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Shawn Robbins

May 4, 2012 Weekend (AVENGERS Opening Discussion): ACTUAL 207.4 mill!!!!

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Anyway, as I've said earlier, being Disney, I wouldn't necessarily try and get the film rights back for Spidey, but instead convince Sony to let them use him in TA. Putting him in TA might actually help the Spider-Man brand. Anyway, after TA's huge OW, I think Sony has more to gain from Spidey being in TA than Disney, although, I think both have something to gain.

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If Marvel Studios got Spider-Man back, the world would explode. I'd rather see them get Fantastic Four back, since those have gotten the shaft in terms of movies. At least with X-Men, First Class was good. And with Spider-Man, the first two were good. Both Fantasic Four movies sucked.

Truth be told I'm not sure the Avengers need Spider-Man, and vice versa. Even if Marvel had the film rights to both, I'd hope they would keep them seperate. Spider-Man is better solo. It would be enough to acknowledge the existence of the Avengers, or FF, or whoever.That said I do wish Marvel would get the rights back. There is little doubt they'd make a better movie, and it would be a fresh start for the character. Give him a clean break and he's the premier hero again.
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Avatar goes down folks. Believe it. This is a massive four quadrant hit, made $200 mio in only 3 days, reviews and WOM are spectacular, audience reactions during the movie indicate highest level of enjoyment, first real must-see next is SWAT on May 29 (yeah,yeha, I know that Battleship and MIB3 cut into its audience but I doubt great buzz and ability to cut TA`s legs).

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Avatar goes down folks. Believe it. This is a massive four quadrant hit, made $200 mio in only 3 days, reviews and WOM are spectacular, audience reactions during the movie indicate highest level of enjoyment, first real must-see next is SWAT on May 29 (yeah,yeha, I know that Battleship and MIB3 cut into its audience but I doubt great buzz and ability to cut TA`s legs).

The multiplier that you are predicting is near impossible.
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In terms of quality TIH was amazing. By far the best Marvel film, better than I'm and TA in my book.

DC/Batman/WB fans always seem to say this, I imagine because Marvel fans regard it as the lesser of the Avengers tie-ins. Which it surely is. Seriously, IM2 is far better than TIH.
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Is the Disney CEO job one of the most coveted in the world? Think about it, worlds largest media empire until your direction and control in this era with how powerful these parent conglomerates have become

Except Disney has had a knack for choosing some very incompetent people to run the company.
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If Marvel Studios got Spider-Man back, the world would explode. I'd rather see them get Fantastic Four back, since those have gotten the shaft in terms of movies. At least with X-Men, First Class was good. And with Spider-Man, the first two were good. Both Fantasic Four movies sucked.

X-Men 2 was a great film imo, better than The Avengers as well.
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DC/Batman/WB fans always seem to say this, I imagine because Marvel fans regard it as the lesser of the Avengers tie-ins. Which it surely is. Seriously, IM2 is far better than TIH.

IM2 is shit. TIH is solid, but the Avengers version of Hulk blows it completely out of the water.
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DC/Batman/WB fans always seem to say this, I imagine because Marvel fans regard it as the lesser of the Avengers tie-ins. Which it surely is. Seriously, IM2 is far better than TIH.

I disagree completely. IM2 is the definition of forgettable mediocrity; at least TIH was rather enjoyable.
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Disney will surely get the film rights back to all relevant Marvel properties before too long. It just seems like something they'd do. Corporations only franchise out of necessity, and Disney sure as heck doesn't need Sony's money.

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IM2 is shit. TIH is solid, but the Avengers version of Hulk blows it completely out of the water.

Fuckin A! Ruffalo was perfection and the writing on the character (both Banner and the Other Guy) was spotless.
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We have this breaking news update, a message being delivered by Christopher Nolan on the Batman Channel:

On this day, May 6, 2012 — a date which will live in infamy — the United Nolanites of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by cinematic forces of the Marvel Empire.

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