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  1. 1. Grade Prometheus

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your comparisons are a joke and don't make much sense.

I disagree, and since you're not willing, or able, to go into specifics about why they don't make sense, this conversation is pointless.
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Even though I liked it more than you, I agree (generally) with much that you say here.

I think it's great that you did. Overall I had a good time at it and I didn't find anything disruptive during the movie. I seem to have this thing where I can selectively ignore things that bother me during a movie so it doesn't generally spoil my immersion ("That was unnecessary" (shrug it off) "Oooh, that was cool", etc) so I came out of it having enjoyed it overall. The lack of leaving more things unexplained and mysterious just robbed me of some additional slack-jawed wonder is all. So that's not a bad thing, just a missed opportunity.I think the fascinating thing about this movie is the range of people finding it too ambiguous, not mysterious enough, or a mix of both. Films usually go full-tilt one way or the other.
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Yeah, this is definitely one of the more polarizing movies out there right now, in the geek community at least. With stupid moments, sometimes I can laugh 'em away, sometimes I can't. For me, the behavior of the two scientists was the laughable sort -- there are always dumbasses in thrillers and horror films. It didn't bug me that much. Where I felt the movie was weakest structurally were a few post-surgery scenes -- it felt like there were gaps, like I had accidentally skipped to the next chapter on the DVD. But after they wake up the Engineer, I pretty much loved everything after that.There are definitely some remarkably strange/stupid/poorly-executed moments in the movie.... but that being said, it's stuck with me for the past few days. The good stuff in it, the stuff that (to me) sparks further thought and discussion, and a desire to see it again.

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Agreed, discussion is always fun and any movie that gives you that spark is an experience to be treasured. That's why we go to the movies in the first place afterall. I think a lot of the perceived plot holes wouldn't have existed if they hadn't tried to explain a little too much. Leave something totally open ended (backstory of the original Alien) then it feels like you've been tossed into a world with a full history that went on and we have fun inventing our version. Leave part of it open ended and then try to explain part of it and you can wind up with people that don't find the given explanation jived well with their interpretation of the unexplained parts.

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I gave it a 6 or a 6.5 out of 10...can't decide. But I didn't hate it. I obviously didn't love it and I will see it again now that I have all four Alien films fresh in my mind. I warched all four in a 24 hour span on the weekend, after Prometheus disappointed me.

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I'll be interesting in seeing what your second-time thoughts are, baumer -- though I don't think that the other Alien movies will help that much in terms of meaning or explanation.However, I entirely approve of saga binge-viewing either before or after a big new movie. :) I watched ALIEN and ALIENS last weekend and am planning to do the same thing for TDKR and THE HOBBIT.

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^^ Yes, that's another reason why I hope it's successful enough to spark other ventures in this sort of territory (big-budget science-fiction aimed at adults). There's a ton of generic cookie-cutter movies these days, aimed at the geek crowd. Some of them are good cookie-cutter, some of 'em aren't. But I really want some films that take some serious risks and aren't afraid to hang out on the ledge. Hopefully PROMETHEUS can lead the way (stumbles and all), and ELYSIUM, GRAVITY and others can follow.

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I tend to stay away from early reviews of movies I'm already excited about (especially AICN stuff) -- sometimes they spoil the oddest little things, and since I'm already interested, I'd rather stay in the dark (for the most part).But I'm very excited about it, and I'm glad the early buzz is hot.

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Comparing Prometheus to Phantom Menace is so beyond absurd and horribly wrong.

I agree. But I love the polarizing reactions to this. Its very clear people that wanted a direct linear non-thinker Alien prequel with everything we've seen already are pissed off. The ironic part about that is that most of them would probably agree Alien and Aliens can't be topped without doing anything new. I mean, after those 2 movies, what else could've been done with the Xenomorph? The scope of Prometheus is undoubetebly bigger than Alien and Aliens and the possibilities for sequels are virtually unlimited. I'm looking forward to learning more about the engineers in the sequels. Edited by Shpongle
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I agree. But I love the polarizing reactions to this. Its very clear people that wanted a direct linear non-thinker Alien prequel with everything we've seen already are pissed off. The ironic part about that is that most of them would probably agree Alien and Aliens can't be topped without doing anything new. I mean, after those 2 movies, what else could've been done with the Xenomorph? The scope of Prometheus is undoubetebly bigger than Alien and Aliens and the possibilities for sequels are virtually unlimited. I'm looking forward to learning more about the engineers in the sequels.

I find it endlessly amusing that you continue to use loaded phrases like 'non-thinker' in a fashion that basically comes down to 'if you didn't like it you're dumb or should just go watch Transformers or something'. You really should try to break that habit.Prometheus...starting around about an hour or so in (I don't really feel like messing with the spoiler stuff or I'd point out the exact scene) becomes a fairly dumb one note movie. With very little to distinguish it (other than flashy visuals) from a run of the mill horror movie (except that it isn't really scary at all). I'll admit that the first half is more clever, but they don't go anywhere worthwhile with it.I just struggle with a movie's ATTEMPT at being smart being equal to being smart nowadays (Maybe we HAVE fallen that far but I'm not ready to give up the fight just yet). As if they should get an A for effort.I see plenty of GREAT theories flying around that flesh out the movie. But I'm sorry....I don't think we should promote the writer on a film providing roughly 30% of the content of a story and then rely on the fanbase to flesh out the rest. It's absurd and in my opinion promotes this type of behavior from the David Lindelhassenhoffen (or whatever his name is) screenwriters of the world (See! Look at all this awesome debate about my screenplay! Sure it was vague and light on details but I'm so clever!).And as far as disappointing Alien fans I say this...either tie it into the previous movies completely....or don't tie it in AT ALL. This mish mash we got was an attempt by Ridley Scott to have his cake and eat it too....you have the financial comfort of a sequel of sorts without the risk of a totally new IP. Bleh. Edited by Adm56
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Its very clear people that wanted a direct linear non-thinker Alien prequel with everything we've seen already are pissed off.

The opposite is true. The more you think about this movie the stupider it becomes.
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The opposite is true. The more you think about this movie the stupider it becomes.

Thats a great indepth and subjective analysis.Face it guys, the Xenomorph has run its course. Prometheus is going to turn a good profit and there will be sequels. I have no problem with Xenomorphs appearing in the next films(I'd like that a lot actually), but as far as being the main focus, nada and I think Ridley Scott knows you can't keep beating a dead horse. If you don't like it, stay home next time. Edited by Shpongle
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Thats a great indepth and subjective analysis.

Thank you.Here's a quote from a Bleeding Cool article that sums it up nicely:"PROMETHEUS is like the sexiest, most gorgeous supermodel you’ve ever seen. She looks great, moves beautifully and you can’t take your eyes off her. She even seems to speak well, but gradually, you start to realise that everything she says is complete and utter nonsense."
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Thank you.Here's a quote from a Bleeding Cool article that sums it up nicely:"PROMETHEUS is like the sexiest, most gorgeous supermodel you’ve ever seen. She looks great, moves beautifully and you can’t take your eyes off her. She even seems to speak well, but gradually, you start to realise that everything she says is complete and utter nonsense."

I can't argue with your opinion because the film is designed to make you draw your own conclusions as to whats happening. I liked what I pieced together, you didn't. You can stop trying to change my mind now lol. Now go watch some sooperheeroz and splosions! Edited by Shpongle
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yads, you did bring up one point I agree with. After the surgery, you know, how was she able to run so much. I mean, I thought the whole time those staples would burst, and I was like why doesn't Vickers want to decontaminate her like she did to her husband. And, everyone acts all normal like the blood over her is nothing. That did bother me a bit.

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