the production team).


So that wasn't a surprise, even if I didn't think about it too carefully.


But THAT!?!?!


Goodness, gracious.  What a surprise.


Edited by Porthos
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12 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I promised my self that NO MATTER WHAT, I wouldn't Live Tweet react to this episode.


I promised promised promised.






I repeat:






STAY THE FUCK off of Social Media/reddit if you know what's good for you.  I am one million percent certain this is gonna trend at some level.






For the record... [heavy spoilers follow]:


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It did seem fairly likely to me that Omega would be captured.  SWLeaks while not saying she would be captured put out a fairly plausible rationale for her to be captured (lack of screen time in what little was left of promo material, plus just general Raise the Stakes hinting from the production team).


So that wasn't a surprise, even if I didn't think about it too carefully.


But THAT!?!?!


Goodness, gracious.  What a surprise.




When I saw the end of the episode my reaction was literally


"Why is Porthos in Bad Batch lmao?" :lol:


The episode was intense and pretty unpredictable, it was really good :) You-know-who is in a terrible state, won't be back in a while ^^"


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22 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:



When I saw the end of the episode my reaction was literally

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"Why is Porthos in Bad Batch lmao?" :lol:


The episode was intense and pretty unpredictable, it was really good :) You-know-who is in a terrible state, won't be back in a while ^^"




You haven't watched most/any of TCW have you?


Good to know it worked for someone unfamiliar with the character. 👍


Let's just say this about Cad Bane (the dude who showed up at the end).  He has tangled with Jedi on multiple times... And lived to tell the tale.  That pretty much sums up his abilities.  That he is one of the coolest (if also cruel-ist) characters in TCW is something of a side point. :lol:


The easiest way to describe him, if you are at all familiar with Spaghetti Westerns, is: Lee Van Cleef's portrayl of Angel Eyes ("The Bad") from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly crossed with Peter Lorre from numerous Film Noir films. 


It's a mad pairing, but damn if it doesn't work.


Also, while it doesn't take much for something to trend in the middle of the night in the US, [SPOILER DELETED] is now #5 on the US Trend List over on Twitter.


I know my tribe and how they react on social media, in other words. :lol:


Edited by Porthos
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9 minutes ago, Porthos said:


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You haven't watched most/any of TCW have you?


Good to know it worked for someone unfamiliar with the character. 👍


Let's just say this about Cad Bane (the dude who showed up at the end).  He has tangled with Jedi on multiple times... And lived to tell the tale.  That pretty much sums up his abilities.  That he is one of the coolest (if also cruel-ist) characters in TCW is something of a side point. :lol:


The easiest way to describe him, if you are at all familiar with Spaghetti Westerns, is: Lee Van Cleef's portrayl of Angel Eyes ("The Bad") from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly crossed with Peter Lorre from numerous Film Noir films. 


It's a mad pairing, but damn if it doesn't work.


Also, while it doesn't take much for something to trend in the middle of the night in the US, [SPOILER DELETED] is now #5 on the US Trend List over on Twitter.


I know my tribe and how they react on social media, in other words. :lol:



I see, it explains why he was so strong, good to know :)

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These past two episodes have been fantastic 


I love how there's more consequences for the battle scenes. I expected Crosshair to shrug off that blast from the Ventor easily but really enjoyed showing the damage he has taken and will play a role going forward.


But yes the main part is the return of Cad Bane which people always talk about Ahsoka and Rex even Hondo to a lesser extent about the great original TCW characters but Cad Bane is right up there as one of the best. Also should confirm Fennic is working for the Kaminoeans as well.


I wonder though the implications this has for the unreleased Boba Fett arc where Fett and Bane have the similar stand-off as the implication was always that Cad Bane died. Maybe that wasn't the case or it was overwritten like some other unproduced arcs.


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10 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


I see, it explains why he was so strong, good to know :)



Not so much strong, as smart and resourceful. And very well prepared.  


Don't get me wrong, he's far from invincible.  Dude has lost plenty of times.  But, again, just to be able to tango with a Jedi (or two :ph34r:) and live to tell the tale?  Just says how good he is at his job.



8 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

These past two episodes have been fantastic 

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I wonder though the implications this has for the unreleased Boba Fett arc where Fett and Bane have the similar stand-off as the implication was always that Cad Bane died. Maybe that wasn't the case or it was overwritten like some other unproduced arcs.




Wouldn't surprise me at all if the production team moves up that confrontation to take place sometime during The Bad Batch storyline.


And even if it didn't?  If that unproduced arc never happened/had a different ending than was implied?




Just proves that Dave Filoni truly is George Lucas's padawan. :lol: :lol: :lol: 

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Great episode


Featuring the return of the forever best bounty hunter in the galaxy.


Beyond that the action was really well done, especially the bit with the engine, felt very tense throughout, loved how Crosshair predicted all of their moves. Some nice little moments too, like the beginning with the smoke bomb, Hunter and Echo debating whether they should have gone with Rex, and especially Omega asking what the war was like. The visuals really added to that last one. The shot from Hunter's POV was also really good to show his desperation and failure. Crosshair's disfigurement was unexpected and I have to think that's only going to add to his resentment against the rest of the Batch. 


I wonder what the Kaminoans want with Omega?


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