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SPECTRE | 11/6/15 | Final Trailer on Page 126! | Twitter reactions coming in, STID 2.0?

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You always feel a connection to the Bond you grew up seeing in theaters as a kid. To that end, I'll have a special place for Brosnan even if nothing but Goldeneye doesn't work. 

I guess I am wierd; Roger Moore was my first theater Bond, but he is not my favorite. He got the charm and the wit right, but he always had problems with the tough,ruthless side of Bond. Bond is somebody who,underneath the Charm and the Martinis Shaken Not Stirred,is a Tough S.O.B. who will do what it takes to Get The Job Done. There are a couple of scenes where Moore get this right...pushing the car over the cliff in For Your Eyes Only....but not enough to make him a really good Bond. He took Bond way too much in the direction of comedy.

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I enjoy DAD for its campiness. If watch it over Bourne wannabe Quantum of Solace anyday

I agree Bond should not be a Bourne clone, but DAD went way too far in the direction of Campiness. It became just plain totally silly.

Eon films was absolutely right in taking the series in a much more serioius direction with Casino Royale,but agree they went too far with the Bourne "rogue agent" concept in QOS,but they got back on track with "Skyfall".


Bond films can be tongue in cheek and work,but you can.t go full blown camp and silly the way that DAD did.

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I like The World is Not Enough, it actually has a villain with a defined motivation beyond taking over the world (although that is a part of it), they did screw up by casting Denise Richards for sure. Tomorrow Never Dies is good for half the movie, Die Another Day otoh is right up there in contention for the title of worst Bond movie.

Agree. Twine would automatically be a much better movie if Denise Richards wasn't in it

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EON was actually considering a spinoff for the Jinx character played by Halle Berry. That would have been an awful idea for sure.

Jinx was a horrid fail. Frankly, Rosamund Pike's Femme Fatale was a lot more memorable,and one of the few good things about DAD.

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Agree. Twine would automatically be a much better movie if Denise Richards wasn't in it

TWINE also blows it in the final battle....the fight between Bond and the Man Who Can Feel No Pain is confused and totally lacking in excitment..still amazed that a Bond film would blow the climatic action sequence so badly.


Agreed that Richards was a waste of time...you did not need her in the film.

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I love that he laughs while doing it minutes after he finds his ex dead.

Brosnan himself says one of the problems he had with the scripts after Goldeneye was the writers could not make up their mind if they wanted a more serious Bond film or a over the top one. They tried to both and ended up suceeding in neither.

Bond's ex in TND is a good example. If you are not going to take the film in a dark direction and make revenge Bond's main motive, don't even bother with a storyline like that.

But TND's worst mistake:At the last minute, taking the excellent K.D. Lange song "Surrender" and put it over the end credits,and replacing it with a mediocre Sherlye Crow song . It was done in such a hurry that the main theme from Surrender is used often in the actual score of the film,but the Crow song is never heard after the opening credits.

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My first experience of Bond was the Dalton ones on VHS before Goldeneye was even in cinemas, so I have a slightly irrational appreciation for those two. I'm glad Dalton has got his due since Craig's casting though - him being the butt of jokes during the 90s was totally unwarranted.

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TWINE also blows it in the final battle....the fight between Bond and the Man Who Can Feel No Pain is confused and totally lacking in excitment..still amazed that a Bond film would blow the climatic action sequence so badly.


Agreed that Richards was a waste of time...you did not need her in the film.


TWINE peaks with and really ends with the Electra execution.  I think Brosnan and Marceau had some if not the best on screen romantic chemistry in the series. They're smart, cool, sexy and elegant together.   Sans Richards it's actually my favorite Brosnan Bond even though Goldeneye is the better film.


Regardless, I find them all very re watchable, because even when they go off the rails (especially TND and DAD in the end acts) they're usually entertaining because Brosnan holds that shit together.   Craig Bonds are better made for the most part but aren't really re-watchable fun.  I even enjoy re-watching early 70s and late 80s Bond films more.


I think what hurt the films is that after a decade of diminishing returns and a 6 year dead zone Goldeneye was make or break for the series and when it succeed they didn't want to take any really big risks and then they got complacent.  Also being tied to MGM the films were always make or break for the studio which was constantly on the verge of  collapse or takeover.  So we got American actresses hired on their supposed popularitywho either couldn't act or didn't fit the role to try and insure box office and EON still spooked about almost losing control of the franchise would only hire directors who would put up with intense micromanaging.  That Brosnan had McTeirnan, Ang Lee and Tarantino interested in making a Bond film with him and he got Apted, Spottiswood and Tamahori says it all.

Edited by TalismanRing
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Sean Connery was the Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Junior of its time.


Biggest movie star in the world.


Highest paid actor.


Respect to the Man that started it all.


He's also still the best Bond.  There's a reason they still say "the best since Connery" no matter which new Bond actor they're touting.

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My first experience of Bond was the Dalton ones on VHS before Goldeneye was even in cinemas, so I have a slightly irrational appreciation for those two. I'm glad Dalton has got his due since Craig's casting though - him being the butt of jokes during the 90s was totally unwarranted.

Dalton is probably the closest of any of the Bond actors to the Bond in the Ian Flemings books.

Dalton's main problem was he never had a really good script. The Living Daylights was a pretty good one,but badly flawed,and Licence To Kill was just poorly written,and tried to turn Bond in a 1980's Arnie/stallion style action hero..which was a huge mistake. They had begun work on a script for the third Dalton film when some severe legal problems sprang up,and the series was in legal limbo for Six Years. Dalton withdrew because he felt he was too old for the role in 1994,when the legal problems were settled.

Irony is that Dalton was considered for Bond way back in 1968, after Connory left, and Dalton was considered to be one of the most promising young British actors. He took himself out of the competition by saying he wanted to play Bond, but felt he was too young for the role.

He was offered it nearly 20 Years later after Piece Brosnan had to withdraw as Moore's replacement because NBC refused to let him out of his Remington Steel contract. THere is a history of actors who for various reasons have to pass on Bond being given a second chance.Roger Moore was one of the finalist for being the first Bond back in 1962,but they went for an Unknown Sean Connory instead.

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Dalton is probably the closest of any of the Bond actors to the Bond in the Ian Flemings books.

Dalton's main problem was he never had a really good script. The Living Daylights was a pretty good one,but badly flawed,and Licence To Kill was just poorly written,and tried to turn Bond in a 1980's Arnie/stallion style action hero..which was a huge mistake. They had begun work on a script for the third Dalton film when some severe legal problems sprang up,and the series was in legal limbo for Six Years. Dalton withdrew because he felt he was too old for the role in 1994,when the legal problems were settled.

Irony is that Dalton was considered for Bond way back in 1968, after Connory left, and Dalton was considered to be one of the most promising young British actors. He took himself out of the competition by saying he wanted to play Bond, but felt he was too young for the role.

He was offered it nearly 20 Years later after Piece Brosnan had to withdraw as Moore's replacement because NBC refused to let him out of his Remington Steel contract. THere is a history of actors who for various reasons have to pass on Bond being given a second chance.Roger Moore was one of the finalist for being the first Bond back in 1962,but they went for an Unknown Sean Connory instead.

Well, shit. That means we're getting Henry Cavill as Bond, then. 

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