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29 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

Given the movies studios make, do we really want that soft power still projected around the world?


It doesn't work when every Hollywood blockbuster needs approval from the CCP.

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7 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

I'm at 13 2021 movies so far, and I'll watch Together Together tomorrow and Cruella on Monday so it'll be 15 by the end of May. not sure if that is a lot compared to everyone else or not

Watched 17 movies from the year so far. Probably gonna catch up over the next few weeks (specifically want to watch Dead Pigs, Together Together, and Labyrinth of Cinema).

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48 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

I really don't think pre-pandemic would've been that much different for both movies (you think AQP2 would've opened $100 mil or something without the pandemic too?). And you finding it a good and entertaining movie doesn't change that most of the discourse on twitter was about that scene.


Using US Average Ticket prices this year, a 60m gross is roughly 6.5m tickets. 30m is roughly 3.3m and 50m is roughly 5.5m. Now i don't know how well Cruella is dong on Premier Access in the US (Nielsen and Antenna should shed some light later) but all the PA titles have so far by all indications managed past 2m purchases on OW. Assuming Cruella is in the same ballpark and taking into account the fact that the purchases figure will always be an understatement of the amount of tickets sold had these individuals gone to a theater instead then 50-60m in a non pandemic theater exclusive 2021 seems about right to me.


As for twitter, I haven't really checked what the discourse is on exactly but it hardly matters. The movie itself has had great Word Of Mouth among general audiences.

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Don't think this has been posted yet (apologies if it has)


More great under-the-hood stats on A Quiet Place Part II: We hear Imax and PLF repped well over 20% of Friday’s box office for the Emily Blunt sequel. The audience on PostTrak showed 52% female, with 53% over 25 and 58% between 18-34. Diversity demos were 44% Caucasian, 24% Hispanic, 18% Black, and 14% Asian/other. Cruella drew 61% female, 43% under 25 years old with 43% between 18-34 years old. Diversity demos were 51% Caucasian, 26% Hispanic, 12% Black, & 11% Asian/other.

Looks like we can put to bed the argument that female audiences aren't coming out to see movies.


In CinemaScore exits, A Quiet Place Part II received an A- (an improvement on the first film’s B+), while Cruella notched a solid A, in line with previous Disney live-action spinoffs of animated fare, i.e. Maleficient 1 & 2 (both A’s) and even better than some, such as Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass (A-s). On PostTrak, A Quiet Place Part II notched an 83% positive score with a very good 63% definite recommend, while Cruella earned a general audience score of 84% positive and 63% definite recommend. Those under 12 were also high on Cruella, with 84% in the top two boxes and a 68% definite recommend.

I'm also shocked at how well Cruella was received by younger audiences, that has to be a positive sign for legs. 


source: https://deadline.com/2021/05/a-quiet-place-part-ii-cruella-memorial-day-weekend-box-office-1234766021/

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45 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

I really don't think pre-pandemic would've been that much different for both movies (you think AQP2 would've opened $100 mil or something without the pandemic too?). And you finding it a good and entertaining movie doesn't change that most of the discourse on twitter was about that scene.

AQP is an theatrical exclusive release, we can't just ignore this. Without pandemic it could do $ 70-75M but not enough room to double actual numbers, so yeah, higher but not much different like you said.


Cruella otherwise is doing around 30M with pandemic + day and date release. Take the D+ of the conversation and the numbers probably would up to +40M even with pandemic. So thinking this could do 55-60M pre pandemic and with a theatrical exclusive release is not really absurd.


Or you think Cruella would do the same 30M if it wasn't available at streaming too? Then yeah you can say that even at pre pandemic + theatrical exclusive the number wouldn't be much different and will do just 40M or so.

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2 hours ago, Cap said:

I appreciated how Artie felt like it just fits into the world.  They're not forcing him into the story, and they weren't even highlighting him in a LOOK AT US WAY.  He was just there. No different than anyone else in the cast.  And he's NOT a character that "can be edited out for [insert homophobic region of the world here] way".


I said in my spoiler review in the RTM Thread that it felt like Disney's first queer movie, not in the Proper And Meaningful Representation way, but in the Give The Gays Everything They Love And Just Give Everyone An Air of Bisexuality way.  Which is fine by me!  Sometimes I don't need the former.  Sometimes I just want a found family grifting in fabulous clothes with their dogs!!



Yeah, they don't ever say anything, but you can tell that just watching it. That shows how they nail the representation, and explain why this audience liked the movie so much so far.


I'm happy you also have a good experience with it.

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41 minutes ago, ogkalu said:


Using US Average Ticket prices this year, a 60m gross is roughly 6.5m tickets. 30m is roughly 3.3m and 50m is roughly 5.5m. Now i don't know how well Cruella is dong on Premier Access in the US (Nielsen and Antenna should shed some light later) but all the PA titles have so far by all indications managed past 2m purchases on OW. Assuming Cruella is in the same ballpark and taking into account the fact that the purchases figure will always be an understatement of the amount of tickets sold had these individuals gone to a theater instead then 50-60m in a non pandemic theater exclusive 2021 seems about right to me.


As for twitter, I haven't really checked what the discourse is on exactly but it hardly matters. The movie itself has had great Word Of Mouth among general audiences.

There's way too much assumptions here to expect a 1:1 ratio or higher here (specifially the assumption that everyone who watched it at home would've watched it at cinemas) and I'm not sure if it is going to have over 2 mil in PA sales (or both Mulan and Raya did).


My point about twitter, was me explaining why more people on twitter are talking about Cruella than AQP2. Controversy brings up more chatter, espescially if people can take screenshots of the movie and post on the internet. If you check google trends, Cruella is at about half of AQP2, so at least people are searching up the latter more than the former.


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2 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

There's way too much assumptions here to expect a 1:1 ratio or higher here (specifially the assumption that everyone who watched it at home would've watched it at cinemas) and I'm not sure if it is going to have over 2 mil in PVOD sales (or both Mulan and Raya did).


My point about twitter, was me explaining why more people on twitter are talking about Cruella than AQP2. Controversy brings up more chatter, espescially if people can take screenshots of the movie and post on the internet. If you check google trends, Cruella is at about half of AQP2, so at least people are searching up the latter more than the former.


That would line up with around what they are doing at the theaters. Those searches are people looking up showtimes and locations to go watch at theaters. You don’t really have to search anything to buy Cruella on Premiere Access. 

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4 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

Where is the 2m Premier Access Sales figure coming from? If that’s true, Cruella is having a pretty successful opening frame and explains why it has a significantly higher presence on social media than AQP2


Nielsen (minutes streamed) and Antenna (purchase estimates) released some data on the opening weekends of Raya and Mulan that suggested both passed that figure. I don't know if Cruella will fall in the same ballpark ( we'll have to wait for the estimates) but IF it did then 60m-ish pre pandemic weekend seems like a reasonable estimate.

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1 minute ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

That would line up with around what they are doing at the theaters. Those searches are people looking up showtimes and locations to go watch at theaters. You don’t really have to search anything to buy Cruella on Premiere Access. 

Then how can you explain Soul being way higher than Cruella, eventhough Soul was only available on D+? Mulan and Raya both have higher numbers too.

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Huh....did Box Office Mojo go back to a least somewhat readable interface again? It's still not near the classic look, but I went to look at the original AQP and some Disney remakes as comps and I can at least see dailies and shit again.

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2 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

If streaming is future, then USA has no future. In the past 30 years, there are tons of cultural phenomenon extended beyond english-speaking world through big screen like Jurassic, ID, Titanic, LOTR, HP, Twilight, transformer, Marvel vs DC, FF etc, yet little to none tv series have made such impact like their movie counterpart even after streaming taking over. Letting go theater is basically letting go an national advantage that US have been possessing for decades.  

This feels like a stretch. Pre-streaming examples of course, but last I checked shows like Grey's Anatomy and CSI and Simpsons air all over the world and have big international fanbases. And if we are talking streaming, Mandalorian helped boost the Star Wars name internationally, at least in Indonesia. I'm sure stuff like Stranger Things probably also played well in overseas territories too.

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7 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:


Well, it also depends on life...in my house, there will be 3 folks max looking to watch Into the Heights, and I'll be the most motivated...and yet, there will be other summer movies where all 6 of us will be motivated (or at least my spouse and I will be for a date night - he is not in the 3 motivated:)...so, when money and time are limited, as they always are in the summer, it helps to have a few movies to stream and a few to see.


I mean, I've got 3 kid movie outings already with $1 summer movies and then I think we'll be at Black Widow, then either Peter Rabbit 2/Space Jam 2/Boss Baby 2/Hotel Transylvania 4 depending on deals and reviews (we'll probably do 2), with Suicide Squad and Shang Chi as wild cards - we'll probably see both, but I'll want reviews (SS b/c I was burned on the last one and Shang Chi b/c that trailer was iffy)...that's already 6 definite movie outings, and possibly 10 in one summer...


We're usually a 12x/year movie family, so while we're excited to get restarted, I don't think we can see everything budget or timewise...so HBO Max is a blessing right now (I renew in July, thus another reason SS could be in theater or at home:)... 


I take all your points - they’re very good ones. 

but…would you keep your HBO sub if, say, they started showing these movies 45 days after debuting in cinemas - rather than day and date? 

From a business point of view, WB will be looking at AQP2’s success and wishing they hadn’t committed to an entire year of day and date releases. You can bet there’s huge conversations and scrambling going on right now at all the big studios. 

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