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I just had the craziest idea.


19th century musical romance Empire and dystopian saga The Reign Of Griswell were both films scheduled for Y7, but never ended up coming through. So what if I ended up fusing the two together? That is, what if I made The Reign Of Griswell into a musical? It would be a rather dark rock opera, not like many musicals before.

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I just had the craziest idea.


19th century musical romance Empire and dystopian saga The Reign Of Griswell were both films scheduled for Y7, but never ended up coming through. So what if I ended up fusing the two together? That is, what if I made The Reign Of Griswell into a musical? It would be a rather dark rock opera, not like many musicals before.


You could've said only those 3 words and I would have approved the idea.

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Expect a big update in the studio plans section of Hourglass Pictures today.


We've also confirmed that Guy Pearce has been cast as the lead in our first Y8 oscar contender. More details to follow.

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Numerator Pictures Unveils Character List, Plot Details, and a Title For Upcoming Star Wars Film
After many months of slow development, Numerator Pictures is finally ready to share with the public some major details about the first of its planned series of Star Wars films, expanding the franchise's universe. And that first film is to be called...

Studio executives tell us they chose that title to convey that this particular series takes place during one of the summits of power for the Galactic Republic which audiences saw in its final days in the Prequel Trilogy. "These films take place where the Republic after a thousand years of peace and expansion is confident, in bringing the galaxy under its control, only to find that it has underestimated just how vulnerable it really is to both exterior and interior problems." The films take place nearly 4,000 years before the prequels, so many parts of the galaxy still are untamed and outside of the Republic and a good chunk of our opening films take place in these fringe areas where our protagonists can only rely on themselves to navigate the difficult surroundings.
To be more specific about Age of the Republic, we're told that the film draws inspiration from the Tales of the Jedi comic series in the 90s, in particular the Beast Wars of Onderon story arc. Director Andrew Stanton fills us in on the premise: "Onderon is a wild colony world just beyond the border of the Republic and is petitioning to join, but is caught in the middle of a civil war. So the Jedi Order asks one of its most respected Masters to intervene, and that Master sends his four best former and current students to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However those students soon discover that not only is the political situation far more complicated than they thought, they also discover a link between the planet's strife and an ancient Dark Side foe thought vanquished centuries earlier." Stanton tells us that the tone of the film will be that of a classical adventure piece with sweeping setpieces and lush visuals. "I'd compare it to John Carter but that film has kind of a jinxed reputation these days" he joked.
Meet the Cast
Armie Hammer- Ulic Qel-Droma, the film's Jedi Knight protagonist. Stanton tells us that Ulic is in many respects a classic hero with an extra dash of overconfidence and arrogance.
Eddie Redmayne- Cay Qel-Droma, Ulic's younger brother and the secondary protagonist, he's more passive and intuitive compared to his cocky brother
Ciarán Hinds- Arca Jeth, a venerable Jedi Master who sends his current and former students to intervene on Onderon. Stanton says that Arca sees the Onderon situation as a valuable teaching lesson for his students, unaware of the darker core to the planet's history.

Joan Allen- Queen Amanoa, the ruling Queen of Onderon. Allen describes her character as an outwardly benevolent dictator but with an iron spine and a zero-tolerance policy for dissent.

Joel Kinnaman- Tott Doneeta, the most senior of Arca's students and the voice of reason amongst the four. Will be wearing prosthetics and makeup to portray a Twi'lek.

Teresa Palmer- Krynda Draay, the youngest and least experienced of the students. Krynda is the only character not from the Tales of the Jedi comics. She has been imported into this series as a younger iteration of herself from the recent KOTOR comic series as a way of merging various EU strands together.

Iain Glen- Novar, Amanoa's right-hand man and a fierce, uncompromising warrior. Glen tells us that while Novar initially comes off as just muscle, there's more than meets the eye to him. Novar is a character greatly expanded and changed from the Tales of the Jedi comic series, where he only appeared on a couple pages as a palace flunky.

Brit Marling- Galia, Amanoa's daughter and a more reasoned, diplomatic personality than her mother

Oscar Issac- Oron Kira, one of the warlords leading the rebel forces on Onderon



Star Wars: Age of the Republic comes out May 17, Year 9.

Edited by 4815162342
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Casting Updates for Y8:


-Guy Pearce has been confirmed for the lead of Desolation, the 10-year saga of a man's life in prison, and the effects on his family.


-Mark Whalberg is joining the cast of Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass: Volume 2.

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I'm not sure if I will bye Eddie Redmayne for that role. Kudos for casting Brit Marling.


Have you read the source material I am extracting the characters from? I'm simply taking that and giving more depth and separation between the two brothers, since Ulic really is incredibly cocky and sure of himself and Cay generally is telling him "whoa brother take it a bit slower" and is the more grounded of the two. Casting Hammer and Redmayne highlights their differences since Redmayne's main roles in real life aren't all that dissimilar (My Week with Marilyn, Les Miserables, etc).

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O$corp Pictures Update on King's of Cataclysm


After several changes to the cast, budget, running time, and story, King's of Cataclysm is ready to go for May 18th, 8. First let's address the technical changes. King's of Cataclysm was originally going to be split into two films but O$corp pictures decided it would be best to just compact both parts into one big film since the story for Part 1 could be potentially seen as dry, too "introductiony", and actionless. O$corp Pictures feared King's of Cataclysm (Part 1) would become a Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey all talking and little action. The film will increase its budget to 200M. (Part 1 was going to be 105M while Part 2 was going to be 150M.) This in the end saves between 5-10 million, which is terrific. However this packing of two parts comes at a price. The running time is 3 hours and 20 minutes which is long. The film also needed to add several characters to the cast list, which has changed. It is a surprise the film hasn't been delayed. Any way here is the new updated cast!



Josiah- Chris Evans- The son of a wealthy family who resides in Washington D.C. He falls in love with the beautiful and mysterious Kimberly. He conflicted whether to live the easy, safe, and majestic upper class life or join Kimberly and the rebels in liberating the Americas. 


Kimberly- Keira Knightley- She is the protagonist of the film. She is taken from her family at the age of 25 to "work" as a slave in the wealthy aristocratic homes in Washington D.C. She soon begins to enchant the entire city with her beauty, charm, and out-spokenness against the current tide of the government. She soon finds herself in the middle of a conflict, that could end the over 300 year old nation. 


Logan- Dane DeHaan- He is a cousin of Kimberly back at her home village in the Midwest. He vows to find Kimberly after her capture. He also is a big player in the rebellion against the government and upper class. 


Grace- Carey Mulligan- She is Logan's friend and she joins Logan in finding Kimberly. She is a Catholic nun and even though her kind is suppressed by the government, she is against rebellion and seeks peace, love, and gentleness. 


Diana- Freida Pinto- She a slave girl from Mumbai, India that Kimberly meets in Washington D.C. She is a close friend and ally of Kimberly. She is for the rebellion. 


Paul- Jamie Bell- He is Josiah's friend. He is an antagonist and an ally of the USA. He despises anybody from the lower classes. 


President James Stanton- Michael Fassbender- He is a tyrannical ruler of the United States of America and the main antagonist. 


First Lady Sofia- Nicole Kidman- She is the wife of President James Stanton. She doesn't approve of her husbands tactics and she seeks to humanize him. 


General Andrews- Leonardo DiCaprio- He is the leader of the USA Army and advise of President James Stanton. He is ruthless but more human than President James Stanton since he came from humble origins. 


Lydia- Michelle Pfeiffer- She is the main leader in the rebellion against the government. She controls the northern states. She seeks to completely wipe the USA off the map and from history and she wants to completely wipe out the upper class aristocrats. Her ways are radical, somewhat inhumane, and questioned but her leadership is strong. She gets her ideals from the French Revolution and Soviet Revolution. She is a idol of Logan but her and Grace have a mutual dislike for each other since the views are opposite. 


Darius- Morgan Freeman- He is the main leader of the rebellion and controls the southern states. He often questions Lydia's judgment. He seeks to reform the USA not end it entirely with the rebellion. He is 95 years old and is the only person alive from the pre-totalitarian age of USA. He believes that the USA can be reformed and live on.  


Scott- Daniel Craig- He is the military commander for the rebels and is conflicted on, which side to join (Darius or Lydia). 

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The main team for "Hand Drawn" heroes has been confirmed.


Popeye The Salior Man (voiced by Mark Hamill)

Darkwing Duck (voiced by Jim Cummings)

Underdog (voiced by P.J. Byrne)

Rocky (voiced by Ashly Burch)

Bullwinkle (voiced by Alan Tudyk)

Fred Flinstone (voiced by James Arnold Taylor)

Betty Boop (voiced by Vanessa Bayer)

Inspector Sketchit (a new character voiced by Neil Patrick Harris)

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Blankments Sets Dates for Upcoming Sequels to Y7 Hits!


Following Y7, Blankments did its yearly announcements of sequels of hit films of the previous year. Mega-hit Justice League will be releasing its sequel in the beginning of May in Year 11, following three years of three releases of DC superhero movies. "Phase 2" is currently planned to be a nine-film enterprise, culminating in Justice League 2. Brad Bird will return to direct and write.


Already announced, there will be another film of the popular My Little Pony film franchise releasing September Year 8. However, Lauren Faust will not direct or even be involved with the new film, probably due to the continuing legal struggle between Hasbro, Blankments Productions, and 906 Studios. Instead, the film will be directed by James Wooton, a first time feature film director, but a supervising director on the MLP TV series. 


Two surprise hits of Year 7 will be getting sequels. Edgar Wright will be back to helm a currently untitled sequel to Miserable Fans. All the cast is back, although it will focus on Javier Bardem's character from the original and his quest for redemption. It will also draw from classic literature and musicals as a source for humor. Among the Hidden was a big hit in Y7, and Andrew Niccol will return to the realm of the Shadow Children in Among the Imposters, releasing November Year 9.


There were three major sequels that released in Year 7 from Blankments Productions, and they will all receive sequels. LucIIId has been scheduled for July Year 9, featuring a return of the cast and a promise of it being the final film. Mark Ruffalo was announced to have a major role in the film, and people were reassured that Benedict Cumberbatch's character, who appeared without explanation at the end of LucIId, will be explained and will essentially be the third main character of the film. The second installment of Blankments' take on the Arthurian legends did well enough to produce The Once and Future King: The Ill-Made Knight, scheduled for release Christmas Y9. Casting is still underway for the title character of Lancelot. Finally, Bone - Harvest will release in February of Year 10, the finale of the Bone trilogy.


Blankments is excited for all of these sequels, and continue bringing audiences returning stories along with original properties!

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Blankments Sets Dates for Upcoming Sequels to Y7 Hits!


Following Y7, Blankments did its yearly announcements of sequels of hit films of the previous year. Mega-hit Justice League will be releasing its sequel in the beginning of May in Year 11, following three years of three releases of DC superhero movies.


Well this will be interesting.

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Spike Jonze and Anna Kendrick Will Reteam For Year 9 Sequel; Based Off Same Fanfiction, New Chapters


More Info On Last Night's Surprise Oscar Announcement


Blankments Productions last evening announced post-Oscars that a sequel to A Woman in the Crowd, nominated for seven Academy Awards and having $300M+ in Worldwide gross, was in production. Now we have more info on this film. "A often response we saw to Woman was that people wanted to know what gave Lyra her curse," Spike Jonze said. "Well, I plan on bringing them that answer." The new film will actually be three sequels filmed back-to-back, titled A Tune Without Name and Lyra Marshall, respectively. Anna Kendrick will return as Lyra Marshall, along with the entire supporting cast of the original film. In addition, Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast in a pivotal new role for the film. The films will release in Year 9 and 10 respectively, and will based off further chapters of Background Pony, the fanfiction source material of the original film.

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More Info On Last Night's Surprise Oscar AnnouncementBlankments Productions last evening announced post-Oscars that a sequel to A Woman in the Crowd, nominated for seven Academy Awards and having $300M+ in Worldwide gross, was in production. Now we have more info on this film. "A often response we saw to Woman was that people wanted to know what gave Lyra her curse," Spike Jonze said. "Well, I plan on bringing them that answer." The new film will actually be three sequels filmed back-to-back, titled A Tune Without Name and Lyra Marshall, respectively. Anna Kendrick will return as Lyra Marshall, along with the entire supporting cast of the original film. In addition, Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast in a pivotal new role for the film. The films will release in Year 9 and 10 respectively, and will based off further chapters of Background Pony, the fanfiction source material of the original film.

:pcwhack: Edited by Alpha
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