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Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | Now available on home video

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Great trailer! It's more spoilerish than a Disney trailer for the domestic market would be, though, as usual for Japan (it's harder to get Japanese people hyped up enough about movies to actually get them to go to the theater). At 0:46 the top line says "Anna and the Snow Queen" (Frozen), which ought to give it a little box office boost in that country. They've also managed to incorporate Baymax's face into Big Hero 6's title ("Baymax" in Japan), like they did with the little snowflake in Frozen's title.

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Maybe I missed something, but aside from his intellect and prowess in robotics, what are Hiro's powers? I mean as in fighting powers based on his suit. Are he and Baymax merely like Master Blaster in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome? :D

In addition,

One would think that he could do something about those microbots used by Yokai since Hiro was the one who invented them in the first place.

But that's getting ahead of ourselves. I still wonder about Hiro's "powers" though. Maybe it's supposed to be a surprise (nothing would be a surprise, too).

Edited by Melvin Frohike
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WIRED's NOVEMBER issue will have this cover and also talk about the Disney revival





This online article seems to at least be related, if not the article itself (might be):


In the meantime, Pixar employees have somewhat recently pointed out that a lot of the reasons that their working conditions haven't been as creatively conducive as before involve Lasseter, which could be taken to imply that he was at least one factor in the slump they've been mired in for a while now (not at the box office, but you know what I mean).

I'm in no position to know firsthand, but the impression I get is that his relationship with WDAS has been stronger and more positive than his relationship with Pixar over the past few years, which may be reflected/indicated in part by how he's been pushing Pixar projects back while moving WDAS projects up in the schedule to compensate (Disney always needs movies to release from somebody). Generally all of these projects run into serious difficulty at some point, with Frozen, for example, needing to be rewritten from scratch shortly before full production (pretty extreme), but Lasseter moved this and at least one other WDAS project ahead by a full year :o--now that really shows his confidence in the staff involved.

My point is not to bag on Pixar while putting WDAS on a pedestal because the latter have obviously been there, too, and far worse not so long ago (largely because of serious leadership deficiencies in their executives), but that WDAS deserve most of the credit for what they've accomplished. Lasseter is great at what he does, generally speaking, but if his leadership were really perfect and he had some sort of magic touch, then Pixar wouldn't have been struggling and complaining about him. And while Pixar's Braintrust still provides valuable, honest feedback, it is ultimately up to WDAS' filmmakers to make these animated features, and they're the ones--along with every other member of the staff who contributed--who deserve the credit.

I just think that the article fawns a bit too much on Lasseter and some other things, while the reality is that WDAS has made great movies before even with meddling executives. Lasseter and his boss Bob Iger are certainly a great improvement over the regime that threatened to destroy WDAS, but aside from contributing significantly to the movies himself as a filmmaker, mostly what Lasseter did was let WDAS be themselves and have the confidence to do this. He deserves a lot of credit, to be sure, but let's not go overboard.

Edited by Melvin Frohike
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