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Y10 Discussion Thread

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@Alpha @Blankments @cookie @Ethan Hunt @YM! @Xillix @4815162342 @Rorschach @lamamama @Hiccup23 @El Squibbonator @MCKillswitch123 @Ezen Baklattan @Reddroast

Hello! This is the Y10 Discussion Thread. Here, you can ask general questions about Y10, about Cayom as a game, and about release date plans, director plans, casting calls or actor suggestions, etc.

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Besides Cloud Cuckoo Land, I have three other pre-written films ready to ship.


I plan on rolling them out gradually, while throwing in other films. Today I wrote Guinea Piggest in one sitting (lol), my plan is to dive into something a little bit more serious throughout the week. Probably will roll out GTA: San Andreas after the next few.

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I’m at a point where I have multiple stories started but I don’t know what to finish first, and I don’t know what to write first after that. I need to get over the “my first major film of the year hump. I’ve realized that’s a big hump, and once I get a major film posted, the rest of my writing and posting becomes easier because I’ve gotten back in the groove. I’ve been very busy with jobs and internships but I’m confident I can post some more films in Y10 without having to cancel too many.

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7 hours ago, SLAM! said:

I’m at a point where I have multiple stories started but I don’t know what to finish first, and I don’t know what to write first after that. I need to get over the “my first major film of the year hump. I’ve realized that’s a big hump, and once I get a major film posted, the rest of my writing and posting becomes easier because I’ve gotten back in the groove. I’ve been very busy with jobs and internships but I’m confident I can post some more films in Y10 without having to cancel too many.



I’ve made a decision. I’m going to attempt to finish and/or post Providence within the “teens” of June before I go on a mission trip for a week. Doing this will get one of my tentpoles out of the way, and it will energize me to post more films going forward. I’m adapting a book so while the effort maintains the inherent monotony of writing, it shouldn’t be *too* difficult. I’m glad to have set a micro-goal for myself and I’m looking forward to completing the goal in due time.

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So... unfortunately my goal of getting Berserk out in time for the opening of Y10 submissions didn't quite pan out because, well, aside from the Oscars preview, I've barely touched any of my documents for the project since the beginning of April. Most of that is just because of pure laziness on my part, but since I don't have anything going on this upcoming weekend, I do plan to sit down and chug through as much of my rough draft as possible. 


As of now, I have no idea when the full film will be done, especially since I'll be traveling the two weekends after this one, but, realistically speaking, I'm aiming to finish it sometime in early July. After that, I'll probably take a couple of days to a week to recuperate before I focus all of my efforts on (finally) finishing Penpal.  

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- Seige of Savage is pretty much done. Still uncertain what to do with Martian Manhunter as of Lance Reddick’s untimely death. Want to post that with the Gateways/GLCE. 

- Gateways 2 has the jist of the outline done and am doing final edits for that this weekend. Green Lantern Corps, I hope to have the outline done by Juneteenth. Hoping both will be posted before Fourth of July weekend.

- I am aiming to write a filler every week to get my creative juices flowing. This weekend I hope to get the faith based musical dramedy The Music in Me up. 
- I go on vacation on July 15th through August 15th to Barbados. Should have easy internet access but will work on the rest of my animation slate, Off Road 2, Yabba Dabba Doo!, and Red Flag.

- I start graduate school the day after deadline so hoping everything is done by then.

Edited by YM!
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Sc4vs I’m gunning to have the meat of it be finished by July 8th. I’m going away for two weeks after that so I won’t have much time to write during that period. Hilda 2’s being worked on whenever I need a break from Scavs, but that’s going to take a lot longer still since there’s story issues I need to work out still. Third priority will be His Face All Red/Anya’s Ghost and then Mummy last.

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Room 131 is basically finished. I just wanna do a few touch ups on it. I am also touching up Giovanni. Both should be up with a few weeks given my schedule (looking for a new job and moving to a new city!!)


@SLAM! I will let you know when I will post them. Sorry for making posts in the thread. I totally didn't read the roles and got excited to drop my stuff :) It has been a minute and I am excited to get back into this game :) :) 

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@El Squibbonator Welcome back to CAYOM!


I must inform you of an important rule, however. I'll excuse it with Flesh cuz it's your first post of the season, but in the future, please post your finished plot summary along with your film information. The purpose of this rule is to prevent the submission thread from getting clogged with unfinished films. Also, please tag me in this discussion thread whenever you add the plot summary for Flesh. Thank you, happy 4th of July, and good luck!

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@Alpha @Blankments @cannastop @cookie @El Squibbonator @Ethan Hunt @Ezen Baklattan @4815162342 @MCKillswitch123 @Reddroast @Rorschach @Xillix @YM! 




This is an unprompted, unsolicited letter to everyone who participated in the review portions of the Y5 and Y7 game years. And I'm tagging those who may have read my Y6, Y8, and Y9 stories too. There's been a lot on my mind, and I want to talk about my Christian beliefs, and I'm not quitting the game or anything so don't panic, but there's some things I want to apologize for, and there's some things I want to make up for if I can. I acknowledge that some of you do not believe in God or in Jesus, and I don't know how you'll respond to this message, but I think it's a message that I need to share not just for you, but also for me.


I'm closer to God today than I was when I started playing CAYOM. Back then, I believed that I could write whatever I wanted and it would all be okay because I accepted Jesus, but the idea that I can abuse God's grace like that is actually an un-Christian idea. I allowed myself to put worldly messages in some stories, perhaps because I expressly tried to imagine secular films rather than faith-based films. The realization of "I'm writing a certain kind of film, for a certain kind of audience" made my privy, or hyper-aware, of the sheer amount of power that a storyteller wields, but I've felt like a coward because I've lacked the courage to say, "no, my stories shouldn't offer the feel-good lies," or "no, my stories shouldn't shy away from sharing the hard truths."


My most egregious wrongs, when it comes to allowing my stories to contain un-Christian messages, would be in cases where the film was marketed as "faith-based" or as "faith-inspired," but the film in fact had a distinctly un-Christian message. I'm going to share three examples today. I must disavow Of Pagans and Paupers from Y5 because it had a message of "oh we can just let the pagans do what the pagans do," when in actuality, Jesus wants Christians to do the great commission of spreading the gospel no matter what persecution they might face. Then I must disavow Carver from Y7 because it preached a message of how people who live a normal life of attaining personal accolades can go to Heaven (or something like that) when the Christian life is actually far from a normal one. I don't know if George Washington Carver is in Heaven or not, but he wouldn't be in Heaven because of his own good works, but only through repentance and Jesus' salvation. Then when I wrote The Gnashing in Y8, I do believe that it was tinged to an extent by my then-lukewarm Christianity, and I don't know exactly what to apologize or make up for from that, and maybe I don't need to because it's a campy horror film that acknowledges Hell as a bad place to be in, but I feel better having shared my concerns about it.


Again, these would be my worst examples because they attach un-Christian messages to a Christian-flavored package. If I'm a Christian writer who wants a certain story to exemplify my beliefs, then it has to be hard-truth-Christian, full stop, even if you do not agree. Because in Matthew 18:6, Jesus says, "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." And I feel like there's a real danger where one of my stories tells you something un-Christian, and you take the un-Christian thing and run with it, and then I'm in trouble with God because I've led you into sin through one of my stories. I must treat my own Christian storytelling like the battle that it is, so that I do not lead any of you astray. Because for years, I've had this worry that I'm leading other people into sin, and I don't want to do that, because I believe in the consequences of that, and I must believe in the power of a story, and I must allow my beliefs to motivate me into wielding that power responsibly.


Certain events in my life, combined with my faith (because sometimes things happen where God doesn't tell you outright that it's Him, but He's expecting you to operate in faith)—the events and the faith have given me confidence to know with 100% certainty that God is real. That's a huge claim. It's a claim that means everything. But I'll type it again: God is real. So whatever I write, I need to write with the certainty of God being real. Would it not make sense for someone of the faith to do this? If He is real, and I'm asked to put things to death and I'm asked to follow, then I must follow. What this means for me is that I shouldn't try to pretend to be the 'cool writer' just to momentarily appease my readers. Rather, I should do my best to tell the best screen stories I can, and entertain you along the way, but also do it in a way where the reader says to themselves, "this author's clearly a believer," even if it leads to underwhelming review scores or less success in box office or awards.


I should give myself grace because I've also said "I'm sorry" to God (whilst meaning it), and I'm human and I'm prone to making mistakes, and I'll get better at being accurately Christian as I continue writing, and as I continue my walk with God (for the first time in my life (or at least in a long time), I can tell people I'm walking with God and personally believe that I'm actually doing that).


I'm stirred to say this because I've gotten to know you over the years, and I like you guys, and I genuinely care about your eternal destinies. I won't shove something you've decided you don't want down your throat, but I would personally be very sad to find out that I was responsible for leading any of you into sin, and that sin going on to lead you further from God and into the flames of Hell. That would be a great tragedy. I deserve death for all my sins, but I especially deserve death if I lead a little one into sin, just like Jesus said. Therefore, I realize that I've been cowardly and shrinking back in fear of some of your beliefs and wills and attitudes—but I am not called to fear any of you; rather, I am called to fear the Lord My God, who has the mighty power to burn against disobedient people as a raging fire. So I desire from now on to do God's will out of reverent fear of God.


Anyways, my private messages are always open if you ever want to talk more about God and biblical faith, or if you want to hear my testimony on why I've come to believe with 100% certainty that God is real, and that Jesus is Lord, and that the ordinances deserve to be observed, can I get an Amen. If you've read this far, thank you for putting up with me. I've prayed for you guys before and I'll likely be stirred to pray for you again, and if you want me to pray for something specific, hit me up.


Thanks ✌️

Edited by SLAM!
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21 minutes ago, tyson67roberts said:

New person on the game, has the deadline already passed? I'm looking to submit one of my movies I've made. Also, how should I start playing?

Hello and welcome to CAYOM!


The deadline for film submission is not scheduled to come until Labor Day. (I should totally add that deadline to the submission thread’s title btw.)


You are totally welcome to post your film and all its information in the submission thread! Once you do, I’ll add it to the calendar. But please make sure it observes all of the rules, and that your film is the exact way you want it, because you can’t change key things like the film’s cast and the plot summary once you post it. (Though changing something like a release date is fine, just tag me in here if you do.)


You are welcome to post as many films as you want in the submission thread from now until the deadline! If you want to adapt something, please check the updated rights thread to see whether someone has those rights already. You can always ask that player for the rights, because the worst thing they can say is no.

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36 minutes ago, tyson67roberts said:

New person on the game, has the deadline already passed? I'm looking to submit one of my movies I've made. Also, how should I start playing?

Hello and welcome.


The deadline is September 4th so you have quite a bit of time. If you want to start playing, just post a film. Then when part one starts on the 5th, write some reviews and then drop some predictions and BOOM! you’re cooking with gas.  Feel free to take a look at some of the past years films as some movies that are Year 10 films are sequels to movies from previous years and there’s a lot of great films there. Good luck and hope you enjoy the game.

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I have come to the realization that I simply do not have the time to devote to this game to participate in it in the way in which I would like to. A full time job that usually has me working late 1-2 nights a week and having a good amount going on on many weekends leaves not a lot of free time and I have several other things competing for that free time. So time to be honest with myself and the game and realize that my participation going forward is going to be minimal.


So @SLAM! please remove all of my films from the calendar except for Pillars of Eternity: The Forgotten Army.


Aside from Pillars and Mass Effect I will not be planning to make anything going forward. Anything that happens to be made will be considered a bonus for me and would simply be posted in the event it happens to be ready.

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19 hours ago, YM! said:

With about 2 weeks to go and only 25 films done, think we got to talk about a deadline extension.

I agree. I will amend my decision to completely abandon the game, I know I said in the Telegram chat that I was moving on from it but I can write quickly to help get some films on the board. But yes, I think the deadline should be extended. I suggest an extension of one month.


And I gotta get to the calendar edits, I will get to that shortly.


But yes, I suggest Labor Day + One Month

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